  • Jan 4, 2022

    So many people on ktt are shortsighted grindset folks that it gets incessant

    It’s got nothing to do with ‘grindset’ and very much biological. I saw a doctor years ago and they told me to exercise and I arrogantly also thought ‘how dare this doctor think exercising can fix my problems!!’ Well, it did, and it could help op and you’re doing him a disservice by acting like it hasn’t helped people through depression.

  • Jan 5, 2022

    Nihilism gets boring fast tbh don’t sweat it op you’ll eventually find something you’ll care about that will bring meaning to life

  • Jan 5, 2022
    1 reply

    Capitalism has taken your livelihood from you

    your materialist worldview has taken divine meaning from you

  • Jan 5, 2022
    3 replies

    your materialist worldview has taken divine meaning from you

    If God was real, he wouldn’t let this travesty occur upon the innocent and powerless


    got a source on that number? i know several people who do all those things and are still absolutely depressed. I do all those things and i self harm constantly. feels like a bullshit statistic that fits a narrative you’ve invented. nothing wrong with promoting those things but don’t say some s*** like that lol

    You can’t have a statistic on self diagnoses… it’s just saying people call themselves depressed nowadays bc they read about it on the internet and think it applies to them
    Unless someone has been diagnosed, I think it’s disingenuous for them to say they have depression

  • Jan 5, 2022
    1 reply

    If God was real, he wouldn’t let this travesty occur upon the innocent and powerless

    both human and "natural" evil are inevitable consequences of finitude - if a finite world exists, in which things come into being and pass out of being, in which things are perishable, then some degree of falling away from perfection is inevitable and hence there is a kind of metaphysical evil at the core of finite existence

  • Jan 5, 2022
    2 replies

    both human and "natural" evil are inevitable consequences of finitude - if a finite world exists, in which things come into being and pass out of being, in which things are perishable, then some degree of falling away from perfection is inevitable and hence there is a kind of metaphysical evil at the core of finite existence

    you're applying a moral marker to imperfection in a universe where morality is a concept only exhibited by us humans

    i could simply say perfection is the true evil in that its unattainable.

    it's baseless and dogmatic to imply such a thing. Rather, we must understand that the universe has no obligation to elaborate upon itself to us. each person must find their own meaning within the material world they experience. if you wanna be spiritual, go right ahead. but that means you're pulling from abstract and improbable ideals like the presence of immaterial consciousness

    i get it though. its hard to tackle meaninglessness when our entire lives are centered around fulfilling a percieved purpose

  • Jan 5, 2022

    Climate change is literally tearing our existence from the ground up and people are telling OP to distract himself from the problem than coming together and understanding we have to change something

    looser cant do pushups

  • Jan 5, 2022
    2 replies

    That’s not how depression works

    People talk about depression as if it’s not a treatable condition. It’s not like you lost an arm and now have to love the rest of your life without it

    The idea that getting a job, working out, etc will treat people’s “depression” is just a self prescribed response to people that self diagnose. I would never tell that to someone that actually has been diagnosed with it

    But if you play stupid games, you win stupid prizes

  • Jan 5, 2022
    1 reply

    All these dumbasses telling u doing puships or workingout will cure your depression never had depression to begin with lmao

    Assinine joe rogan takes here

  • Jan 5, 2022
    2 replies

    People talk about depression as if it’s not a treatable condition. It’s not like you lost an arm and now have to love the rest of your life without it

    The idea that getting a job, working out, etc will treat people’s “depression” is just a self prescribed response to people that self diagnose. I would never tell that to someone that actually has been diagnosed with it

    But if you play stupid games, you win stupid prizes

    i get that pathologizing normal negative emotions is damaging but depression isn't something that "heals." its an inherent chemical imbalance that you will have to live with unless you take pills and s***. yeah you can fight and treat the psychological part but it'll still be there

  • Jan 5, 2022
    2 replies

    you're applying a moral marker to imperfection in a universe where morality is a concept only exhibited by us humans

    i could simply say perfection is the true evil in that its unattainable.

    it's baseless and dogmatic to imply such a thing. Rather, we must understand that the universe has no obligation to elaborate upon itself to us. each person must find their own meaning within the material world they experience. if you wanna be spiritual, go right ahead. but that means you're pulling from abstract and improbable ideals like the presence of immaterial consciousness

    i get it though. its hard to tackle meaninglessness when our entire lives are centered around fulfilling a percieved purpose

    tbh not to ignore your post but 90% of the arguments I have with atheists or otherwise materialists are on meta ethics. and I've never encountered anyone able to give a coherent account for what's really "good" or "bad"

    there is really no such thing as pure relativism. typically boils down to "My truth (that there is no Truth) matters more than any universal "Truth", and based on my truth, I can impose it on you."

    its self-contradictory as the thesis that all knowledge claims are ultimately unjustifiable is itself a knowledge claim

  • Jan 5, 2022
    1 reply

    tbh not to ignore your post but 90% of the arguments I have with atheists or otherwise materialists are on meta ethics. and I've never encountered anyone able to give a coherent account for what's really "good" or "bad"

    there is really no such thing as pure relativism. typically boils down to "My truth (that there is no Truth) matters more than any universal "Truth", and based on my truth, I can impose it on you."

    its self-contradictory as the thesis that all knowledge claims are ultimately unjustifiable is itself a knowledge claim

    yeah most atheists are people who are looking to validate their superiority complex through the rejection of a higher power while not being able to coherently apply any sort of thought to anything else.

    overall metaphysics and meta-ethics is such a problematic intellectual subject to me because we could just improve material conditions for everyone and call it a day

  • Jan 5, 2022
    1 reply

    yeah most atheists are people who are looking to validate their superiority complex through the rejection of a higher power while not being able to coherently apply any sort of thought to anything else.

    overall metaphysics and meta-ethics is such a problematic intellectual subject to me because we could just improve material conditions for everyone and call it a day

    but material conditions are UP and so is depression

  • drink some orange juice

  • Jan 5, 2022
    1 reply

    but material conditions are UP and so is depression

    material conditions aren't improving in the united states across the board, and simply saying they are doesn't mean anything. there are common luxuries and things like that but even then they're increasingly unattainable across the board.

    not only that, but we are materially becoming more and more anti-social and less and less cooperative

    and thats not factoring our diminishing democracy, climate change, microplastic accumulation, etc.

    i can go in depth on this but you get the gist. we'd see a better psychological outlook if conditions were improving. but the latter isnt improving, and thus the former won;t either

  • Jan 5, 2022

    All these dumbasses telling u doing puships or workingout will cure your depression never had depression to begin with lmao

    Assinine joe rogan takes here

    Working out defs helps imo just getting out and moving isn’t enough to cure depression that’s cap but it will alleviate some of the symptoms, I feel like depression brings about a sense of hopelessness which makes you stuck physically that’s why you can’t get out of bud, shower or do anything. And you feel tired all the time. Just moving and doing s*** is fighting against that feeling of being stuck.

  • Jan 5, 2022
    1 reply

    material conditions aren't improving in the united states across the board, and simply saying they are doesn't mean anything. there are common luxuries and things like that but even then they're increasingly unattainable across the board.

    not only that, but we are materially becoming more and more anti-social and less and less cooperative

    and thats not factoring our diminishing democracy, climate change, microplastic accumulation, etc.

    i can go in depth on this but you get the gist. we'd see a better psychological outlook if conditions were improving. but the latter isnt improving, and thus the former won;t either

    yeah the industrial-technological system is entirely f***ed up especially in regards to social disruption and psychological suffering (and in cases physical), the climate etc

    but with that said

    white women are the #1 consumers of anti-depressants in the US and are also arguably the most privileged / materially well-situated group (at least one of them). some of this may be explained by other groups being less likely to seek help, but some of it is not and is the higher likelihood to seek help itself a sign of a "better" position in society? idk.

    I dont think lack of demcracy has much to do with this topic though

    you mention climate change, other looming global disasters also include nuclear war, viral outbreaks and more...the development of science and technology (thus industry) under the influence of secular ideologies is what has led to this situation in the first place as they've largely operated under a principle that they should not be restricted by any ethical, philosophical or religious requirements

  • Jan 5, 2022

    Im just a poor boy from a poor family

  • go outside get some sunlight walk around for an hour put some headphones in

  • Jan 5, 2022
    1 reply

    If God was real, he wouldn’t let this travesty occur upon the innocent and powerless

    U an atheist?

  • Jan 5, 2022

    U an atheist?

    I don’t like to call myself a denier of religion and I’m culturally very invested in Islamic tradition but overall I think that god isn’t a real and material thing and dedicating ourselves to his supposed existence hasn’t been productive and constructive

  • Keep your head up Creasy!!!

  • Jan 5, 2022

    not true btw

  • Jan 5, 2022

    Life is to suffer.