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  • May 29, 2021

    I’m just saying the freedom to even contemplate and think about things like this without instantly answering “survival nigga” is a privilege

    Of course American capitalism is bullshit lol

  • May 29, 2021

    Alternative is plowing the fields chief

  • May 29, 2021

    My dad has his own business and he has hella stress and is sometimes miserable, having a business and doing what you think you love doesn’t mean that you’ve solved life


    If I came up with a business plan I was passionate about I would maybe pursue it

    But if u made me start my own business right now I would hate that s*** even more than my 9-5. I like how I can just go in put my hours in then not have to think about that s*** and can concentrate on life and my free time

    Starting your own business is stress and hard to switch off from. It can be worth it for sure... But it could also not be tbh

  • I like how all the opinions ITT stay inside here and will never be seen by the public eye

  • May 29, 2021
    1 reply

    exactly lmao people I know that have successful businesses work 60+ hours a week so idk what op tryna say

    OP just don’t know the work it takes to have a decent wage, low job hours and have fun, s*** is literally impossible unless you have pure luck, sorry life don’t work like that

  • May 29, 2021

    OP just don’t know the work it takes to have a decent wage, low job hours and have fun, s*** is literally impossible unless you have pure luck, sorry life don’t work like that

    fr and I mean this with no disrespect to him but op sound young af with this mindset..he sounds like someone with no responsibilities lol

  • May 29, 2021
    2 replies

    so many people have such s***ty attitudes about working lmao

  • May 29, 2021

    ITT: elitism

  • May 29, 2021
    4PF Accountant

    Start a business. It doesn't even have to be anything grand. It can be small. Helped me keep my sanity. These days I feel like I'm actually LIVING and not just surviving.

    I know of a girl with tourettes who started a business from selling seashells on Etsy because no one would hire her. She's well off now off of a small Etsy store.

    Ok but can everyone be a business owner and no employees? How would that work?

    Also if you have a small business, say a noodle shop, and you work 40 hours a week (probably WAY more if you're self employed) and you make the same living as you did working for someone else, then what exactly did you achieve? Just spiting your employer?

    Maybe for you just the fact that you're working on your own terms justifies it, but it doesn't for everybody.

  • May 29, 2021
    1 reply

    You can tell people like @op lack hella perspective and empathy and probably dealt with a silver spoon most they life.

    I pray for niggas like yall man lol.

  • May 29, 2021
    1 reply

    You can tell people like @op lack hella perspective and empathy and probably dealt with a silver spoon most they life.

    I pray for niggas like yall man lol.

    lol I come out of a first generation immigrant family from Kazakhstan you degen. We literally had to scavenge roof insulation material from rotting houses in our 50 soul village to keep our house warm you f***ing bozo.

    Seethe some more though

  • May 29, 2021
    1 reply
    4PF Accountant

    lol I come out of a first generation immigrant family from Kazakhstan you degen. We literally had to scavenge roof insulation material from rotting houses in our 50 soul village to keep our house warm you f***ing bozo.

    Seethe some more though

    and somehow managed to lose ALL your humility and perspective just to turn into an LLC twitter type d***head.

    f*** you nigga lol.

  • May 29, 2021
    1 reply

    and somehow managed to lose ALL your humility and perspective just to turn into an LLC twitter type d***head.

    f*** you nigga lol.

    Ah yes, so because I recognize how exploitative current work environments are I have lost humility? Interesting.

    By the way, both of my parents who immigrated with NOTHING to their name - no degrees or any education on paper - feel the same way I do. My dad spent time in the f***ing Soviet military and he feels the same way I do. If anything I think they are a big reason why I feel this way. They put this perspective into my head. Sometimes even in an implicit way. Seeing the way they got exploited by employers early on in their lives broke my heart. Seeing the different lifestyles of my parents and the rich kids' parents when I was staying at their homes to hang out broke my heart. But yes. I have no humility and perspective.

    Go f*** yourself you absolute f***ing loser.

  • May 30, 2021
    2 replies
    4PF Accountant

    Ah yes, so because I recognize how exploitative current work environments are I have lost humility? Interesting.

    By the way, both of my parents who immigrated with NOTHING to their name - no degrees or any education on paper - feel the same way I do. My dad spent time in the f***ing Soviet military and he feels the same way I do. If anything I think they are a big reason why I feel this way. They put this perspective into my head. Sometimes even in an implicit way. Seeing the way they got exploited by employers early on in their lives broke my heart. Seeing the different lifestyles of my parents and the rich kids' parents when I was staying at their homes to hang out broke my heart. But yes. I have no humility and perspective.

    Go f*** yourself you absolute f***ing loser.

    I'm the loser, yet you never answered @user's first point in this thread how you asking to justify 40 hours a week is a priviliged thing to do because you KNOW you come off elitist as f***.

    I'ma keep it respectful, f*** you, your parents, and any brainwashed dumbass in your bloodline that think this 40+ hours a week thing is something that people just wanna do or "have a choice" in the matter. lol.

  • May 30, 2021
    1 reply

    Everyone chill damn

  • May 30, 2021

    I’m surprised it took this long to get hostile

  • Also, I don't think the problem is working, it's the cost of living and the crazy amount of hours we do trying to balance work and our personal lives

    Id be completely fine working if we all just had a bit more time to ourselves, life is short.

  • May 30, 2021
    big stepper renzo

    Everyone chill damn

  • May 30, 2021

    I'm the loser, yet you never answered @user's first point in this thread how you asking to justify 40 hours a week is a priviliged thing to do because you KNOW you come off elitist as f***.

    I'ma keep it respectful, f*** you, your parents, and any brainwashed dumbass in your bloodline that think this 40+ hours a week thing is something that people just wanna do or "have a choice" in the matter. lol.

    What the f*** are you talking about? I simply asked how people personally justify it for themselves because I never found my personal answer. I literally just wondered what keeps individual people going and how they come to terms with that reality for themselves.

    Necessity is a valid answer and I literally never refuted that you clown.

    For some people - like me - even necessity doesn't do it. I used to work 50 hours a week as an employee and it was out of necessity. I still didn't see the point of continuing. I contemplated suicide because of this s***.

  • May 30, 2021

    400k-500k a year I guess. But only 20 years. Maybe 45-55 hours a week too.

    Also I want 3 houses

  • May 30, 2021
    master chief

    so many people have such s***ty attitudes about working lmao

    Work sucks.

  • May 30, 2021


    Anyone looking for a way out here it is

    The f*** lmao

  • May 30, 2021

    Theoretically…an advanced society shouldn’t have to work…not 40 hours at least.

  • May 30, 2021

    Remember guys, working for 40 hours a week for 40 years to make money for those so called capitalists that you are so against is a privilege.

    NOW GET BACK TO WORK, if you should be so lucky...

  • May 30, 2021

    Worker bees swarming like the hive mind they are ITT