  • Just gotta trust the process and stay diligent man, all that speculative riff raff is nothing till it’s true

  • Mar 2
    1 reply

    The truth of the matter to every relationship issue on this site is a lot of yall on this website know deep down if yall was in a twilight zone where you could date yourself, most of yall would reject ya damn self in a heartbeat.

  • Mar 2
    1 reply

    The truth of the matter to every relationship issue on this site is a lot of yall on this website know deep down if yall was in a twilight zone where you could date yourself, most of yall would reject ya damn self in a heartbeat.

    I wouldn’t date myself cause I’m a man but I would date the female equivalent of myself in looks/personality

  • male ramble thread

  • Free YoungBoy

    I wouldn’t date myself cause I’m a man but I would date the female equivalent of myself in looks/personality

    Twilight zone implies that as a possibility

    And said “most of yall” as some folks on the forum come across as genuine ppl that dont see the other gender as talking points of a podcast

  • insertcoolnamehere

    skill issue lawl

    fr. dudes just telling on themselves.

  • Mar 2
    1 reply

    OP is insecure. Sad to see it!

  • slime wrld

    be honest

    don’t care if yall have a kid
    you take care of her
    met her parents

    i’ve seen it all, women of all spectrums desire some type of authentic connection with an opposite force. She settled for the nice guy? she wants the attractive edgy nigga to turn her on next…
    she got the man with money? she still waiting for the emotional support guy to make sure she still has a heart. It is what it is. I’ve been and seen both sides.

    I’m just flabbergasted on how much your average men put women in a pedestal knowing the moment that AVERAGE ass women gets more of a green light to come f*** on niggas like me than yall do. Cause they know it’s just a status thing just as much as men do.

    Frankly you know from jump if that woman would cheat on you… i don’t feel remorse for yall anymore it’s just a pattern u seem to always replicate. everybody is just an experience. marriage shouldn’t even happen until our 40s for nearly EVERYONE. This is a hot take in 2025 but i can smell where we are headed and will all understand soon. None of us should be trying to find love in our 20s or 30s. it is FLEETING and not meant to last unless you enjoy hating/fake liking your spouse. Which is what our elders do for too long. only heavy religious folks will care for marriage soon. This is my ted talk.

    Controversial take but if she has a big following/gets a lot of attention on social media and has had a lot of partners for her age bracket, shes gonna cheat

  • Valentine

    nah you spitting. I don’t think we’re realizing yet how much western society social standards have shifted in a very short time thanks to social media and increasing demands economically and the lasting effects it’s having on relationships dynamics and why trying to function as the past doesn’t work today for the most part

    i really didn’t want to believe it…but when I’ve heard so many PROUD stories from women otherwise and I’ve seen how easy it is for an attractive guy to get his hands around and flirt with a married woman…in the same room as her man!!! it kinda just opens your eyes to what’s going on in these streets. It’s treacherous times. Find a boring girl

    Now when you say heard are you saying that you heard real life stories from enough of a percentage of women in the western society to make such a general statement?

  • Mar 2
    1 reply

    Niggas need to have a morning routine where you go to a mirror and instead of morning affirmations you repeat “twitter is not a real place” to yourself.

  • Mar 2
    2 replies
    slime wrld

    be honest

    don’t care if yall have a kid
    you take care of her
    met her parents

    i’ve seen it all, women of all spectrums desire some type of authentic connection with an opposite force. She settled for the nice guy? she wants the attractive edgy nigga to turn her on next…
    she got the man with money? she still waiting for the emotional support guy to make sure she still has a heart. It is what it is. I’ve been and seen both sides.

    I’m just flabbergasted on how much your average men put women in a pedestal knowing the moment that AVERAGE ass women gets more of a green light to come f*** on niggas like me than yall do. Cause they know it’s just a status thing just as much as men do.

    Frankly you know from jump if that woman would cheat on you… i don’t feel remorse for yall anymore it’s just a pattern u seem to always replicate. everybody is just an experience. marriage shouldn’t even happen until our 40s for nearly EVERYONE. This is a hot take in 2025 but i can smell where we are headed and will all understand soon. None of us should be trying to find love in our 20s or 30s. it is FLEETING and not meant to last unless you enjoy hating/fake liking your spouse. Which is what our elders do for too long. only heavy religious folks will care for marriage soon. This is my ted talk.

    Who hurt you OP, soon to be 9 years going strong, mid 20s, and i even asked her bluntly before. She has 0 interest in f***ing somebody else. And i know there’s loads of women like her.

    Sometimes it’s just bad luck, but i do believe you’re kinda right about the “you know upfront if she’s gonna cheat”. That’s why it’s important to vet somebody for a longer period. Get to know her morals, her amount of discipline, personality etc before making things official

  • Choking

    jokes on you i’m donna die alone

  • Mar 2
    1 reply

    As a huge Drake fan niggas been cheating since forever let a b**** cheat a lil bit every now and then who cares



    Barf bag: check

    bet // 15 minutes

  • sponge 🧽
    Mar 2
    Huge Drake Fan

    As a huge Drake fan niggas been cheating since forever let a b**** cheat a lil bit every now and then who cares

    Sound like a huge future fan

  • Mar 2
    1 reply

    Me personally I’d have tried to find out who her bf was and let him know his girl a w****

    my fellow cozy // these niggas will kill you in delusion over they b****

  • insertcoolnamehere

    Niggas need to have a morning routine where you go to a mirror and instead of morning affirmations you repeat “twitter is not a real place” to yourself.

  • @WRU we need another addition to #thelist

  • Mar 2
    2 replies

    The key is to find girls who aren’t active on socials

    You ever met one lol?

  • FlyHiii

    Who hurt you OP, soon to be 9 years going strong, mid 20s, and i even asked her bluntly before. She has 0 interest in f***ing somebody else. And i know there’s loads of women like her.

    Sometimes it’s just bad luck, but i do believe you’re kinda right about the “you know upfront if she’s gonna cheat”. That’s why it’s important to vet somebody for a longer period. Get to know her morals, her amount of discipline, personality etc before making things official

    Users on this site ain't GOAT like you big bro

  • OnceAgain

    You ever met one lol?

    Yes I just said I knew a few

  • Mar 2
    8 replies


    Barf bag: check

    there was this really fine girl , like... drop dead gorgeous

    and i had been sending lil dms here and there for months out (they say that s*** dont work, it really just depend) // we had never really had no intense or in depth convo just me sayin she fine she might like it or say thank you or some, aka the "im just saying thank you" s***.

    saying that to say, people who tell you "im just saying thank you"...

    anyway , one day im close to where she stay and I dm her just to shoot that shot , not really even thinking its gon go in // the night goes by it's like 2 am, she dm me talkin bout she just in her crib studying but i can come kick it while she study

    im like bet, nigga drunk and just getting in from the kickbacks of the night

    i have my niggas walk with me over to her crib make sure its not a set up, idk if this tmi or what but im just layin out the details

    she open her door, fine af, chillin with no make up on, cool right.

    im so unsure of whats goin on, she pretty much when i enter in tell me something bout how her boyfriend did this and this for her and duh duh duh duh duh, so when she says that im thinking "oh, she literally just tryna chill. ok " BECAUSE I AM A RESPECTABLE MAN AND I ACTUALLY DO NOT CONDONE CHEATING NOR HAVE I EVER CHEATED.
    so the whole time im just chillin bro, lowkey fallin asleep, playin my role as a friend, genuinely.

    ima save this one detail but we go somewhere and she do a full outfit change to go somewhere at 3 am

    we come back, im literally just chillin. she starts cooking, for both of us.


    she disappears and reappears in this fye ass like purple fuzzy robe...

    im like...oh... ima keep it chill..

    im literally laying on the couch i dont even remember how long, making no moves and lowkey falling asleep, next thing i know shes talked her way into cuddling with me and is laying on me on this couch,

    next thing i know a titty pop out the robe

    I do what im sposed to do. realistically, nobody resisting this much with a full b*** layin on they lip.

    next thing i know she lead me to her room, im like.. i thought she said she had a nigga

    she tryna finish, she wanna f***, bet

    we start f***in, she get her nut, i ask for head shawtie said


    "i cant give you head, that's cheating" ...

    she pretty much is like only letting me do backshots she wont let me lay on her bed because


    "you can't lay on my bed, i dont want it to smell like cologne my boyfriend finna be here in a couple of hours"

    I pretty much steal some of her face wash, and leave go back to my niggas crib heartbroken. whole incident broke my mental image of certain people.

    shawtie was SO fine, like the type of fine that dont get down like that.

    like I really thought I was bout to bag that start a family or something nigga was dreamin


    i dont think her and that boyfriend ever broke up

    and now she has a family, married .

    both of them have high paying jobs and good degrees .

    she didnt even seem like the type to do some like that, let alone let a nigga hit the first time meeting in person.

    but thats how it works, more times than not.

  • Mar 2
    2 replies

    You ever met one lol?

    As a huge Drake fan my girl and I deleted our socials years ago, great decision, been together 10 years this month

  • Grown ass man

  • sponge 🧽
    Mar 2
    Huge Drake Fan

    As a huge Drake fan my girl and I deleted our socials years ago, great decision, been together 10 years this month
