  • Nov 19, 2020

    Go to sleep earlier

    Set a alarm

    Shower da night before

    Drink coffee

  • Nov 19, 2020
  • Nov 19, 2020

    like 7-7:30 cause of work

    been doing it for so long i now wake up that early on the weekend too

  • Nov 19, 2020

    Gas meter installation. Super mellow and easy and the checks are pretty nice plus the benefits are great. I chill just as much as I work each day a lot of time is spent driving and doing nothing

    Damn sometimes I wonder if going to college was the right choice.

    Maybe I should’ve picked a trade right out of HS, and now would have probably be making decent money

  • Nov 19, 2020
    Astronaut Dad

    everyone has different circadian rhythms my g

  • Nov 19, 2020
    1 reply

    easy, i don't sleep

  • Nov 19, 2020

    routine is everything

  • Nov 19, 2020

    Just Do It

    • Nike Corporation
  • Nov 19, 2020

    i gotta wake up for meetings at 6:30-7AM daily but i'm not built for this s***

    on my days off i'll sleep through the apocalypse itself

  • Nov 19, 2020

    WFH waking up at 9, signing in so I look active on slack, and go back to sleep till lunch

  • Nov 19, 2020

    The absolute fear and dread from my anxiety and depression the moment I wake up keeps me awake.

    heard that.

  • Nov 19, 2020

    I wake up with the sunrise every morning, a lot of the time I just go back to sleep but if I want to work on something I usually have a lot of energy in the mornings and am much more efficient

    go to bed early and stay away from weed, melatonin, caffeine, adderall. if youre having trouble falling asleep inhale for 4 seconds and exhale for 4 seconds and count in your head, the more you do it the easier it will be

  • Nov 19, 2020

    The absolute fear and dread from my anxiety and depression the moment I wake up keeps me awake.

    I wake up super anxious a lot, usually try to use it as energy and do everything I need to do that day first thing in the morning

  • Nov 20, 2020
    1 reply

    More like how do ppl enjoy 11am-5pm. 🤧🤧🤧🤧🤧🤧

  • Nov 20, 2020

    easy, i don't sleep

    I dont go 2 sleep ain't gotta wake up ina morninnn

  • Nov 20, 2020

    More like how do ppl enjoy 11am-5pm. 🤧🤧🤧🤧🤧🤧

    & don't fuking say Im depressed Its tha worst time of tha day its def not better than night or night shift to day greybluish sky

  • Nov 20, 2020
    2 replies

    I usually set a few alarms. On my early days I have to get up at 8 AM.

    Alarms for 5 AM, 6 AM, 7 AM, and then 8 AM.

    Take out the meat and pump it.

    Check social media.

    Walk to the bathroom. Brush teeth.

    Get dressed. Make sure I have everything on me.

    Walk outside to start my car. It’s very cold now so I smoke cigarette while my car heats up. Then I drive off to work.

  • had a solid stretch this summer where i was waking up at 3am on some marky mark s*** bc it’s way too hot to run as soon as the sun rises down here. now my alarm is set for 6am but i’ll usually wake up naturally around 30 minutes earlier

    first maybe 5 days it sucks ass then you get used to it. i drink cold brew coffee so i can get caffeine in me within minutes, plus i drink probably 32oz of water the hour before bed so i usually have to piss when i wake up

    last tip is download sleep cycle; the alarm on it goes off periodically 30 minutes before it’s supposed to, starting off more quietly and getting louder over time. i don’t use it anymore but it’s good when you need to start waking up earlier

    and no, i’m not a natural morning person either. if i spend a week purposely sleeping in i can be waking up at noon every day

  • Nov 20, 2020

    Working up early is goat, cant believe i used to sleep til 11

  • Nov 20, 2020
    1 reply

    I usually set a few alarms. On my early days I have to get up at 8 AM.

    Alarms for 5 AM, 6 AM, 7 AM, and then 8 AM.

    Take out the meat and pump it.

    Check social media.

    Walk to the bathroom. Brush teeth.

    Get dressed. Make sure I have everything on me.

    Walk outside to start my car. It’s very cold now so I smoke cigarette while my car heats up. Then I drive off to work.

    y’all really be jerking your chicken soon as you wake up i need at least 3 hours awake to be alert enough to get that itch

  • Nov 20, 2020
    Red Stone Mask

    My internal clock tells me to wake up

    Mine too strong if I've got something to do that morning I'm up 7am ready to go

  • plants 🌻
    Nov 20, 2020

    Go to bed earlier.

  • Nov 20, 2020

    So.. I don't. But I notice when I work 24 hour shifts I'm way earlier cause I'ma go to sleep as soon as I get to work as long as I don't have any calls.

  • Nov 20, 2020

    I’ve been waking up at 5:30 lately and it sucks. Really just gotta go to bed earlier like ~10, it helps it be less painful

  • Nov 20, 2020

    I was going to bed at like 4:30 and waking up at like 12:30 during the summer but now that I’m working I go to bed at 11 and wake up at 8 haha it helps when you have stuff to do