I usually set a few alarms. On my early days I have to get up at 8 AM.
Alarms for 5 AM, 6 AM, 7 AM, and then 8 AM.
Take out the meat and pump it.
Check social media.
Walk to the bathroom. Brush teeth.
Get dressed. Make sure I have everything on me.
Walk outside to start my car. It’s very cold now so I smoke cigarette while my car heats up. Then I drive off to work.
you set an alarm at 5 to get up at 8 lol?
y’all really be jerking your chicken soon as you wake up i need at least 3 hours awake to be alert enough to get that itch
You should not be chumping your chicken at all! #nofap #semenretention
Force of habit. I always take a long time to get ready for some rzn
my nigga i woke up today 6:50 in the morning it was so f***ing cold i went back to bed. Amazing feeling when i went back to bed tbh i love sleep
I woke up this morning, I said my prayers
I'm all good then I tried to talk to my dad
Give him some advice, he starts spazzin on me
I start spazzin back, he said „That aint Christ-like"
I said, „Aah"
I can’t do it dawg. I’m too tired. Its damn newr impossible smh. I know i could just sleep earlier but not possible because of my work. Maybe its deeper than that? idek
Having something to do.
If I don't have plans early I'm not waking up earlier than 8 am.
If I have a job or obligation that needs me to consistently wake up early. Eventually you get into the routine
easy once you get a routine going, working out when i wake up motivates me to go to sleep early/wake up early
that explains a lot
bro im no way racist all my idols are black. i love black people more than white people, on my mama
bro im no way racist all my idols are black. i love black people more than white people, on my mama
yeah I know, but the way u use it just gave me white vibes
yeah I know, but the way u use it just gave me white vibes
to be fair ive been saying it since i was a kid its just the way i am.
I also dont look white i look a little darker than NAV
to be fair ive been saying it since i was a kid its just the way i am.
I also dont look white i look a little darker than NAV
Aight, gotcha fam, I'm no one to tell you what you should say and what you shouldn't, I actually liked the way you didn't lie and said you're black like to many small deeds do over here, you have all my respects
in school I was basically late every day but now Im better waking up when I know I’m getting a check for it lol