Damn we calling dudes that blow they brains out on the throne wack now
What are people's thoughts on this?
Social media I am sure, and the ability to make friends online I would imagine has maybe obscured the word friend for many, but it could also work on the flip-side in that you would think that would lead to more friendships.
Interesting topic that I feel is part of a larger issue.
and apologies if a thread had been made on this in the past
Seems like only the people who say they have 10+ close friends has declined in a noteworthy way. Also, a phone survey in 1990 makes sense but you'd think that the main demographic answering the phone for a survey in 2021 would be the elderly
something something social media something something pandemic, something something hyper-individualism something something death of God and the romanticization of isolation and being a #LONEWOLF
not a surprise
It's happening with women too. It feels like back in the day, it was rare for a woman to be a virgin or have no friends. Now I know a lot of fine ass women who are home bodies and you wouldn't believe they were virgins/have low body counts but they do. It seems like technology is just disconnecting all of us from reality and there are more and more people becoming "introverts" that just don't want to go outside anymore. They rather interact through social media vs meet people in real life
i didn’t realize how many people had online friends though, p insane that’s something that’s commonplace nowadays
it used to be seen as super weird to have dudes online as “friends”
not only in America, I've been alone since like 5 years already, it's nearly impossible to make new friends if you're not really specifically like them
Churches highkey a part of the problem
Gods soldier, stand down 🫡
i aint even gonna derail this thread, but this being pinned on churches of all places is a bit of a head scratcher i tell ya
Everyone always says they don’t have friends but in reality they do. Just a personality trait to say you don’t
I see this In relationships in general
Very low tolerance across the board for things like annoyances or grievances, or that dumb s*** “icks”
I see this In relationships in general
Very low tolerance across the board for things like annoyances or grievances, or that dumb s*** “icks”
Fellas, is it gay to use blinkers?
what is going on with the youth though. i am talking Pre-K to 12th grade. isnt that historically where most meet their friends? of course making frienships is a lifelong thing, but wouldnt that be the place to look?
A lot of those friendships do not last after 12 grade tbh you meet a lot of your friends in college or post grad (first jobs)
My close circle of friends have all been friends for at minimum of 10+ years with some over 20. It’s crazy to think people don’t have something like that. I feel for those who are suffering through loneliness out here
I used to think like this too til a homegurl who’s had and lost close friends f***ed me up on this:
Talking about, “reason yall friendships last so long is y’all don’t talk about s***. Of course yall never get into big fights when yall don’t know each other at all.”
Yo no funny s***, this is facts. Niggas like to play it cool and don’t talk about their lives cause of pride and looking out of character
A lot of people have been through s*** in their life at a young age and it stick with you until your adult years. I got backdoor’d as a shorty and ended up getting jumped over some bullshit. Since then I don’t really trust mfs fr. I got my couple homies, that’s all I really need. I’m cool moving dolo most times.
I’m ngl i hate making friends with other men
Not even on some white knight s*** its just niggas who arent my sandbox niggas have always been fake and sheisty asf to me especially compared to my women friends
I can’t speak for everyone but the environment you’re raised in play a huge role. Everyone around me pretty much have the same mindset. But so much snake s*** be happening, it’s like you can’t blame us. Everyone not a snake but a mf gotta show me different.
Damn we calling dudes that blow they brains out on the throne wack now
No one told him to do that s***
A lot of those friendships do not last after 12 grade tbh you meet a lot of your friends in college or post grad (first jobs)
i guess it would depend on what the numbers say. not everyone moves away after school, not everyone even relocates because they don’t pursue higher education in the first place. not saying forgoing college restricts someone from moving out of their home town. but when i think of someone usually doing that, it’s probably from a rural or suburb area into a city. and in those cases, if the friends you met then didn’t really mean much to you, we’re they really even friends?
My close circle of friends have all been friends for at minimum of 10+ years with some over 20. It’s crazy to think people don’t have something like that. I feel for those who are suffering through loneliness out here
totally. my main group are all lifers for the most part man. and then i have other friend groups associated with certain periods of life that are still homies, just don’t see them much is all. i guess time doesn’t really mean anything in relation to friendships to some people, but i always looked as it as a positive. allows you to really get a good idea of why a friend is the way they are, without them having to explain it to you.