  • Jan 9, 2020
    Scott Raiden

    Kales power is no less of an asspull than Broly.

    She's basically set up to be the Hulk/Berzerker/LSSJ of Universe 6.
    Now what is a true asspull is her gaining control of her Super Saiyan form so quickly in the TOP.

    Original Broly wasn't canon though lmfao

  • Jan 9, 2020

    No her skills didn't look polished lol. Go look at the episode when Goku toyed with her. Whis even mentions that Caulifa is no match for Goku because she doesn't know Martial arts, she's just out there throwing punches lol.

    You're taking my words to literally

    Just her movements and everything looked good for somebody who supposedly hasn't trained

    Of course Goku gonna make her look bad lmao

    But she looked like a fighter who's been in plenty of fights before

    If she does get proper training and experience then she gonna be cold

  • Jan 9, 2020
    1 reply

    What lol? Nobody complains about 17 in Super because it was said he uses the poachers as training fodder and that he uses the animals as training too. He never stopped training for 10+ years.

    Again that was the anime adding a form for merchandise. It's technically not a new form just Trucks rage Personified.

    Goten in Super was at least used! Goten in GT wasn't and when he was it was because he got infected by Baby.

    We don't know if the ending will be changed.

    Not sure what sites you use but 17 being that strong has been heavily criticized lol. The amount of hate the episode of him fighting Goku got on reddit was insane.

    Fighting off poachers should not have him competing anywhere with where Goku is 😂 just another horrendous move from Super.

    You can make any excuse you want for the show, fact is that’s what the vast majority of people choose over reading the manga and that Trunks s*** was awful.

    Goten was used in Super?? What? Lmao is this opposite day? He literally isn’t shown but for 5 seconds in the Black arc, never has an interaction with Future Trunks. He literally does nothing in any arc of the show. In GT he has a few fights at least.

    The ending might be minimally changed, clearly leading to Uub encounter either way.

  • Jan 9, 2020
    1 reply

    the back and forth discussing of which ass pulls are worse from which successor to DB is why this series dead lol

    Sadly some people weirdly hate on one or the other instead of realizing both had disastrous decisions & moments.

    I enjoy both Super & GT, but the bending over backwards to defend Super is pretty embarrassing at this point.

    Granted I disagree that the series is “dead” in any way it’s still super popular, but any DB series after that long a wait would be to be fair.

  • Jan 10, 2020
    1 reply

    Sadly some people weirdly hate on one or the other instead of realizing both had disastrous decisions & moments.

    I enjoy both Super & GT, but the bending over backwards to defend Super is pretty embarrassing at this point.

    Granted I disagree that the series is “dead” in any way it’s still super popular, but any DB series after that long a wait would be to be fair.

    Last time I was updated, this wasn’t doing very good well in Japan

  • Jan 10, 2020

    Last time I was updated, this wasn’t doing very good well in Japan

    The anime? Nah it was consistently top 10 every week and usually more in that 5-6 range.

    No clue on how manga is doing but that’s not really relevant imo.

  • Jan 11, 2020
    2 replies

    Not sure what sites you use but 17 being that strong has been heavily criticized lol. The amount of hate the episode of him fighting Goku got on reddit was insane.

    Fighting off poachers should not have him competing anywhere with where Goku is 😂 just another horrendous move from Super.

    You can make any excuse you want for the show, fact is that’s what the vast majority of people choose over reading the manga and that Trunks s*** was awful.

    Goten was used in Super?? What? Lmao is this opposite day? He literally isn’t shown but for 5 seconds in the Black arc, never has an interaction with Future Trunks. He literally does nothing in any arc of the show. In GT he has a few fights at least.

    The ending might be minimally changed, clearly leading to Uub encounter either way.

    Well honestly, a lot of the "ass pulls" that Dragonball fans complain about just come from things not being explained well enough previously.

    For example, Roshis power boost is called an "Asspull" bc AT neglected the Human characters while the Aliens got the boosts in Z, but I dont recall him ever saying that the Humans have no potential to get significantly stronger. He just didnt write them to for a long time and fans perceived it to be low potential.

    Roshi at 300 yrs old was the strongest Human (or one of the strongest) on Earth before Goku and Krillin came around. So he already had above average potential to begin with. It makes perfect sense that him secretly training and honing himself since Gohan has 4 yrs old would make him comparable (but still weaker) to Base Goku at full strength imo.

    Same for 17. We never had any explanation of how being made Androids affects their power or potential power. Dr. Gero taking 2 normal Humans (PL 5) and making them significantly above SSJ using Earthly technology only is an "asspull" in of itself. Its very possible that the Android upgrades make increasing your power level easier or quicker than it does with a natural body.

    Honestly a good amt of what people view as Ass pulls just come from AT not thinking deeply into the series to be able to explain things in consistent detail, and then going against established Fan opinion later on.

  • Jan 11, 2020

    Now certain things, like the Potara Retcon in Dragonball Super, are 100% asspulls bc it goes against what was clearly established in the canon.

    If 2 Non-Gods can't stay fused forever, then that means Elder Kai's backstory doesn't make sense since hes technically the fusion of a Kai/Deity and a Witch.

  • Jan 11, 2020
    1 reply
    Scott Raiden

    Well honestly, a lot of the "ass pulls" that Dragonball fans complain about just come from things not being explained well enough previously.

    For example, Roshis power boost is called an "Asspull" bc AT neglected the Human characters while the Aliens got the boosts in Z, but I dont recall him ever saying that the Humans have no potential to get significantly stronger. He just didnt write them to for a long time and fans perceived it to be low potential.

    Roshi at 300 yrs old was the strongest Human (or one of the strongest) on Earth before Goku and Krillin came around. So he already had above average potential to begin with. It makes perfect sense that him secretly training and honing himself since Gohan has 4 yrs old would make him comparable (but still weaker) to Base Goku at full strength imo.

    Same for 17. We never had any explanation of how being made Androids affects their power or potential power. Dr. Gero taking 2 normal Humans (PL 5) and making them significantly above SSJ using Earthly technology only is an "asspull" in of itself. Its very possible that the Android upgrades make increasing your power level easier or quicker than it does with a natural body.

    Honestly a good amt of what people view as Ass pulls just come from AT not thinking deeply into the series to be able to explain things in consistent detail, and then going against established Fan opinion later on.

    I coulda sworn at the end of Cell saga 17 & 18 were brought back as humans. So the whole “they don’t fatigue” thing in Super was a moment

  • Jan 11, 2020
    1 reply

    All these arguments reminding me of Mondo Cool

  • Jan 11, 2020
    Mr Motion

    I coulda sworn at the end of Cell saga 17 & 18 were brought back as humans. So the whole “they don’t fatigue” thing in Super was a moment

    They weren’t. Krillin just wished for the bombs to be removed. They are technically already “human” with technological enhancements

  • Jan 11, 2020
    1 reply
    Scott Raiden

    Well honestly, a lot of the "ass pulls" that Dragonball fans complain about just come from things not being explained well enough previously.

    For example, Roshis power boost is called an "Asspull" bc AT neglected the Human characters while the Aliens got the boosts in Z, but I dont recall him ever saying that the Humans have no potential to get significantly stronger. He just didnt write them to for a long time and fans perceived it to be low potential.

    Roshi at 300 yrs old was the strongest Human (or one of the strongest) on Earth before Goku and Krillin came around. So he already had above average potential to begin with. It makes perfect sense that him secretly training and honing himself since Gohan has 4 yrs old would make him comparable (but still weaker) to Base Goku at full strength imo.

    Same for 17. We never had any explanation of how being made Androids affects their power or potential power. Dr. Gero taking 2 normal Humans (PL 5) and making them significantly above SSJ using Earthly technology only is an "asspull" in of itself. Its very possible that the Android upgrades make increasing your power level easier or quicker than it does with a natural body.

    Honestly a good amt of what people view as Ass pulls just come from AT not thinking deeply into the series to be able to explain things in consistent detail, and then going against established Fan opinion later on.

    Bad writing isn’t much of a defense imo for what most call ass pulls.

    But yes if he actually made a reason in the story that these characters were that strong it wouldn’t be an asspull.

    I don’t even mind the Roshi s*** that much, it didn’t effect the story in a big way.

  • Jan 17, 2020
    1 reply

    What y’all think happened in the 100 years time skip at end of GT

  • Jan 17, 2020

    What y’all think happened in the 100 years time skip at end of GT

    Nothing since GT isn’t canon.

  • Jan 17, 2020
    3 replies

    GT better than most of Z and Super , don’t @ me

  • Jan 17, 2020
    1 reply

    GT better than most of Z and Super , don’t @ me

  • Jan 17, 2020

    I love the original Dragonball, and I loved the Z saga when I was young. When I got old I realized it was terribly written and really boring. They call GT a cash grab. When in reality Z is just a cash grab from the original too.

    Original still undefeated tho.

  • Jan 17, 2020

    GT better than most of Z and Super , don’t @ me

    It’s about equal to Super for me.

    Anyway the end of GT is great and there’s so much potential for stuff in the 100 year timeskip

  • Jan 18, 2020
    2 replies

    All these arguments reminding me of Mondo Cool

    Mondo Cool Gang where we at!!

    Heard Super season 2 coming in July this year. Haven’t been keeping up with the manga since the ToP ended. Debating whether or not I should start reading or just wait for the anime.

  • Jan 18, 2020

    Mondo Cool Gang where we at!!

    Heard Super season 2 coming in July this year. Haven’t been keeping up with the manga since the ToP ended. Debating whether or not I should start reading or just wait for the anime.

    I have been reading the manga. If it’s going straight into the content then it’s gonna be great.

  • Jan 19, 2020

    Bad writing isn’t much of a defense imo for what most call ass pulls.

    But yes if he actually made a reason in the story that these characters were that strong it wouldn’t be an asspull.

    I don’t even mind the Roshi s*** that much, it didn’t effect the story in a big way.

    Its not so much about bad writing

    Its just that AT has never really gone into detail about a lot of things regarding Dragonball

    A lot of the fans' expectations or beliefs about Dragonball are really just fan head canon rather than it ever being confirmed or denied by AT, and they react badly when Toriyama goes against the common fan belief regarding power levels. I cant call it bad writing bc its more about what he left out than what he put into the canon story

  • Jan 19, 2020
    1 reply

    Just caught up with the Moro arc in the manga . If this arc leads to uub , which is heavily hinted . Y’all think this the final arc ?

  • Jan 19, 2020
    1 reply

    GT better than most of Z and Super , don’t @ me

    nothing in GT even touches anything in Z before Buu Saga

  • Jan 19, 2020

    Just caught up with the Moro arc in the manga . If this arc leads to uub , which is heavily hinted . Y’all think this the final arc ?

    Doubt it. It’s definitely going beyond the end of Z imo

  • Jan 19, 2020

    nothing in GT even touches anything in Z before Buu Saga

    That’s like totally your opinion man
