didn’t get out, just got used to it
didn’t get out, just got used to it
It kinda just comes and goes for me. But doing the little stuff like getting some sun, eating healthier, taking walks etc definitely helps
yeah get a consistent gym schedule, stay on a strict diet, go out with any friends who’s willing to do anything, set goals (big or small) and make sure you follow through with them
What are some small goals anyone can achieve?
Even with exercise, I still have my depressive episodes every month
What are some small goals anyone can achieve?
Even with exercise, I still have my depressive episodes every month
Make your bed, do the laundry, make dinner and do the dishes, walk a mile
Make your bed, do the laundry, make dinner and do the dishes, walk a mile
I do all of that, yet I’m still having my episodes
I do all of that, yet I’m still having my episodes
if they're predictably every month like you say it's possibly a cyclical hormone thing. yes men have cycles. I don't have a lot of advice on how to lessen them, but awareness is definitely the first part.
when I feel myself slipping back into a depressive state I flip thru my journal and see what i been doing the last week or two to see if there's anything I can point to as a catalyst and then I go from there. I have a list I call my Positivity Protocol and ill try and pick some things from there and do em, even when I don't really feel like it. over the years the episodes have become less frequent and less severe.
This is after years of therapy and dabbling with prescriptions/medications. Sometime u gotta run the whole gauntlet before u figure it out.
if they're predictably every month like you say it's possibly a cyclical hormone thing. yes men have cycles. I don't have a lot of advice on how to lessen them, but awareness is definitely the first part.
when I feel myself slipping back into a depressive state I flip thru my journal and see what i been doing the last week or two to see if there's anything I can point to as a catalyst and then I go from there. I have a list I call my Positivity Protocol and ill try and pick some things from there and do em, even when I don't really feel like it. over the years the episodes have become less frequent and less severe.
This is after years of therapy and dabbling with prescriptions/medications. Sometime u gotta run the whole gauntlet before u figure it out.
What can you do as a guy if it is cyclical?
What can you do as a guy if it is cyclical?
try things, note if it helps or not, and then try differently next month I guess. Things could be a diet change, like IF or even a 24hr water fast, breathwork like Wim Hof stuff, a different type of exercise, meditation, less screen time, focusing on getting better sleep, basically anything that interfaces with your brain and body.
Big ole Hubie has done a lot of episodes with experts in various fields regarding hormones, depression, etc. so I would start there and just learn more about your brain and body. "know thyself" and all that, foundational stuff.
i lied
try things, note if it helps or not, and then try differently next month I guess. Things could be a diet change, like IF or even a 24hr water fast, breathwork like Wim Hof stuff, a different type of exercise, meditation, less screen time, focusing on getting better sleep, basically anything that interfaces with your brain and body.
Big ole Hubie has done a lot of episodes with experts in various fields regarding hormones, depression, etc. so I would start there and just learn more about your brain and body. "know thyself" and all that, foundational stuff.
Appreciate it, will try some stuff!
Appreciate it, will try some stuff!
Wish you all the best bro!
First and foremost: you need to understand you cannot make depression go away. It is a chronic, constant battle. Can you work your way out of depressive episodes? Absolutely.
The only way through is understanding how to manage your depression and your emotions. For me personally, therapy and journaling has done wonders for me. Processing my emotions as they come and breaking them down (negative thoughts specifically, where they come from, what evidence I have to support it, what makes the thought irrational or unreasonable, where it could be coming from, really processing the emotions as they are) now, talk therapy and journaling doesn’t work for everyone and it’s going to be some trial and error. Working out may be your outlet. Art could be it, anything. It takes time. You just need to be considerate and consistent with yourself.
Guys, this idea that working out and setting a “healthy” routine will eventually solve your depression…it’s bullshit. If you needed that to heal, you probably weren’t depressed, you were just tired and unmotivated.
Depression is an existential void. You need to confront this void in order to identify what’s wrong with your life. The thing that is wrong with your life is often induced by your (socioeconomic) environment, whether it’s your current environment or your past environment. Being aware of the elements which have an influence on you is crucial to gain some control over your life. It goes beyond the “self help” bullshit telling you to lift weights and to wake at 6 AM. I go to the gym every day, it’s agreeable and useful but it doesn’t help. Trust me.
The only helpful thing to do is to seek beauty. There is true beauty beyond the ugliness of the modern world. It’s ephemeral so you better seek it actively. It’s within the smile of a child, the eyes of a woman, the soul of an artist who communicates with you through space and time. God is reflected through beauty. But you don’t have to believe in Him, even atheists and agnostics are able to find beauty. That’s also the beauty of it.
Lmfaoo tarot card ass post
smoking weed, working out, creating, etc. have all saved me from depressive episodes. but i don’t think i’ll ever stop being depressed. the anxiety, lack of motivation, suicidal thoughts - i’ll always deal with these things on some level. they’re like waves in my mind and the only thing i can do is wait for them to subside after they hit
honestly the only thing that has consistently helped me is medication and therapy, which i know not everybody has access to