Why does this site have such an infatuation with these non-sense people "reviewing" music? If you hate them so much then why are they constantly getting linked? These people writing articles about 'whatever' have no credibility whatsoever. The only people you should be listening to about music is your friends or people who have a similar taste to you. Not some faux-intellectual music snob online, tapping on his keyboard with cheeto fingers b****ing about how "DONDA wasn't influential enough".
I'd go so far as to say that this site needs a whole mega-thread for these reviewers. It's somewhat annoying seeing this stuff over and over.
People want validation for their tastes, outside of the people they know.
It's very weird to see, you can tell on this site who genuinely likes music and who just wants validation. You're right.
Same. I don't care if someone else liked an album/song. If I like it, that's all that matters to me
What other people think about something you like or dislike matters because it generates the consensus of the media which determines whether the artist will continue in that direction or take another.
It's very weird to see, you can tell on this site who genuinely likes music and who just wants validation. You're right.
I wonder what the percentage is of people looking for others to form a musical opinion for them, contrasted with the people who just want their favorite artist to get critical acclaim
if i make a youtube channel and get a audience
all of a sudden my opinion gone hold weight
some people like to get recommendations from them
if i make a youtube channel and get a audience
all of a sudden my opinion gone hold weight
Because you have a crowd behind which makes the impression that you opinion is more validated than the average person who doesn’t have people rallying them
This site feels way too strongly about reviews in general but I dont agree that you should only be listening to people who you know/people with the same taste as you. That seems like a weird way to approach anything in life imo.
Ive had reviews either enhance my appreciation for an album by articulating thoughts that I couldnt pinpoint myself or make me rethink how much I enjoyed an album by presenting me a different viewpoint. They dont dictate my taste but a good review isnt useless at all, theyre worth as much as you want them to be.
I enjoy reviews. they help inform my opinions on art and the context surrounding it.
if I enjoy something and reviewers don’t that’s fine too. differing perspectives only makes art more interesting.
What other people think about something you like or dislike matters because it generates the consensus of the media which determines whether the artist will continue in that direction or take another.
But still, it's not like you should rely on OTHER people besides listening to a project all by yourself.
On OG KTT niggas was literally posting Metacritic and Pitchfork scores to tell you the album you liked was trash or to validate their faves.
The critic darlings have changed since then and niggas don’t know what to do now.
Validation. People don’t want to have the “wrong” opinion
That's a problem with our society now, people don't realize things are a gray area. There's no such thing as "right/opinions" on stuff like music.
I wonder what the percentage is of people looking for others to form a musical opinion for them, contrasted with the people who just want their favorite artist to get critical acclaim
Hm, good question. Definitely alot of users on KTT2 who only view billboards/charts as a way of "deeming if something is good". The problem is that music now goes viral as entertainment, so it's hard for the average joe to differentiate something as a "joke" vs. something that is actually "talent".
Review aggregators like metacritic or rym are so antithetical to what makes music enjoyable in the first place: subjectivity, spontaneity, talking about something more than a f***ing number
This site feels way too strongly about reviews in general but I dont agree that you should only be listening to people who you know/people with the same taste as you. That seems like a weird way to approach anything in life imo.
Ive had reviews either enhance my appreciation for an album by articulating thoughts that I couldnt pinpoint myself or make me rethink how much I enjoyed an album by presenting me a different viewpoint. They dont dictate my taste but a good review isnt useless at all, theyre worth as much as you want them to be.
The issue is that most people are simply too lazy to go look for new music. That's why having friends recommend you stuff is a good idea.
why are bloggers viewed as music experts
they have literally no greater knowledge of music or production or songwriting than any random on R*teYourMusic or KTT, if even
if your going to lean on the opinions of literally anyone else, you should look to peer acclaim
People that experience music with their ears rather than amalgamation of numbers >
why are bloggers viewed as music experts
they have literally no greater knowledge of music or production or songwriting than any random on R*teYourMusic or KTT, if even
if your going to lean on the opinions of literally anyone else, you should look to peer acclaim
Exactly. Bloggers are not credible people. If someone just wants to post music they like, that is ONE thing. But going into an in-depth review with a dewey-decimal system and acronyms like "yeah I enjoyed TFKSLWUF more than LGNEU I personally give it a 3.58279329 out of 5 stars" is when stuff gets cancerous.