  • Oct 2, 2021
    1 reply

  • plants 🌻
    Oct 2, 2021
    1 reply
    bitch mob

    give me the burger

  • Oct 2, 2021
    1 reply

    give me the burger

    it's all yours.

  • Oct 2, 2021

    Chug water as soon as you wake up
    Go to sleep and wake up at roughly the same time every day
    8 hours of sleep (find your range but 8 works for me)
    No electronic devices an hour before bed

    I’ve never slept better in my life + had more energy in the morning than I have the past few years I’ve been practicing all of these habits

    TRIED THE WATER THING, ALL I GOTTA SAY IS THANK YOU!!! I mixed it with going outside right when I wake up because of the circadian clock it was perfect

  • plants 🌻
    Oct 2, 2021
    bitch mob

    it's all yours.


  • eclass ⛓️
    Oct 2, 2021

    It’s normal to feel slightly tired waking up.. just drink a couple glasses of water and you’ll feel awake

  • Oct 2, 2021

    it’s crazy how my body just knows to wake up mere minutes before my alarm is set to go off. Been like this for years

  • Oct 2, 2021

    Smoke less weed and work out

  • Oct 2, 2021
    1 reply

    That's why I just run off of 2 hours of sleep. If I'm going to wake up tired regardless might as well make the most of my time awake.

    Even if you wake up tired you’re gonna feel better throughout out the day with normal amount of sleep

    I think it’s normal to initially feel tired after waking up. Drink water

  • Oct 2, 2021

    Something I do is put my phone on the other side of my room so that when my alarm goes off I’m forced to physically get out of bed to turn it off.

  • Oct 2, 2021

    Even if you wake up tired you’re gonna feel better throughout out the day with normal amount of sleep

    I think it’s normal to initially feel tired after waking up. Drink water

    I mean yes and no. Like the start is really hard for like the first hour awake sometimes, but I do manual labor so I'm usually fully up and active after that first hour.

  • Oct 2, 2021

    You might have sleep apnea

    What does this have anything to do with waking up 10 minutes earlier?

  • Nuja 🫶🏾
    Oct 2, 2021

    When you dont have anything of urgency to do at least in my experience I wake up energized.

    Even if I dont have to do something important until like 12 lets say, i'll absolutely drag getting out the bed at 5 or 6. But if I have nothing at all planned I wake up 5-6 AM so effortlessly.