Feel like sentiment towards this game by a lot of people is going down the same road as TotK did last year where people hyperfixate on one thing and completely ignore everything else the game accomplishes (in this case, the fact that it’s a middle chapter and there isn’t much “plot”/or there are two many easily ignorable mini games, which, in my opinion, is what makes this feel like the first properly juiced up FF game since 9).
Feel like sentiment towards this game by a lot of people is going down the same road as TotK did last year where people hyperfixate on one thing and completely ignore everything else the game accomplishes (in this case, the fact that it’s a middle chapter and there isn’t much “plot”/or there are two many easily ignorable mini games, which, in my opinion, is what makes this feel like the first properly juiced up FF game since 9).
the most pivotal thing in the main game happens in this game. They managed to make everything more hearty too storywise as well. It's a complete experience
the most pivotal thing in the main game happens in this game. They managed to make everything more hearty too storywise as well. It's a complete experience
Hell, I don’t even care that much for plot in general, but ESPECIALLY in JRPGs.
For me, story wise, they live and die by their characters.
I don't have a crazy amount of nostalgia for ff7 or anything (I played Remake before the original!) and I think Rebirth is the best game ever made.
this game was so insane man lol. so many small moments that were included that make it so memorable, stuff the team just did not have to do but they did it for the love of the game. like you can tell how much they loved this s***. i think the absolute peak of this example is s*** like the combo attacks with other party members. there are SOOOOOOOOOOOO many small flourishes to the animation and scene that enhance it so much. legit go on Youtube and find a video compilation of those scenes. stuff like Aerith and Barret putting on the sunglasses and posing, Yuffie falling from her own attack and having to be caught by Cloud, Mog having to hold Barret so he doesn't stumble on his charge beam.
played Metaphor as well and the lack of detail, small moments, copy/paste dungeons, and overall extreme downgrade in terms of scene presentation and character interactions made it hard to trudge through coming off of Rebirth. felt like two games of two completely different generations.
Rebirth is legit what everyone thought would be impossible to accomplish when they announced the Remake series. everything that everyone thought "no way theyd do that" about was done.
oh yeah, and it doesnt hurt to have the best ARPG combat system of all time, great boss fights, a party with fleshed out movesets and in-depth customization that reflects in more ways than just numbers increasing, and maybe the best soundtrack ever produced lol. detailed towns in a JRPG in this era is insane. they even let us control the buggy and you get to see everyone hanging out in it, bro. like what.
this game was so insane man lol. so many small moments that were included that make it so memorable, stuff the team just did not have to do but they did it for the love of the game. like you can tell how much they loved this s***. i think the absolute peak of this example is s*** like the combo attacks with other party members. there are SOOOOOOOOOOOO many small flourishes to the animation and scene that enhance it so much. legit go on Youtube and find a video compilation of those scenes. stuff like Aerith and Barret putting on the sunglasses and posing, Yuffie falling from her own attack and having to be caught by Cloud, Mog having to hold Barret so he doesn't stumble on his charge beam.
played Metaphor as well and the lack of detail, small moments, copy/paste dungeons, and overall extreme downgrade in terms of scene presentation and character interactions made it hard to trudge through coming off of Rebirth. felt like two games of two completely different generations.
Rebirth is legit what everyone thought would be impossible to accomplish when they announced the Remake series. everything that everyone thought "no way theyd do that" about was done.
oh yeah, and it doesnt hurt to have the best ARPG combat system of all time, great boss fights, a party with fleshed out movesets and in-depth customization that reflects in more ways than just numbers increasing, and maybe the best soundtrack ever produced lol. detailed towns in a JRPG in this era is insane. they even let us control the buggy and you get to see everyone hanging out in it, bro. like what.
So real, said it many times and whilst I have some complaints about this game you can really tell their team put their whole soul into this s***, the amount of personality and charm oozing out of this game is insane
So real, said it many times and whilst I have some complaints about this game you can really tell their team put their whole soul into this s***, the amount of personality and charm oozing out of this game is insane
!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s-bKPV42c0Uwas thinking about this scene as i was typing it. also in the same vein, when you fight Roche for the first time and the SOLDIER grunts turn into a f***in jazz ensemble playing the music for the fight. bro?????? what game is doing this s***???
they did all that work for the Loveless play, too. i teared up during that scene because I couldnt even believe that the team would go through the work to make a scene like that. it doesn't serve any type of purpose to anything other than just being a sick scene!!
this game is overflowing with "they didn't have to do that, but im so happy they did" moments. you can name dozens so easily. Elena's gun being a pink bedazzled uzi instead of just a regular gun. the jazz ensemble like i said. the Queen's Blood duel with Red XIII. The Yuffie intro scene. the collectible room with Johnny. Kyrie getting her own song. the jazz quartet you can find in Junon and the choir ensemble in Cosmo Canyon. the damn bald club in Junon. the fact that the soldiers actually follow you in a big ass crew in Junon. man i can go on and on.
bro. they made Sephiroth so incredibly fleshed out gameplay wise when you control him for <30 minutes. huh??????? they gave him a f***ing combo attack. they didnt have to do that s***. if they didnt, nobody wouldve complained or even noticed it was missing. but they did it anyway.
was thinking about this scene as i was typing it. also in the same vein, when you fight Roche for the first time and the SOLDIER grunts turn into a f***in jazz ensemble playing the music for the fight. bro?????? what game is doing this s***???
they did all that work for the Loveless play, too. i teared up during that scene because I couldnt even believe that the team would go through the work to make a scene like that. it doesn't serve any type of purpose to anything other than just being a sick scene!!
this game is overflowing with "they didn't have to do that, but im so happy they did" moments. you can name dozens so easily. Elena's gun being a pink bedazzled uzi instead of just a regular gun. the jazz ensemble like i said. the Queen's Blood duel with Red XIII. The Yuffie intro scene. the collectible room with Johnny. Kyrie getting her own song. the jazz quartet you can find in Junon and the choir ensemble in Cosmo Canyon. the damn bald club in Junon. the fact that the soldiers actually follow you in a big ass crew in Junon. man i can go on and on.
bro. they made Sephiroth so incredibly fleshed out gameplay wise when you control him for <30 minutes. huh??????? they gave him a f***ing combo attack. they didnt have to do that s***. if they didnt, nobody wouldve complained or even noticed it was missing. but they did it anyway.
Just wanted to bring up your edit about the combat system because I really think its the best action combat I have played in any game by far, it's extremely unfortunate that remake/rebirth isn't given its flowers for actually innovating action combat.
Majority of action games these days is just dodge rolls and i-frames and then you get the team here doing something completely original that still hasn't been imitated to this day.
I loved the Roche fight and the use of music in this game is beautiful too with the transitions between overworld exploration and combat
Also I know some people complain about the last dungeon but I really f***ed with that whole segment; I appreciate having a really long dungeon with gimmicks since I feel like those have also been dying in the genre.
There's a lot of things that went underappreciated with this game and was clouded with conversation about mini-games which is unfortuante because I really think the magic here outweights a lot of the missteps.
I'm in the minority here with my opinion on Metaphor and sure, a game like Metaphor might not have many misteps but that is an extremely safe video game with such a rigid structure that there really isn't any room for misteps.
EDIT: I keep missing your edits lmao but yeah the LOVELESS play was beautiful and honestly also one of my favourite moments in the game; a lot of the moments in this game I can only describe as having that Kingdom Hearts Disney magic if that makes sense
Just wanted to bring up your edit about the combat system because I really think its the best action combat I have played in any game by far, it's extremely unfortunate that remake/rebirth isn't given its flowers for actually innovating action combat.
Majority of action games these days is just dodge rolls and i-frames and then you get the team here doing something completely original that still hasn't been imitated to this day.
I loved the Roche fight and the use of music in this game is beautiful too with the transitions between overworld exploration and combat
Also I know some people complain about the last dungeon but I really f***ed with that whole segment; I appreciate having a really long dungeon with gimmicks since I feel like those have also been dying in the genre.
There's a lot of things that went underappreciated with this game and was clouded with conversation about mini-games which is unfortuante because I really think the magic here outweights a lot of the missteps.
I'm in the minority here with my opinion on Metaphor and sure, a game like Metaphor might not have many misteps but that is an extremely safe video game with such a rigid structure that there really isn't any room for misteps.
EDIT: I keep missing your edits lmao but yeah the LOVELESS play was beautiful and honestly also one of my favourite moments in the game; a lot of the moments in this game I can only describe as having that Kingdom Hearts Disney magic if that makes sense
Completely agree with you, re: missteps. This is the most ambitious game ive seen in years so of course there will be some missteps (though I love the fact they flooded this s*** with minigames. They couldve easily just put in Queens Blood and called it a day). It feels like they filled every inch of the game with character moments, dope music, cool fights, fun scenes, beautiful vistas, or something else (sometimes all at once). It really felt like the entire team came together and the different divisions were given free reign to do WHATEVER they thought would be cool to do.
I mean just the soundtrack alone is absurd. S*** is like 400 songs... buncha different genres in there, too.
Can someone update me if any bad news came about because of the way it “sold”? I know that it didn’t sell like the devs wanted it but I’m sure Sony paid them enough for the exclusivity. I just want to make sure part 3 isn’t affected.
Can someone update me if any bad news came about because of the way it “sold”? I know that it didn’t sell like the devs wanted it but I’m sure Sony paid them enough for the exclusivity. I just want to make sure part 3 isn’t affected.
Square Enix are never satisfied with their sales for any game
But I think they came out & said today they won’t be doing console specific exclusive Final Fantasy anymore
Can someone update me if any bad news came about because of the way it “sold”? I know that it didn’t sell like the devs wanted it but I’m sure Sony paid them enough for the exclusivity. I just want to make sure part 3 isn’t affected.
Just yesterday Kitase said the game sold well enough and that the future of the series should be multiplatform.
I have a suspicion that PC pre orders are decently strong.
finally copped for ps5 last night lolol
almost threw my controller when chadley showed up
I'm really craving a WRPG with the same vibes as this. I think it's needed in the gaming landscape
bruh somehow my ps5 disc for this is faulty after not playing since finishing it a month after release? took a chance copped on pc (i gotta decent rig but usually don't game on it) s*** runs and looks so much better i enjoyed it way less than part 1 cause performance just felt so muddy but now it feels great
bruh somehow my ps5 disc for this is faulty after not playing since finishing it a month after release? took a chance copped on pc (i gotta decent rig but usually don't game on it) s*** runs and looks so much better i enjoyed it way less than part 1 cause performance just felt so muddy but now it feels great
just wondering wdym faulty? cuz I was getting a disc reading error when i first copped but I was able to fix it by turning off internet so it wouldnt download the update as it was installing
just wondering wdym faulty? cuz I was getting a disc reading error when i first copped but I was able to fix it by turning off internet so it wouldnt download the update as it was installing
my play disc just doesn't read at all anymore, not in just my ps5 either. it's virtually flawless to, no damage at all. i tried fixing it like that but no shot. i've read online some people had the same problem
I'm really craving a WRPG with the same vibes as this. I think it's needed in the gaming landscape
not possible