a black artist or any artist of any race (that wasn't white) would have been canceled a looooong time ago if they made some of songs this overrated, one dimensional, pissed off for no reason ass clown did!
Imagine if a black artist made songs about s***ting on the constitution, or about raping and killing women, or about killing their own mother in the early 2000s. White folks and the media would have ended this artist even before their debut album
Eminem is a clear indication of white f***ing privilege and the only reason why he was so big back in the day(and still kinda is) was because white folks couldn’t accept the fact that a genre of music was strictly dominated by black folks and they needed this white man to change that and take over
Eminem is not even in my top 50 mcs
Tyler, The Creator (2009-2013)
Tyler, The Creator (2009-2013)
I said early 2000s and look how far that got Tyler lol
Oh I actually didn’t peep that
Black Rappers do make songs like that, all the time
Not day back in the day tho name me 5 rappers from the late 90s to early 2000s that made some foul s*** like em used to make
Who f***ing cares
I’m sorry I’m sure a lot of ppl care ❤️
Listen to white america. Em admits to that.
He does ironically that’s my fav song by him
Not day back in the day tho name me 5 rappers from the late 90s to early 2000s that made some foul s*** like em used to make
yeah nobody was rapping about shrooms and s*** back then lol. em definitely started off being labeled as weirdo rap. it wasnt until white america caught on that he took off
eminem was trashed by the media for his lyrics, everybody knows this. black rappers were doing horrorcore before em but they werent in the mainstream like him so none of the media outlets cared...
Nigga wrote all this and Em said the same s*** Eminem haters been repeating bars from White America for a decade
Is it 2000 again? Also Eminem's career is an anomaly. Plenty of white rappers have fallen by the wayside.