Half Life 2. Played it on Xbox when it first came out and spent maybe 100 hours playing through the story cause the puzzles were so f***ing confusing. Loved it to death though.
A decade and some change later I figured I would pick it up on PC to see if it really stood the test of time or if I was just a nostalgia junkie. Man...that game is so f***ing intricate and incredible. I highly recommend it to anyone.
Also Ravenholm is the best video game level of all time.
100 hours???
First game? Definitely Max Payne 1. Atmosphere & story in that game was crazy.
I remember playing both 1 and 2 as a kid, they were some of the first video games ive ever played
Those games were completely ahead of their time. Im having flashbacks of diving in slow mo
Those games are truly art tho, it felt dark as hell the whole way through
deus ex 1 for pc, spent hundreds of hours playing it and later many many diff mods for it. hell, even tried out speedrunning it at a point cus i love goin thru all the missions. perfectly crafted world an story on so many fronts with all the awesome mechanics to enhance em
Booting up Halo 3 and hearing the choir in that title screen music
Knew this was about to be a work of art
Mass Effect may have been the first for me from a storytelling/immersion point of view, it felt like an actual universe because of the alien species and history
Dragon age origins is creeping for me on a RPG level . Still kinda fresh to that genre
Medal of honor rising sun
I remember booting it up on a big TV with big speakers with my dad and being fully immersed
Thought it was better than saving private Ryan lmao