  • Jul 13, 2024

    finally did everything in the DLC except for Enir-Ilim

  • Jul 13, 2024

    I was farming an enemy to get some of its clothes...then I open up my equipment page and turns out I already had 3 pairs from my previous playthrough

  • Jul 13, 2024

    Deflecting tear is such a gamechanger. Makes you play even more aggressively against bosses. I've heard it works wonders against waterfowl so from now on thats how i'll counter it. Used that + blasphemous claw against maliketh and it elevates the boss fight so much

  • Jul 13, 2024
    1 reply

    I got drip for sale

  • Kengi 💭
    Jul 13, 2024
    1 reply

    I'll never understand people who keep saying miquella is evil, like it has no basis aside from preconceived notions. Hes morally grey at worst, but still far from being a negative character. I swear people convinced themselves through memes and supposed berserk "parallels" that hes another evil twink. Its sad because It undermines the writing behind his character a lot, but thats nothing new with the average fandom online unfortunately. Same goes for people who now because of her backstory excuse Marika of all the foul atrocities she's done multiple times since she became a goddess.

    people imo misunderstand the charm. They act like Miquella is taking peoples free will but both Ansbach and Thollier even charmed do not follow Miquella. They do not oppose him but even in his very first dialogue Ansbach explains that he first wants to investigate Miquella. The only thing the charm does is make people not kill each other just like Leda says. They are also all fully aware of the charm.

    So yeah I think given what happens in all the other endings happens I believe Miquellas solution is really far from evil. However it is also not perfect. But so are neither of the endings. But since its us who become lords Miquella turns out to be our rival so we have to kill him.

    I also think people just downright hate him cause its a tough boss. Similar to Malenia who is also a very tragic character

  • Jul 13, 2024
    1 reply

    I lost my Morgott’s Cursed Blade not in my inventory or my storage. Wanted to use it as my secondary weapon on this build had it at +10. Maybe I dropped it or accidentally sold it

  • Jul 13, 2024
    1 reply

    people imo misunderstand the charm. They act like Miquella is taking peoples free will but both Ansbach and Thollier even charmed do not follow Miquella. They do not oppose him but even in his very first dialogue Ansbach explains that he first wants to investigate Miquella. The only thing the charm does is make people not kill each other just like Leda says. They are also all fully aware of the charm.

    So yeah I think given what happens in all the other endings happens I believe Miquellas solution is really far from evil. However it is also not perfect. But so are neither of the endings. But since its us who become lords Miquella turns out to be our rival so we have to kill him.

    I also think people just downright hate him cause its a tough boss. Similar to Malenia who is also a very tragic character

    I think the charm also works as people have interpreted it. The bewitching branch and the two grabs in the final fight are proof of that. But, what people forget is that miquella can charm people without using his powers necessarily. After all, almost all of miquella's followers make it clear they intend to maintain their loyalty to him even after the effects of the charm wore off, for good reasons. I dislike that people think that he has no redeeming or charming qualities in him, and all the good will hes gained is simply due to his powers. He gave a home to all whom the golden order neglected, tried his hardest to help with malenia and godwyn's problems, sacrificed all of himself to break all ties with his mother and thus her sins, to prevent himself for making the same mistakes, which of course doesnt completely work, but it doesnt matter, the act in itself was selfless. So his actions are enough to persuade people. His only use for his powers is to convince those who arent on board, and to prevents possible conflict and wars from happening, as you've wrote.
    His biggest faults are derived from his curse - hes a child in mind too.
    He has a naive vision of the world, namely he sees only the good in radahn, is shortsided on his plan to abandon everything (he abandons his love, quite literally, and his other half who needed saving as much as the ostracized), and his dream of a kinder world is impossible in elden ring (and real life too). We as tarnished are proof of that. Despite his powers, he cant change our minds, and we end up killing him.
    Another childish trait is his need for things to go his way. Thats why he doesnt feel wrong for using his powers, or using mohg's corpse with no regards to the blatant disrespect and selfishness of that actions. Its all in pursue of his virtuous plan after all.
    And yet he remains a kind, but naive child who has more wit than the average kid (and demigod lol). Trina doesnt hate him after all, despite being discarded. Her dialogues are very telling of miquella's character.

    Sorry for wall of text!!

  • Jul 13, 2024

    One of my favorite underrated moments was finding euporia. I thought that bridge with the 2 doors wasnt level design but just cool background, and belurat seemingly confirmed it for me. Only for 60 hours later to find myself going through the wildest platforming section in a souls game ever and end up finding a great reward in that same bridge

  • Jul 13, 2024

    Miquella and gon from hunter x hunter are quite close in characterization now that i think about it

  • Kengi 💭
    Jul 13, 2024
    1 reply

    I think the charm also works as people have interpreted it. The bewitching branch and the two grabs in the final fight are proof of that. But, what people forget is that miquella can charm people without using his powers necessarily. After all, almost all of miquella's followers make it clear they intend to maintain their loyalty to him even after the effects of the charm wore off, for good reasons. I dislike that people think that he has no redeeming or charming qualities in him, and all the good will hes gained is simply due to his powers. He gave a home to all whom the golden order neglected, tried his hardest to help with malenia and godwyn's problems, sacrificed all of himself to break all ties with his mother and thus her sins, to prevent himself for making the same mistakes, which of course doesnt completely work, but it doesnt matter, the act in itself was selfless. So his actions are enough to persuade people. His only use for his powers is to convince those who arent on board, and to prevents possible conflict and wars from happening, as you've wrote.
    His biggest faults are derived from his curse - hes a child in mind too.
    He has a naive vision of the world, namely he sees only the good in radahn, is shortsided on his plan to abandon everything (he abandons his love, quite literally, and his other half who needed saving as much as the ostracized), and his dream of a kinder world is impossible in elden ring (and real life too). We as tarnished are proof of that. Despite his powers, he cant change our minds, and we end up killing him.
    Another childish trait is his need for things to go his way. Thats why he doesnt feel wrong for using his powers, or using mohg's corpse with no regards to the blatant disrespect and selfishness of that actions. Its all in pursue of his virtuous plan after all.
    And yet he remains a kind, but naive child who has more wit than the average kid (and demigod lol). Trina doesnt hate him after all, despite being discarded. Her dialogues are very telling of miquella's character.

    Sorry for wall of text!!

    I still disagree with you on the idea of what the charm actually is. Miquella weilds affection towards him. Making you stop the fight in the final battle =/= manipulating to commit atrocities and blood sacrifices like Mohg did. For two reasons I dislike it. First it takes away from Mohgs actual lore and secondly it simply doesnt make sense that Miquella who always only compells affection towards his person would suddenly make a blood death cult. In fact Ansbach himself said that Mohg tried to become a Lord.

    Another theory people lashed on too quickly was that Radahn was manipulated by Miquella because right now people even a***yzed Radahns cape and found out that both of Miquellas signs. The st trina lilly and the haligtree cape can be found as emblems.

    So yeah I think he is a brilliant character tbh and I can see him being debated for quite a while in the fandom. Believing in his overly Kindness or seeing him as a manipulative monster. Just like the npcs in sote I think its up for complete debate.

    I think the quotes around him are fantastic: "Miquella the a monster. Pure and radiant, he wields love to shrive clean the hearts of men. There is nothing more terrifying".

    Its interesting how his Great rune says that he even abandoned his "fate". In the first trailer I thought this was faith but to me this literally means he killed himself all for the chance of bringing a compassionate world in a (from software game at that). I think giving him mercy just like his "love" st. trina is the right thing

  • Jul 13, 2024

    They really snapped with Bayle, might be the best dragon in the game tbh . His moveset is so good

  • Jul 13, 2024

    70 hours in, 16%. It's time to drop the gamer pride and just use a guide

    its not a pride thing, it just sucks the fun out of it for me. i cant do it, i like the game too much

  • Jul 13, 2024
    Mr Motion

    I lost my Morgott’s Cursed Blade not in my inventory or my storage. Wanted to use it as my secondary weapon on this build had it at +10. Maybe I dropped it or accidentally sold it

    Duplicate his remembrance and you can get it again

  • Jul 13, 2024
    3 replies

    Scadutree Avatar some of the boss designs in this DLC..

  • Vlonely 🦍
    Jul 13, 2024

    Platinum acquired only my second platinum ever

  • Jul 13, 2024

    Scadutree Avatar some of the boss designs in this DLC..

    How many trees do they really have in stock

  • Kengi 💭
    Jul 13, 2024
    1 reply

    Scadutree Avatar some of the boss designs in this DLC..

    Awesome boss

  • Mr Motion

    I got drip for sale

    Got that crippled drip on yessir

  • Jul 14, 2024


  • Jul 14, 2024
    1 reply

    Scadutree Avatar some of the boss designs in this DLC..

    Its literally the tree manifested .

    Love how creative and "whacky" the some of the bosses are in the DLC.

    Harkens back to DS1 and Demons more out there boss design too.

    I would have disliked the flower of it wasnt connected to the trees. Its being manifested to be able body by the the scardu's will. Thus the "avatar" part of its name. Its not natural.

    Plus the fight is really fun imo.

  • Jul 14, 2024

    Awesome boss

    I havent done a lot yet but its my fav so far

    Creative, fun & unexpected plus lore

  • Jul 14, 2024
    Water Giver

    Its literally the tree manifested .

    Love how creative and "whacky" the some of the bosses are in the DLC.

    Harkens back to DS1 and Demons more out there boss design too.

    I would have disliked the flower of it wasnt connected to the trees. Its being manifested to be able body by the the scardu's will. Thus the "avatar" part of its name. Its not natural.

    Plus the fight is really fun imo.

    Oh I love the idea and design itself, I just think the three phase s*** is useless for this boss. They’re hit or miss with the huge bosses that run around the map and this one just felt undercooked a lil. I think two phases with a more pronounced second one would’ve been way better. Cus by the third phase it’s just kinda like

  • Jul 14, 2024

    Wyrm boss i missed you buddy, dragonscale greatsword my og playthrough weapon and all these hearts imma be you

  • Jul 14, 2024

    Magma Wyrm Scale Curved Greatsword was my og main and Dragon Halbred + Greatshield was my og secondary all the way until I got Maliketh's Black & Godskin Stitcher Great Rapier + Greatshield in the endgame

  • Jul 14, 2024

    Mountain Peak Drake 1st try