  • Dec 30, 2020
    1 reply

    rice and beans cheap

    fish relatively cheap compared to pop eyes

    can you like survive off just rice and beans because I might do that

  • Dec 30, 2020
    1 reply

    If nothing can get you to drink water, working out regularly will

    There’s no way you’ll wanna drink soda when you hydrate while lifting weights

  • Dec 30, 2020

    Ramen and chicken

  • Dec 31, 2020
    1 reply
    Cant pick

    can you like survive off just rice and beans because I might do that

    i did for a few years .

    i wouldnt recommend it tho . If u tryna go vegan add cauliflower and mushrooms to your diet (u can do so much with cauliflower bra)

  • Dec 31, 2020
    1 reply

    i did for a few years .

    i wouldnt recommend it tho . If u tryna go vegan add cauliflower and mushrooms to your diet (u can do so much with cauliflower bra)

    I've had cauliflower rice and it's okay

    why wouldn't you recommend it?

  • Dec 31, 2020
    1 reply
    Cant pick

    I've had cauliflower rice and it's okay

    why wouldn't you recommend it?

    its just not enough nutrients.

    and u can literally make faux meat with cauliflower lol i was making "chicken" sandwiches . f***ing sweet and sour "chicken " all kind of fire s*** . its the ultimate vegetable

  • Dec 31, 2020
    1 reply

    its just not enough nutrients.

    and u can literally make faux meat with cauliflower lol i was making "chicken" sandwiches . f***ing sweet and sour "chicken " all kind of fire s*** . its the ultimate vegetable

    Oh so you got sick or something?

    I didn't know that, and it's good?

  • Dec 31, 2020
    Cant pick

    Oh so you got sick or something?

    I didn't know that, and it's good?

    i wouldnt say sick but i was super skinny . unless your just poor i wouldnt recommend it and hell yea bro i went thru like 3 heads of that s*** in a week . Tons of easy to do recipes on youtube .

  • Dec 31, 2020
    1 reply

    My wife and I have meal prepped pretty much every week for 4 years now

    Lost 60 lbs in the first two years and I have probably saved $4000.00 or so

  • Bow And Arrow

    Cook for yourself and use fresh ingredients.

    It might seem expensive at the grocery store, but you can get a weeks worth of fresh produce and meat along with any other ingredients for less than eating fast food. It's going to automatically be healthier because it's easier to cook with restraint as opposed to eat with restraint. Make smaller and more balanced portions and use normal amounts of butter and salt and you're already eating healthier.

    Can vouch for this

    It can sting seeing like $80 at the grocery store, but that much food will usually last a couple weeks at least, assuming you only shop for yourself

    It definitely ends up being way cheaper than eating out all the time, even fast food

  • Jan 2, 2021
    Barry Gibb

    My wife and I have meal prepped pretty much every week for 4 years now

    Lost 60 lbs in the first two years and I have probably saved $4000.00 or so

    ugh, goals