If we are being honest none of the trio actors in the film were great actors. Lots of cringe acting moments in the films from them. So while it might be weird at first seeing new actors I could get used to it.
It would be more difficult casting the adults like how do you replace Alan Rickman Snape? It's such a defining performance.
Also Hagrid and McGonagall absolutely perfect casting. Umbridge too.
damn that's late af
if they start shooting season 1 next year, the kids would have to be around 10-11 years old. by the time s1 premiers, they would be 12-13. they gotta start filming s2 soon after s1 to keep up with the kids aging.
damn that's late af
if they start shooting season 1 next year, the kids would have to be around 10-11 years old. by the time s1 premiers, they would be 12-13. they gotta start filming s2 soon after s1 to keep up with the kids aging.
yeah that's realistically gotta be the only way they can do this show tbh. they gotta have scripts ready for the first 3 seasons / books ready to shoot i feel like. so maybe that's why it's projected to come out even later than initially thought
cause you never know when these kids are gonna hit puberty and season 2 comes around and Ron is 6'0 while Harry and Hermione are both still 5'3
yeah that's realistically gotta be the only way they can do this show tbh. they gotta have scripts ready for the first 3 seasons / books ready to shoot i feel like. so maybe that's why it's projected to come out even later than initially thought
cause you never know when these kids are gonna hit puberty and season 2 comes around and Ron is 6'0 while Harry and Hermione are both still 5'3
Or Hermione shoots up to 6’ while Harry and Ron are 5’3”.
This shows a mistake imo leave it to the movies. I’ll watch though. Can’t be rings of power bad.
What’s the potion scene
It’s in book 1, it’s the last trial before they see Voldemort
It’s like some complicated potion puzzle with colors heromoine has to solve
This shows a mistake imo leave it to the movies. I’ll watch though. Can’t be rings of power bad.
There’s some potential here imo. The movies of course had to cut a lot of content from the books, so this is an opportunity to properly adapt the books with 10 hour seasons instead of 3 hour movies
But yea only time will tell how good this ends up being
Need the potion scene in this and I’m in
There’s probably hundreds of things they can do now
This should be a series. Movies butchered it.
As a huge Drake fan I’m excited to watch this with my girl
She’s a huge Harry Potter nerd
please let him do this man
This shows a mistake imo leave it to the movies. I’ll watch though. Can’t be rings of power bad.
hell nah there are parts of the books which absolutely did not translate well with the movies. they could have something special here if they set out to differentiate it from the movies by trying to capitalize on what was left out.
harry was lowkey an a****** in the books when he wasn't being a hero. i think they whitewashed him in the movies, and removed his personality. this show could give us d***head harry.
also ron was a lot less of a b****. like he was brave and stood up for harry often, but they gave a lot of his qualities to hermione.
i don't know i'm here for this if they can do it right.
It’s in book 1, it’s the last trial before they see Voldemort
It’s like some complicated potion puzzle with colors heromoine has to solve
What I would love is the Slughorn potion scenes from Book 6 when they’re basically doing AP Potions
Probably unpopular but: I want a new Sirius.
Gary Oldman did a legendary acting job in the original series. However, my view is that his character of Sirius is very different from that of the book. The book Sirius was wayyy more gruff, reckless, and badass — Oldman’s portrayal was way more laid back and regal.
The Sirius in the book is described to have cussed all the time — not to say I need them to show him cussing in the show, I’m just saying I want a character that I could see doing that.
He’s way too old to be Sirius in the series he’s meant to be in his 30s lol
He’s way too old to be Sirius in the series he’s meant to be in his 30s lol
lol yeah I was about to say this.
Could be in for him playing a different character though. Loved him as Sirius
He definitely has a place in the universe again, but not as Sirius or Dumbledore.
hell nah there are parts of the books which absolutely did not translate well with the movies. they could have something special here if they set out to differentiate it from the movies by trying to capitalize on what was left out.
harry was lowkey an a****** in the books when he wasn't being a hero. i think they whitewashed him in the movies, and removed his personality. this show could give us d***head harry.
also ron was a lot less of a b****. like he was brave and stood up for harry often, but they gave a lot of his qualities to hermione.
i don't know i'm here for this if they can do it right.
I never read the books so idk but I just feel it’ll be hard to separate it from the movies. Definitely will watch though. In for sure if it’s good.