Bars and clubs are the most superficial relationships that don't last though!
not in my experience no. love a night on the town with the gents. just can’t be all you do
not in my experience no. love a night on the town with the gents. just can’t be all you do
Going on a guy's night out is actually a great bonding experience with your already developed social circle. Whereas in general, I never go out with the intentions to "meet people". Having a few beers with guys is fun but I wouldn't say that it's a directly great way to create relationships that are long lasting.
It does all comes down to Social Media
Since everyone’s lives are for the world to see it caused people to be envious of others.
Made connecting with people difficult due to TikTok videos of people criticizing normal activities the average person does.
Also communities being built online instead of outside in the real world.
All those girls are braindead
We really in the worst generation
Can't find jobs
Can't move out
Can't make friends
Addicted to our phones
People in the 90s pre-internet were perpetually bored and forced to interact with people in person or over the phone more
And that's a good thing. We don't need constant stimulation like we have on our phones. It hasn't been like this until the last 15 years or so. Boredom inspires conversation and creativity
I said a part of the problem dont get ignorant now.
Now maybe you aren't of a queer identity but the fact you can't see past yourself how churches can be very isolating...well that's your own bias
Going on a guy's night out is actually a great bonding experience with your already developed social circle. Whereas in general, I never go out with the intentions to "meet people". Having a few beers with guys is fun but I wouldn't say that it's a directly great way to create relationships that are long lasting.
in my experience drinking helps the most with bonding with people you’ve met but aren’t close to yet
Too much judgment, insecurity, anxiety. Plus internet age causing people to go outside less. More online interaction and while online connections can be strong people don’t value them the same as in person ones.
But yea I think a lot of it has to do with when you meet someone for the first time there’s this dance where neither person wants to be their real self because they don’t want to be judged and are overall insecure. Hard to build friendships when both parties are hiding who they really are.
Goes hand in hand with why there’s so much d*** and alcohol use because it can help tear down some of those walls but only while it’s in your system. Then it’s back to square one.
Yea I haven’t had close friends since I graduated. Which was a decade ago. Social media really shifted the social culture.
destroy anime
I do genuinely think there's an argument for banning anime to increase social cohesion
Friendshp is very undervalued In our society
We teach people that everybody is fake and only have 1-2 friends
Thats very much untrue imo and its good to have a lot of friends, just realize there are differing degrees of friendship and not everyone needs ur full trust to be a casual friend and you’ll be fine
The idea that no one is to be trusted is very useful to reinforce an economic system that needs you to view your fellow human beings as nothing but competition and uncapable of caring for eachother
Keep the circle small. That's what I call it. Too many friends eventually don't give a s*** about you. Quality over quantity
social media/technology/urban design all play big factors in this
Everything in america is designed for you to buy s*** and then get the f*** out, its depressing as hell
The idea that no one is to be trusted is very useful to reinforce an economic system that needs you to view your fellow human beings as nothing but competition and uncapable of caring for eachother
They almost close bro
Friendshp is very undervalued In our society
We teach people that everybody is fake and only have 1-2 friends
Thats very much untrue imo and its good to have a lot of friends, just realize there are differing degrees of friendship and not everyone needs ur full trust to be a casual friend and you’ll be fine
Well the idea specifically is that the number of close friendships have decreased
social media/technology/urban design all play big factors in this
Americans are also culturally molded to be paranoid asf