compare kanye in 2000 to how he speaks now in 2020
completely different too
20 years is alot of time and if u spend those 20 years around different people than the time before ur accent changes
yeah I don't see how it's a blaccent lol. just different accents but barely.
You get an accent from who you are around the f*** are you talking about? And people speak different when they get older
bro, this still doesn't explain how he literally lost his accent lmao. my grandfather is from trinidad & tobago and he is 84 years old and has lived in the USA since the late 60s and he still has his accent
The vids sound pretty simialr one is just a young man who is obvs gonna try and act more cool
Dude, Eminem has never not lived in Michigan. His entire life, he's lived in the same place (just obviously in a wealthier area nowadays). How the f*** do you lose your accent if you never left your home lol. My mom lost her accent from Trinidad bc she came to the states as a kid and grew up in Queens. Her parents never lost their accents lmao. Her older sister didn't lose her accent. Accents don't just magically disappear.
Ben Simmons
Em def laid it on thick as do most soft niggas like kanye and drake, but all these guys come from a genuine place, and that’s why it works.
I think I had a thread talking about it on ktt1.
Em talks about it on the way i am. Howard Stern says he talks with a blaccent and it broke Em.
He was suffering from an identity crisis and it only got worse.
Blackness is just an integral part of the music. But blackness is not a color in America, it’s a culture. The concept of race is purposefully convoluted.
Anyways, when proof died, he decided he was gonna go full cac. It was the niggas around him keeping him secure and cool with who he was.
After proof u get relapse. Hella accents. Nigga has no idea who he is. Ironically, it’s one of his more genuine albums.
Eminem is the only opposite guy for me. I get offended at his white voice.
He’s tryna look and sound more acceptable to the cacs around him. White girls always gonna call out the cool white dude amongsts black dudes all the time. White ppl hate this kind of white person the most.
Prolly why one of my best friends growing up is married to a black girl. He was just hanging around niggas all the time. He talked like a white boy when we was young, but then he met niggas and basically became one.
Today, I have a problem with Doja cat, tyler the creator, the c***from brockhampton, and Lizzo.
Those are the biggest blaccent offenders. They don’t embrace black culture. U can always catch them s***ting on it and trying to cover it with humor.
But eminem is the opposite. I got a taste of what eminem types feel when I went to college. I would speak in depth about a subject, and they’d associate their perception of my intelligence with whiteness and ask me “why do u speak like that.” basically like a nigga.
My identity is solid, so I would give em that work for saying that. But for a white guy, it’s different. White women police them different. Em’s fellow cacs broke him and now he a white nigga with a weirdcent.
Em’s voice is f***ing unbearable without the feel for black culture that he used to have.
Bro how does Tyler not embrace black culture