quote me when she's riding passenger in her mans car and they crash because he didn't use his blinkers
totally. my main group are all lifers for the most part man. and then i have other friend groups associated with certain periods of life that are still homies, just don’t see them much is all. i guess time doesn’t really mean anything in relation to friendships to some people, but i always looked as it as a positive. allows you to really get a good idea of why a friend is the way they are, without them having to explain it to you.
Absolutely. You can make friends at any time, but something about time really lends itself to trust and a bond with a person. Having people that truly care about you is invaluable
I’m ngl i hate making friends with other men
Not even on some white knight s*** its just niggas who arent my sandbox niggas have always been fake and sheisty asf to me especially compared to my women friends
I feel this. There’s maybe one or two I know post grad that aren’t like that but the rest of them either are like that or have beliefs I can’t really rock with tbh
I’m too much of a hater to make male friends. You’re either someone I don’t respect that much/have anything in common with or someone I envy/don’t feel fly enough to engage with
I’m too much of a hater to make male friends. You’re either someone I don’t respect that much/have anything in common with or someone I envy/don’t feel fly enough to engage with
S*** at least u aware about it lmaoo
It's bc y'all don't drink enough or even in the right way.
if you're young and not restricted by religion, lowkey yeah. alcohol/lighter d**** in general drive a lot of socialization between people
I’m too much of a hater to make male friends. You’re either someone I don’t respect that much/have anything in common with or someone I envy/don’t feel fly enough to engage with
mental illness if this is a genuine post and not trolling
Have friends but not CLOSE friends tho
And dont really care bout em either tbh. Focused on myself, fam and gf
Do better
I can’t help who I f*** with, and I also don’t like forcing s*** or feeling like I’m kissing up to people who I consider worth befriending
I feel like I barely see my friends anymore, to the point that it sometimes feels like I don’t even have friends :/
Only tangentially related to OP, but I wanted to vent it soemwhere
It's like when you build a society around fear, ruthless competition, rugged individualism, and narcissism, and saddle citizens with unpayable debt before they're even old enough to drink and commodify the most basic needs for survival, while allowing wages to stagnate for about half a century, people's social wellbeing declines
America’s individualistic society finally hitting its peak + lack of recovery or even an acknowledgment of a life changing pandemic plays a part.
Also symptom of capitalism
And industrialism, which itself is a symptom of capitalism
Human life has become as mechanized as the means of production the majority of humanity is enslaved to
It's like when you build a society around fear, ruthless competition, rugged individualism, and narcissism, and saddle citizens with unpayable debt before they're even old enough to drink and commodify the most basic needs for survival, while allowing wages to stagnate for about half a century, people's social wellbeing declines
Lots of people won't acknowledge this, but all of this "self-therapy" talk, and neurotic "boundaries/standards" for relationships are a big part of this. People don't want to put in the effort to fix broken connections, and it's one thing if it's domestic abuse or if someone's a manipulative psycho. It's another thing if you think that it's a "red flag" because your slightly "uncomfortable" with a disagreement.
Glad to know im rl cool wit some folk from here, from its antisocial fanbase you’d think everyone here is non friendly.
Also lotta ppl using “loneliness/stoicism” as an aesthetic
The fake depression and helpless mindset that's being constantly forced in our society by neurotic nihilists is an absolute poison to our human race.
bars and clubs are as popular as ever, but houses of worship, town halls, things more in line with "civic" participation have disappeared seemingly, or we as people just dont feel the need to reach out and find them
Bars and clubs are the most superficial relationships that don't last though!