What the f*** is point number 5? Does this pompous s***crest pay for all his homes in cash? Does he really except us to "deplore" loans and save up $200,000 waiting tables to buy a house all at once?
are you making an hourly wage or are you salary
Hourly for now plus a s***ty drive to LA county. Only reason i stay is because I have an opportunity to make some pretty good money in the future
My dad has his own business and he has hella stress and is sometimes miserable, having a business and doing what you think you love doesn’t mean that you’ve solved life
its a privilege to look at it as a choice to justify
imagine asking a nigga in a third world country getting paid in rice this lol
this too though
Well for starters I’m not in debt (blessed)
I don’t work for any corporation or company, I service the people! I know my job is necessary for the survival of society so that brings me pride in my work.
I enjoy shooting the s*** with my co workers and my work environment is pretty lax. I have loads of benefits and enough leave to take months off of work for no reason
On top of all this, working is human nature. We must work to feel purpose. Whether that work is freelance, organized job, or even a simple hobby is up to you. Also the reality is that you have to work to survive, even more so if you have other mouths to feed, so you essentially just suck it up. Work isn’t supposed to be fun. It’s a duty. Either way if you you make money doing something you love then you’ll never work a day in your life
It seems like these threads are always geared toward sedentary desk jobs. There are plenty more jobs than just that!
Trying to set my future generations up better than I had it. My parents busted their ass so I’m going to do the same in order to continue their progress. I I don’t mind the 40 hour week per say because I like what I do to an extent but I still try to invest and things like that to try to expedite my time spent working
Hourly for now plus a s***ty drive to LA county. Only reason i stay is because I have an opportunity to make some pretty good money in the future
damn be safe. i’ve been working this full time job for almost a year now. working hourly is so wild like you’re selling time you can never get back for dollars an hour
I think about how people before us and people in other countries would die for this opportunity.
Also I have a job where they don't profit off my labor and I help individuals with autism so it helps knowing I'm not just a cog in a machine.
Find a job you like or at least tolerate
It seems like these threads are always geared toward sedentary desk jobs. There are plenty more jobs than just that!
right? as if the only options are an office job or being an entrepreneur. There's so many career paths that you can take, do something you actually enjoy and excell at.
It seems like these threads are always geared toward sedentary desk jobs. There are plenty more jobs than just that!
Look, when I was young I did an internship at a kindergarten for school. I LOVED it. Teaching kids and helping them discover the world was amazing and I could imagine doing that for a living. I felt like I was actually doing something with an impact. When I talked to the other workers there though they told me they wouldn't take that career path again if they had the choice. While they loved what they did, they never felt like they were appreciated or paid enough. They were all barely getting by financially. And you could tell.
Threads like these are mostly geared toward sedentary desk jobs because that's where most of the acceptable wages are. That's just the truth.
No one ACTUALLY wants to do it OP, some of us dont have the drive to start our own businesses