  • eclass ⛓️
    Jul 7, 2020

    if you guys don't understand the outrage, please watch Disclosure

  • Jul 7, 2020
    Janky Maigre

    ion need Halle playing a trans, gon start questioning s***.

  • Jul 7, 2020
    2 replies
    Janky Maigre

    ion need Halle playing a trans, gon start questioning s***.

    would still smash eem if she was fr a trans.

  • Jul 7, 2020

    would still smash eem if she was fr a trans.

  • Jul 8, 2020

    there's a joke here somewhere

  • Jul 8, 2020

    They gotta stop bullying people

  • Jul 8, 2020
    4 replies

    Just cast a transman
    Is this rocket science

  • Jul 8, 2020

    f***ing ridiculous lol

  • Jul 8, 2020

    I think it's fine for a cis person to portray a trans person on screen though I also believe they should be educated on trans issues/strugles and the experience of trans people

    Halle's comments (though most likely mistaken) were very much so problematic and as such I think she should be able to be given time to grow and learn on these topics before portraying such a roll

    but couldnt that learning happen through playing the role itself?

  • Jul 8, 2020

    free hurricane chris

  • Jul 8, 2020

    Just cast a transman
    Is this rocket science

  • Jul 8, 2020

    my god f*** twitter

  • Jul 8, 2020

    Just cast a transman
    Is this rocket science's Hollywood.

  • Jul 8, 2020


  • Jul 8, 2020
    1 reply

    I sympathize with this sentiment

    Im sure our transgendered fellow citizens want first and foremost things like healthcare and safety to live but representation is important to.

    Why not holly wood start hiring trans actors in general bcus to me that seems the issue. The jobs are scarce and the few go to cis people.

    Im sure in a world where trans actors played cis characters and were more represented no one would care about a cis actor playing a trans character

    But also they have to be realistic...they’re like less than 1% of the population. Ive literally never met a trans person irl lol. Idk how much “representation” they expect.

    I sympathize tho

  • Jul 8, 2020
    1 reply

    Just cast a transman
    Is this rocket science

    He’s no longer a woman so is it okay for him to portray the character before they transition?

    Can this character only be played by someone who is actually transitioning during filming?

  • Jul 8, 2020
    Sixty 5

    america cares more about transgender ppl than its homeless population lol

    America doesn't care about either

  • Jul 8, 2020
    2 replies

    Just cast a transman
    Is this rocket science

    Show me a single trans actor that could sell a movie off their name
    Hard to pitch a movie with a no name unproven actor to a studio. Also trans people make a very small percentage of the people in the world, the chance that 1 is a actor on the level of Halle Berry is low.
    All they're doing is ensuring that these movies never get made.

  • Jul 8, 2020
    1 reply
    Scratchin Mamba


    Still calling the character a woman and female shows that she rly has no business playing a trans character

    U should cry about it on ktt

  • Jul 8, 2020

    U should cry about it on ktt

    alright buddy

  • Why not just use a transgender male actor...? Do they not exist anymore?

  • Gangstalicious

    Show me a single trans actor that could sell a movie off their name
    Hard to pitch a movie with a no name unproven actor to a studio. Also trans people make a very small percentage of the people in the world, the chance that 1 is a actor on the level of Halle Berry is low.
    All they're doing is ensuring that these movies never get made.

    You lowkey pointing out a massive problem in the film industry itself that should be called out frequently.

  • Jul 8, 2020

    Scratch the movie nobody gives a s*** anyways lol

  • Jul 8, 2020
    1 reply

    Show me a single trans actor that could sell a movie off their name
    Hard to pitch a movie with a no name unproven actor to a studio. Also trans people make a very small percentage of the people in the world, the chance that 1 is a actor on the level of Halle Berry is low.
    All they're doing is ensuring that these movies never get made.

    Well its kind of hard for transmen actors to get a bigger name for themselves if you don't put them in movies.

  • Jul 8, 2020

    He’s no longer a woman so is it okay for him to portray the character before they transition?

    Can this character only be played by someone who is actually transitioning during filming?

    Well i was thinking that too but then i thought maybe that person was already identifying as a man. And with that being said I think having a trans person play someone who is transitioning is better. But im not trans and shouldn't be speaking for them