  • Jul 28, 2022
    1 reply

    Sample warping on Exile is hard. Definite SP feel on this. I know you were just using Koala and a Lite version of Ableton which is impressive, but the sample choices here and there are what I appreciate the most.

  • Jul 28, 2022
    1 reply
    best poster

    Sample warping on Exile is hard. Definite SP feel on this. I know you were just using Koala and a Lite version of Ableton which is impressive, but the sample choices here and there are what I appreciate the most.

    Thank you man! That means a lot.

    The beat for Exile is one I made super super early. Like 2 years back when I first started dabbling with Koala Sampler. Just fiddling around with the Stretch functionality they had added around that time. Knew I was onto something when I managed that one. Sampled this track from Nicolas Jaar:

    @marcusg actually sent that beat to Ba Pace ages ago lol. He didn't reply

  • Jul 28, 2022

    haven't given the album a full listen yet but especially Wails of the Weary is insane and literally made me replaying it a couple times

    the run towards the end of the album is nice too

    seems cohesive and veeery melancholic overall

    Damn, thank you so much

    Wails of the Weary came together relatively late on. Theres a very subtle switch up (not a beat switch) but like added feedback leading into the back half that gave it that extra shimmery bit. Spent a while trying to get that right. Happy to hear you liked that track.

    And yeah was definitely going for the melancholic vibe. Glad it came off as cohesive to you.

  • Jul 28, 2022

    Not a fan of that style of vocals but the beats are flawless damn

    Very fair. Vocals are a weird thing. I was pretty uncomfortable doing them. Lot of takes. Took a while to find my voice moderately palatable. And literally had no idea what it would sound like to other people. So very understandable.

    Hugely flattered by the compliment on the beats. Thank you.

  • Jul 28, 2022
    Marcus is Dust


    Honored. Your own music remains an inspiration.

  • “Underworld”

  • “Where Butterflies Dance”

  • Jul 28, 2022
    1 reply

    This doesn’t sound like a first project at all. It doesn’t sound like has any reluctance about what it wants to be, nor does it feel held back by any kind of lack of musical language. It must feel amazing to be able to express what you want to the way you want to.

    Completely blown away by the production. The beats feel reminiscent of recent MIKE. Love the dark/distorted/bare atmosphere to most of them.

    And I love the honesty of your lyrics—you sound like you have an experienced poetic voice. “Torment” and “A Thousand Miserable Moons” are my favorite on first listen.

    Fire fire fire

    Send beats?

  • Jul 28, 2022
    Marcus is Dust


  • Jul 28, 2022
    1 reply

    your production/sampling is excellent @op im liking the dark vibe of the project. the song "underworld" is somethin special great work keep it up

  • Jul 28, 2022
    1 reply

    @beflygelt get in here !!

  • Jul 28, 2022
    1 reply

    Listened to a few tracks I fuxx with it good s*** @op, reminds me of early King Krule a bit too

    Listened to Underworld, Exile, Wails, Butterlfies, Rose Petals & Torment

    I fuxx with all the tracks I heard except Torment, good work. Very interesting too most of it is like Spoken Word. The instrumentals are very nice.

  • “A Thousand Miserable Moons”

  • Jul 28, 2022
    1 reply

    “Pure Matter”

  • Jul 29, 2022
    1 reply
    Marcus is Dust

    This doesn’t sound like a first project at all. It doesn’t sound like has any reluctance about what it wants to be, nor does it feel held back by any kind of lack of musical language. It must feel amazing to be able to express what you want to the way you want to.

    Completely blown away by the production. The beats feel reminiscent of recent MIKE. Love the dark/distorted/bare atmosphere to most of them.

    And I love the honesty of your lyrics—you sound like you have an experienced poetic voice. “Torment” and “A Thousand Miserable Moons” are my favorite on first listen.

    Fire fire fire

    Send beats?

    Unbelievably kind. Thank you man.

    I did have a very specific palette in mind when I first got the idea of doing this. I felt like it came to fruition so it means a lot you felt it too.

    And all the praise for the production is awesome to hear. I like weird beats as you know, and just figured well at least if they're not necessarily conventionally 'good' they'll be interesting and relatively unique to listen to. MIKE's production was of course a massive inspiration.

    Those two tracks you picked out are definitely very special ones to me. Lot poured into those.

    Thank you again. And I will absolutely get to prepping a pack for you. Had a ton of stuff that didn't necessarily fully fit the vibe for this and a lot of samples I wanted to work with but didn't get the time too. So it'll be cool to see what you come up with if you like something.

  • Jul 29, 2022

    your production/sampling is excellent @op im liking the dark vibe of the project. the song "underworld" is somethin special great work keep it up

    Thank you so much.

    Underworld was a tough track to figure out what to do with. Initially had a completely different, proper full blooded verse for that. And then super late on after a very disheartening night wrote that at like 2am a few whisky's down.

    The aim was to get the listener to just feel like they were in my head. The panning and vocal effects mirroring that idea of a barrage of thoughts flying in and out.

  • Jul 29, 2022
    Water Giver

    Listened to a few tracks I fuxx with it good s*** @op, reminds me of early King Krule a bit too

    Listened to Underworld, Exile, Wails, Butterlfies, Rose Petals & Torment

    I fuxx with all the tracks I heard except Torment, good work. Very interesting too most of it is like Spoken Word. The instrumentals are very nice.

    Mans said early King Krule

    Thank you. And yeah on the spoken word front, was listening to a lot of Nick Cave around the time I was recording this. For sure rubbed off. Plus deliberately felt like I had to bring that more languid, weary style of delivery.

  • Jul 29, 2022
    cotton dockers

    “Pure Matter”

    Thank you og

  • Jul 29, 2022
    1 reply
    · edited

    I like doing various creative things, keep myself occupied and all. Painting, writing, poetry. I love music of course, and about two years got the idea in my mind to try making an EP, a minimalist Solace-type thing was my thinking. I had zero knowledge of making music, and still arguably don't. But got to toying around with Garageband, then Koala Sampler, and then Ableton Live Lite.

    Anyway, in the end I made an album that has met my vision. It's 10 tracks, 23 minutes long. It's immensely personal and I feel very weird about sharing it. But I figure I will do so nonetheless. I am proud of it ultimately and find it moving to me at least, it's very much a trip through the various aspects of my life thus far. And was largely born out of a time of particular grief.

    Thank you for listening if you do. I hope you find some of the redeeming qualities I do in it. Above all I enjoyed doing it, start to finish, every aspect: writing, production, recording, mixing, mastering, album cover. Therapeutic and painful.

    Btw I'm British, so totally get it if that's an instant out. Plenty understandable. I have also had literally no feedback on this from anyone, so if it's bad. Thanks again if you do listen. Love you all, cool people. Most of you.

    Some of you.

    Second album link:
    Unnecessary but optional contextual ramble on page 4

    Album 3
    Page 6 for words

    DAMN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so happy for you g, I never told you this but ure one of my favorite ppl on this site. crazy to see your work, will support it with what I can for sure

  • Jul 29, 2022

    DAMN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so happy for you g, I never told you this but ure one of my favorite ppl on this site. crazy to see your work, will support it with what I can for sure

    Thank you man!

    You've always been one of my favourites too rest assured. Only person who loves 'electricity is on our side' as much as me.

  • DwindlingSun

    Thank you man! That means a lot.

    The beat for Exile is one I made super super early. Like 2 years back when I first started dabbling with Koala Sampler. Just fiddling around with the Stretch functionality they had added around that time. Knew I was onto something when I managed that one. Sampled this track from Nicolas Jaar:


    @marcusg actually sent that beat to Ba Pace ages ago lol. He didn't reply

    Honestly would love if BA went darker / more morose like that..

  • Jul 29, 2022
    1 reply

    This was a great album.

    Rose Petals is incredible.

  • Jul 29, 2022

    This was a great album.

    Rose Petals is incredible.

    Thank you very much bro. Really means a ton.

    Rose Petals cuts especially deep. The opening sample on that from 'The Conversation' is one I had picked out absolutely ages ago. Felt like it found the perfect home.

  • Jul 29, 2022
    1 reply

    Brooo this is poetry. Masterful

  • Jul 29, 2022
    2 replies

    Crine im glad as s***