What're some games where the story/gameplay/atmosphere/graphics etc. in it absolutely blew you away? Games where you finished it and laid awake for days not able to sleep because a story/ending/gameplay/atmosphere was just so fascinating/interesting/terrifying/unexpected.
For me personally it was def Red Dead Redemption. The emptiness I felt after Johns Death Paired with these mysterious side missions (strange man + this cannibal) and the tense soundtrack made me
Half Life 2. Played it on Xbox when it first came out and spent maybe 100 hours playing through the story cause the puzzles were so f***ing confusing. Loved it to death though.
A decade and some change later I figured I would pick it up on PC to see if it really stood the test of time or if I was just a nostalgia junkie. Man...that game is so f***ing intricate and incredible. I highly recommend it to anyone.
Also Ravenholm is the best video game level of all time.
Half Life 2. Played it on Xbox when it first came out and spent maybe 100 hours playing through the story cause the puzzles were so f***ing confusing. Loved it to death though.
A decade and some change later I figured I would pick it up on PC to see if it really stood the test of time or if I was just a nostalgia junkie. Man...that game is so f***ing intricate and incredible. I highly recommend it to anyone.
Also Ravenholm is the best video game level of all time.
100 hours
Cod 4 blew me away tbh. The campaign was amazing along with the multiplayer experience for its time.
doom 2 or cave story
Sm64 was just fun af. San Andreas was literally wow from when I got on the bike and just got sucked into the world