  • Nov 30, 2023
    2 replies

    1. Get a gf
    2. Problem solved

  • Nov 30, 2023

    Don't sleep on sleeping mask! They block the lights and more important imho as blanket for your eyes. Once you start using one for sleep you will learn how much your eyes sorely need em

    Personally I don't use a dedicated mask though. I use bandana or beanie. I find the mask type can be fussy when sleeping

  • Nov 30, 2023

    1. Get a gf
    2. Problem solved


  • Nov 30, 2023

    Put drops of lavender oil on your pillow or on your neck.

  • Nov 30, 2023
    1 reply

    The stuff with cbn

    I have some carts and edibles with it, seems like it helps

    But then you get dependent on THC for sleep over time

    Melatonin and Benadryl help but it's the same issue

    In my opinion THC tolerance going up over time is a small price to pay for the detrimental long term effects from getting a lack of sleep.

  • Nov 30, 2023

    Masturbate like your life depended on it

  • Nov 30, 2023

    I think beating can backfire cus it makes u more aroused which is the opposite of how u sleep

  • Nov 30, 2023
    1 reply


  • Nov 30, 2023
    1 reply
    Big Tobacco

    Tea has caffeine in it lmao


  • Dec 1, 2023


    That’s not tea it’s a tisane

  • Dec 1, 2023

    1. Get a gf
    2. Problem solved

    Until you're so depressed and anxious because of relationship bullshit that your insomnia comes roaring back

  • Dec 1, 2023

    In my opinion THC tolerance going up over time is a small price to pay for the detrimental long term effects from getting a lack of sleep.

    I mean I'll be real I only eat edibles as I get into bed and rarely hit my cart

    My tolerance hasn't moved and it's been months. Maybe even a year tbh. 10-20mg is all I ever need. Sometimes take 30mg just because

    But I am still well aware I'd struggle to fall asleep with no THC

  • Dec 1, 2023
    1 reply


    Clonodine better

  • Dec 1, 2023
    1 reply

    What I did to fix my sleep is several things.

    1. No phone or screen (or as little as possible) 2 hours before sleep. Tube TV can be used if you got one, as it has an inherently warmer light temperature and functions sort of like a campfire would in a subconscious level. LCD screens emit blue light which subconsciously is identified as the bright sky of daytime, so the body stays up.

    2. NEVER use the phone in bed. Bed should be for sleep and for s***ONLY.

    3. Have a nice glass of milk 🥛

    4. If you’re struggling to sleep, go into another room and chill for 15 minutes. Good opportunity to drink milk. NO SCREENS. As little light as possible.

    How do you do the light thing you said that is on tube tv but your phone particularly for iPhone ?

  • Dec 1, 2023
    1 reply

    Clonodine better

    What is this

  • Dec 1, 2023
    2 replies

    How do you do the light thing you said that is on tube tv but your phone particularly for iPhone ?

    Nah, I’m talking about watching TV on one of these

    I got a tiny one in the corner of the living room, If i want to watch something before sleeping I’ll watch old TV on it cause it fits the screen properly.

  • Dec 1, 2023

    Nah, I’m talking about watching TV on one of these

    I got a tiny one in the corner of the living room, If i want to watch something before sleeping I’ll watch old TV on it cause it fits the screen properly.

    lol no no one has that

  • Dec 1, 2023

    What is this

    Blood pressure med used for sleep and/or night terrors

    Knocks my ass out, no dreams, wake up great, and it helps minimize anxiety too

  • proper 🔩
    Dec 1, 2023

    @op also try sleeping with your mouth closed, breathing only thru your nose.. it’s called mouth taping and technically you’re supposed to do it with your mouth taped shut but i honestly don’t think that’s necessary

    that + stretching before bed helps me fall asleep the quickest

  • Dec 2, 2023

    i think maybe op was traveling he was out of his routine i think he mentioned that could also be it that can effect your sleep too

  • Dec 2, 2023
    1 reply

    Avena sativa and some melatonin will knock you out cold

  • Dec 2, 2023
    1 reply

    Avena sativa and some melatonin will knock you out cold

    what is avena

  • Dec 2, 2023

    @op if you traveled

    The survey results show that it takes three days to fall back into a regular routine after a week abroad and four days for two weeks off. Jet-lag can cause several restless nights when returning from vacation, and it can take up to two nights to recover a regular sleep schedule

  • Dec 2, 2023
    2 replies

    what is avena

    It’s not cannabis. It’s a grain or oatstraw that naturally relaxes the nervous system. Melatonin makes you sleepy. Together it’s a great sleeping aid.

    Bonus if you find a sleeping herb and combine it with the Avena Sativa. You will get your sleep back in about a week

  • Dec 2, 2023
    1 reply

    Nah, I’m talking about watching TV on one of these

    I got a tiny one in the corner of the living room, If i want to watch something before sleeping I’ll watch old TV on it cause it fits the screen properly.

    What do you watch? Whatever is on Basic cable or you got your regular s*** hooked up to it