It’s probably gonna be mid and disrespect vegeta but in regardless
It's actually pretty good. Vegeta isn't in the movie until the end so you don't have to worry about that.
tbqh caught the camrip by accident on YT the other day. Storytelling was better than in Broly. Sure, Broly was more hype but overall it felt a bit more complete to me and had better pacing (the big fight in Broly at the end got a bit empty to me on rewatches. didn't feel that Super Hero would have those issues on rewatch).
tbqh caught the camrip by accident on YT the other day. Storytelling was better than in Broly. Sure, Broly was more hype but overall it felt a bit more complete to me and had better pacing (the big fight in Broly at the end got a bit empty to me on rewatches. didn't feel that Super Hero would have those issues on rewatch).
Super Hero is a good movie. People just don't like the animation style so they think it's going to be a bad movie.
Let me know ur thoughts @ShintaroKago
Let me know ur thoughts @ShintaroKago
Lol if this the goku show bjt 4DX hit for nope
1. Super Broly
2. Battle Of Gods
3. OG Broly
4. Cooler's Revenge
5. Super Android 13
6. Bojack Unbound
7. Janemba
8. Broly 2nd Coming
9. Resurrection F
10. Super Hero
11. Tree Of Might
12. Dead Zone
13. Bio Broly
14. Lord Slug
15. Wrath Of The Dragon
16. World's Strongest
Yea it was mid
1. Super Broly
2. Battle Of Gods
3. OG Broly
4. Cooler's Revenge
5. Super Android 13
6. Bojack Unbound
7. Janemba
8. Broly 2nd Coming
9. Resurrection F
10. Super Hero
11. Tree Of Might
12. Dead Zone
13. Bio Broly
14. Lord Slug
15. Wrath Of The Dragon
16. World's Strongest
Yea it was mid
brave as hell, s*** without nostalgia lens doesn't hit for me
Whoa Frieza went and trained for 10 years. Holy.
yeah but another transformation?
writing is becoming more and more fan-fic tier smh
1. Super Broly
2. Battle Of Gods
3. OG Broly
4. Cooler's Revenge
5. Super Android 13
6. Bojack Unbound
7. Janemba
8. Broly 2nd Coming
9. Resurrection F
10. Super Hero
11. Tree Of Might
12. Dead Zone
13. Bio Broly
14. Lord Slug
15. Wrath Of The Dragon
16. World's Strongest
Yea it was mid
super android 13 is at top just for this dialogue alone
1. Super Broly
2. Battle Of Gods
3. OG Broly
4. Cooler's Revenge
5. Super Android 13
6. Bojack Unbound
7. Janemba
8. Broly 2nd Coming
9. Resurrection F
10. Super Hero
11. Tree Of Might
12. Dead Zone
13. Bio Broly
14. Lord Slug
15. Wrath Of The Dragon
16. World's Strongest
Yea it was mid
I know not to trust a mf that has Wrath of the Dragon below Lord Slug and Fusion Reborn not in the top 5
super android 13 is at top just for this dialogue alone
!'s been awhile since I watched the old movies, but the ones with the mid villains like Garlic Jr and Slug were cheeks
Super Android 13 was cool, I always like Cooler, metal cooler a lot less so. Kinda cool design tho
Super Broly was so enjoyable tho and bog was pretty solid, think I appreciate the modern animation improvements much more
I know not to trust a mf that has Wrath of the Dragon below Lord Slug and Fusion Reborn not in the top 5
This guy f***ing SUCKS
I hate when they do the big for nothing ass final boss enemy
Niggas have no personality, they just yell and shoot mouth beams, big slow b****es. It's generic as hell
Give me a human sized villain with a personality everyday of the week