  • Sep 17, 2021

    There's some good reviewers, some bad ones just like everything else

  • bet you not gonna talk that spicy to his face

  • Sep 17, 2021
    1 reply

    To actually answer the question, get off this big brain “everyone who likes reviews is insecure and seeking validation” BS. If you had no desire to consume other people’s opinions on music then why are you on a music forum? It’s just an extension of the social aspect of music.

  • Sep 17, 2021

    To act like reviews serve absolutely no purpose is dumb imo, when it's a good reviewer you can get a different perspective on whatever being reviewed

  • Sep 17, 2021

    Music is social

  • Sep 17, 2021

    Validation. People don’t want to have the “wrong” opinion

    There are wrong opinions

  • Sep 17, 2021

    Music reviews exist to a person deeply knowledgeable in the music they’re reviewing and the should understand nuances and intricacies the average person with cursory knowledge wouldn’t

  • Sep 17, 2021
    1 reply

    It’s like a book review the number is just a frivolous joke

  • Sep 17, 2021

    Why does this site have such an infatuation with these non-sense people "reviewing" music? If you hate them so much then why are they constantly getting linked? These people writing articles about 'whatever' have no credibility whatsoever. The only people you should be listening to about music is your friends or people who have a similar taste to you. Not some faux-intellectual music snob online, tapping on his keyboard with cheeto fingers b****ing about how "DONDA wasn't influential enough".

    I'd go so far as to say that this site needs a whole mega-thread for these reviewers. It's somewhat annoying seeing this stuff over and over.

    Wow, so brave b

  • only validation i sorta want is when im showing new music to certain members of family but that s*** dont be killing me lmao.

    People be fuming over P4K

  • Sep 17, 2021

    What would be best is we held to higher standards rather than outright decry them

  • Sep 17, 2021
    1 reply

    To actually answer the question, get off this big brain “everyone who likes reviews is insecure and seeking validation” BS. If you had no desire to consume other people’s opinions on music then why are you on a music forum? It’s just an extension of the social aspect of music.

    you on to something.
    How do you respond @op

  • Sep 17, 2021

    I don’t give a s*** about music ratings or critics
    If anyone ask me other than the police, I did it
    If i see any one of my opps out then I’m wit it
    Shot a opp in the chest with the glick and then I hid it
    I’m not the type to call crime stoppers and give out tidbits
    I’m the type to blast your face off with a hot biscuit
    Unk gave me a good idea, hit the work with Bisquik
    Sent auntie to the store, to get s***
    My hands look like kitchen mixers I gotta quick wrist
    I will put the Glock down just so we can hit fists
    They say I look like the Black Randy Marsh, I take big s***s
    I got a daughter, I look at her like “damn Jit rich”
    My b**** bad but she boujee she like to pitch fits
    I don’t like the ass but I do like the B**** t***
    I’m screaming out RXK whatcha saying b****hh
    None a my opps are very dedicated they always call it quits
    Auntie just called me right now she say she need a fix
    Auntie ima call u right back I’m busy hittin licks

  • Sep 17, 2021
    1 reply

    It’s actually very relevant tho. If you hate the concept of reviewers so much why do you basically do the same thing posting here? Why should we care what your thoughts on reviews are? Your post is just a review of reviews

    You're not very good at trolling

    At least be funny

  • Sep 17, 2021
    1 reply
    Jitney Spearx

    I still got that music review idea in my head just trying to get my life in order first, soon!

    But I think making a rating system for albums is kinda hard to get accurate.

    Like off rip we should all know scores are very opinionated.

    Plus you throw in the politics behind the artist and things just don’t correlate to the music at that point

    To be fair, I actually am interested in your reviews because you're a friend.

    Was mainly talking about Fantano, P4k, MetaC stuff on here that was see everyday.

  • Sep 17, 2021

    I get why people would read or watch reviews. Maybe you’re curious on what other people think about the album. But once u start basing your opinion around sales and reviews, u lost it. Nigga be tryna tell me an album good because pitchfork gave it a good score. Nigga who gives a s*** what pitchfork said. Or that an album fire cause it sold more. Like nigga shut up.


  • Sep 17, 2021

    You don't care so much you had to make a thread about it


  • Sep 17, 2021
    1 reply
    JT is Electric

    you on to something.
    How do you respond @op

    Ignoring that guy because he's an unfunny troll

    Not worth the time or energy responding to that clownery.

  • Sep 17, 2021
    1 reply

    Ignoring that guy because he's an unfunny troll

    Not worth the time or energy responding to that clownery.

    read the rest of the thread and that dude tripping lmao

  • Sep 17, 2021
    1 reply
    JT is Electric

    read the rest of the thread and that dude tripping lmao

    Yeah. Not worth even entertaining that negativity. People who troll this site and are negative for no reason are just miserable. Can't even have a discussion without it being derailed to something person.

    Also, nice avi

  • Sep 17, 2021
    1 reply

    To be fair, I actually am interested in your reviews because you're a friend.

    Was mainly talking about Fantano, P4k, MetaC stuff on here that was see everyday.

    I know 😊

    I gotta stay away from doing what these guys are doing

    Thinking I’m going to review lesser known stuff that I FW that will be positive

    And then maybe do big releases for the YouTube traffic where I may have a more controversial opinion on, but maybe go in with open mind……idk yet, I have creative control (as long as YouTube doesn’t mind 😂) so reviewing s*** I don’t like just comes off as……it’s like the reason we don’t like Fantano and them, cuz they review everything and it’s not always that persons cup of tea, or maybe they just don’t understand the culture behind it.

  • Sep 17, 2021

    Why does this site have such an infatuation with these non-sense people "reviewing" music? If you hate them so much then why are they constantly getting linked? These people writing articles about 'whatever' have no credibility whatsoever. The only people you should be listening to about music is your friends or people who have a similar taste to you. Not some faux-intellectual music snob online, tapping on his keyboard with cheeto fingers b****ing about how "DONDA wasn't influential enough".

    I'd go so far as to say that this site needs a whole mega-thread for these reviewers. It's somewhat annoying seeing this stuff over and over.

    but do you life reactions?

  • Sep 17, 2021

    Why does this site have such an infatuation with these non-sense people "reviewing" music? If you hate them so much then why are they constantly getting linked? These people writing articles about 'whatever' have no credibility whatsoever. The only people you should be listening to about music is your friends or people who have a similar taste to you. Not some faux-intellectual music snob online, tapping on his keyboard with cheeto fingers b****ing about how "DONDA wasn't influential enough".

    I'd go so far as to say that this site needs a whole mega-thread for these reviewers. It's somewhat annoying seeing this stuff over and over.

    drake does not have aoty i dont care how many albums he sold

  • Sep 17, 2021
    1 reply

    y’all are making the same thread once a week, not caring about reviews IS NOT A PERSONALITY TRAIT

  • Nah. Make this thread another week. Let's Celebrate Nas X