  • Jul 29, 2023
    Marcus is Dust

    Mannn congrats !

    Seeing you releases an album shocked me, but listening to it shocked me even more. Felt like the work of a much more seasoned producer/writer--sounded so emotive and sincere all the way through..

    And "Your Art is That" was even better... lord knows this new one is gonna hit. Can't wait. Salute to you always, friend

    Thank you man. Appreciate it immensely, especially from you.

  • Dec 24, 2023
    1 reply

    Getting cold, need new SEERSHIP pls

  • Dec 24, 2023
    1 reply
    Marcus is Dust

    Getting cold, need new SEERSHIP pls

    Not just yet. Update next Saturday though with 2nd album anniversary post.

  • Dec 24, 2023

    Not just yet. Update next Saturday though with 2nd album anniversary post.

  • Dec 30, 2023

    Today is the one year anniversary of my second album. I thought I would do a post for it as I did for the first.

    So far in life it has seemed that those people I have loved most in this world are always an ocean away in America. The few family that have meant the most to me, and the dear one that this album's heartbreak is about - she had also spoke the title of the album to me once upon a time. Following that loss the thought of heading back to America carried with it particular torment. However, 6 months later my grandfathers imminent passing meant that would be unavoidable.

    Before that trip this album was soulless. Largely wordless so I didn't have to confront my pain. Noise to hide the scars. The few words there were just braggadocious, empty facades. Those reflective weeks in America, and the all-consuming blackness of UK winter, retooled the album into this attempt.

    I had picked out the release date a long while in advance. That day ended up also being my grandfather's funeral day. I uploaded the album and 10 minutes later was watching his funeral over a livestream. My grandfather is referenced on the final track, my favourite track. It was added very late on. It's the only track I've ever made where I made the instrumental, wrote the verse, and recorded it all within the same siting. It is also the only time I've ever done one take as I had intended that recording to just be a rough demo while I figured out my flow and what else to write. But it was perfect as is. The best thing I had ever written (up until recently).

    During my time in America I had also written a little short story. It was always to me inextricably tied to the album. But I hesitated to put it out along with it at the time for reasons. A year on seems a decent enough time though. If you would like to read that I have just updated the album description with it.

    Thanks to all who listened.

    Oh, and come on man I got a Sunmundi feature I can retire happily when my day is done.

  • Dec 30, 2023

    A note on my third album:

    Making these albums with limited time and resources and skill means a great many ideas have to remain in gestation for a long, long time till that point of the workflow can occur. I always hope things will fall into place when the time is right, sometimes they do, sometimes they alter (for better or worse), sometimes they have to be abandoned. On this one it has felt like everything I have wanted to come together has done, or blossomed into something better. And when I have been at a roadblock as to where to go, it's like some strange alchemy above has seeded the perfect idea every time.

    That said, I still have bouts of swinging between thinking it has no redeeming qualities to thinking it's quite special. We shall see I suppose. It does contain one particular song that I think I have truly wanted to convey my whole life, in some medium or other. I did it finally, better than I could have ever imagined. Currently, thankfully, I am in the 'it's quite special' end of the spectrum. It feels comfortably my best work, a tier or two above the others. Denser, fuller, better written, performed, produced, mixed. I want to try and put it out there a bit more this time around, I think it deserves it, so I'll probably do the whole twitter/instagram thing - I'll put that here when set up in case anyone wants to follow or whatever.

    I had picked out a release date the day I began working on it. I am nearing that finish line, and somehow still on schedule just about. A lot less free time to work on this one compared to the other two so every second has really had to count. Speaking of, time to get back to mixing.

  • Mar 15, 2024
    8 replies

    @marcusg @sentient_sherm_bag @Vox @Lit @Nessy @Flaphead @gunkmail @cotton_dockers @Water_Giver @dixxie @WRU @JR @Yolko @beflygelt @OMEGA @WhiteChrisDorner @KundaliniMeanie @Notmyfirst

    It's been a while. Today is my birthday, so I have a gift for myself and you - a new album. I made it in full once again.

    This album was an immense undertaking that swelled in scope and one I feared I would completely lose a handle of. It was lived in, every second. It is a very special album to me, and luckily for you I think it is a very good album, and I've been excited to put it out for a long time now.

    Thanks as always to all who check it out, hope you enjoy, let me know what you think. Preferably listen to it in one sitting if you can. Don't skip around in the tracklist.

    IMPORTANT: also, annoyingly I spent a long time trying to make the album gapless/seamless. Unfortunately, Bandcamp somewhat f***s with that in certain places. If you're purchasing it then download it and play it, if you can't afford it then play it and if you like it and want to hear it in the seamless way then pop me a message.

    Thanks again, go about your days.

    Also I made a twitter, absolutely no idea what to do with it but felt like I should for this one, in case anyone wants to spread the gospel. Followed woods and Sunmundi so far, which seems about right.

    I might make an Instagram but I fear I'll be sidetracked by the Explore page hoes. No, they definitely don't personalise your results to your browsing history. Definitely not.

  • Mar 16, 2024
    · edited

    @marcusg @sentient_sherm_bag @Vox @Lit @Nessy @Flaphead @gunkmail @cotton_dockers @Water_Giver @dixxie @WRU @JR @Yolko @beflygelt @OMEGA @WhiteChrisDorner @KundaliniMeanie @Notmyfirst

    It's been a while. Today is my birthday, so I have a gift for myself and you - a new album. I made it in full once again.

    This album was an immense undertaking that swelled in scope and one I feared I would completely lose a handle of. It was lived in, every second. It is a very special album to me, and luckily for you I think it is a very good album, and I've been excited to put it out for a long time now.

    Thanks as always to all who check it out, hope you enjoy, let me know what you think. Preferably listen to it in one sitting if you can. Don't skip around in the tracklist.

    IMPORTANT: also, annoyingly I spent a long time trying to make the album gapless/seamless. Unfortunately, Bandcamp somewhat f***s with that in certain places. If you're purchasing it then download it and play it, if you can't afford it then play it and if you like it and want to hear it in the seamless way then pop me a message.

    Thanks again, go about your days.

    Also I made a twitter, absolutely no idea what to do with it but felt like I should for this one, in case anyone wants to spread the gospel. Followed woods and Sunmundi so far, which seems about right.

    I might make an Instagram but I fear I'll be sidetracked by the Explore page hoes. No, they definitely don't personalise your results to your browsing history. Definitely not.

    Happy birthday chief, happy to know you even if only so much period. I’ll peep the album!

  • Mar 16, 2024
    1 reply

    @marcusg @sentient_sherm_bag @Vox @Lit @Nessy @Flaphead @gunkmail @cotton_dockers @Water_Giver @dixxie @WRU @JR @Yolko @beflygelt @OMEGA @WhiteChrisDorner @KundaliniMeanie @Notmyfirst

    It's been a while. Today is my birthday, so I have a gift for myself and you - a new album. I made it in full once again.

    This album was an immense undertaking that swelled in scope and one I feared I would completely lose a handle of. It was lived in, every second. It is a very special album to me, and luckily for you I think it is a very good album, and I've been excited to put it out for a long time now.

    Thanks as always to all who check it out, hope you enjoy, let me know what you think. Preferably listen to it in one sitting if you can. Don't skip around in the tracklist.

    IMPORTANT: also, annoyingly I spent a long time trying to make the album gapless/seamless. Unfortunately, Bandcamp somewhat f***s with that in certain places. If you're purchasing it then download it and play it, if you can't afford it then play it and if you like it and want to hear it in the seamless way then pop me a message.

    Thanks again, go about your days.

    Also I made a twitter, absolutely no idea what to do with it but felt like I should for this one, in case anyone wants to spread the gospel. Followed woods and Sunmundi so far, which seems about right.

    I might make an Instagram but I fear I'll be sidetracked by the Explore page hoes. No, they definitely don't personalise your results to your browsing history. Definitely not.

    Tapping in on all fronts boss, very excited to give this a spin on the new fancy headphones - and happy birthday!!

  • Mar 16, 2024
    1 reply
    babylon sherm

    Tapping in on all fronts boss, very excited to give this a spin on the new fancy headphones - and happy birthday!!

    Thank you Sir.

    Oh god, new fancy headphones may be too too good for this, you're gonna hear every detail of my s*** mixing.

  • Mar 16, 2024
    1 reply

    Thank you Sir.

    Oh god, new fancy headphones may be too too good for this, you're gonna hear every detail of my s*** mixing.

    They’re Apple, how nice can they really be?

    Besides, when the whole thing is done yourself a s*** mix demands respect; very hardcore, very real

  • Mar 16, 2024
    babylon sherm

    They’re Apple, how nice can they really be?

    Besides, when the whole thing is done yourself a s*** mix demands respect; very hardcore, very real

    First time I've been complimented on being a control freak, I'll take it.

  • Mar 16, 2024

    @marcusg @sentient_sherm_bag @Vox @Lit @Nessy @Flaphead @gunkmail @cotton_dockers @Water_Giver @dixxie @WRU @JR @Yolko @beflygelt @OMEGA @WhiteChrisDorner @KundaliniMeanie @Notmyfirst

    It's been a while. Today is my birthday, so I have a gift for myself and you - a new album. I made it in full once again.

    This album was an immense undertaking that swelled in scope and one I feared I would completely lose a handle of. It was lived in, every second. It is a very special album to me, and luckily for you I think it is a very good album, and I've been excited to put it out for a long time now.

    Thanks as always to all who check it out, hope you enjoy, let me know what you think. Preferably listen to it in one sitting if you can. Don't skip around in the tracklist.

    IMPORTANT: also, annoyingly I spent a long time trying to make the album gapless/seamless. Unfortunately, Bandcamp somewhat f***s with that in certain places. If you're purchasing it then download it and play it, if you can't afford it then play it and if you like it and want to hear it in the seamless way then pop me a message.

    Thanks again, go about your days.

    Also I made a twitter, absolutely no idea what to do with it but felt like I should for this one, in case anyone wants to spread the gospel. Followed woods and Sunmundi so far, which seems about right.

    I might make an Instagram but I fear I'll be sidetracked by the Explore page hoes. No, they definitely don't personalise your results to your browsing history. Definitely not.

    Yo my guy happy birthday!

    And congrats on the album I'm tapped in. I know you got some heat on here

  • DwindlingSun

    @marcusg @sentient_sherm_bag @Vox @Lit @Nessy @Flaphead @gunkmail @cotton_dockers @Water_Giver @dixxie @WRU @JR @Yolko @beflygelt @OMEGA @WhiteChrisDorner @KundaliniMeanie @Notmyfirst

    It's been a while. Today is my birthday, so I have a gift for myself and you - a new album. I made it in full once again.

    This album was an immense undertaking that swelled in scope and one I feared I would completely lose a handle of. It was lived in, every second. It is a very special album to me, and luckily for you I think it is a very good album, and I've been excited to put it out for a long time now.

    Thanks as always to all who check it out, hope you enjoy, let me know what you think. Preferably listen to it in one sitting if you can. Don't skip around in the tracklist.

    IMPORTANT: also, annoyingly I spent a long time trying to make the album gapless/seamless. Unfortunately, Bandcamp somewhat f***s with that in certain places. If you're purchasing it then download it and play it, if you can't afford it then play it and if you like it and want to hear it in the seamless way then pop me a message.

    Thanks again, go about your days.

    Also I made a twitter, absolutely no idea what to do with it but felt like I should for this one, in case anyone wants to spread the gospel. Followed woods and Sunmundi so far, which seems about right.

    I might make an Instagram but I fear I'll be sidetracked by the Explore page hoes. No, they definitely don't personalise your results to your browsing history. Definitely not.


  • DwindlingSun

    @marcusg @sentient_sherm_bag @Vox @Lit @Nessy @Flaphead @gunkmail @cotton_dockers @Water_Giver @dixxie @WRU @JR @Yolko @beflygelt @OMEGA @WhiteChrisDorner @KundaliniMeanie @Notmyfirst

    It's been a while. Today is my birthday, so I have a gift for myself and you - a new album. I made it in full once again.

    This album was an immense undertaking that swelled in scope and one I feared I would completely lose a handle of. It was lived in, every second. It is a very special album to me, and luckily for you I think it is a very good album, and I've been excited to put it out for a long time now.

    Thanks as always to all who check it out, hope you enjoy, let me know what you think. Preferably listen to it in one sitting if you can. Don't skip around in the tracklist.

    IMPORTANT: also, annoyingly I spent a long time trying to make the album gapless/seamless. Unfortunately, Bandcamp somewhat f***s with that in certain places. If you're purchasing it then download it and play it, if you can't afford it then play it and if you like it and want to hear it in the seamless way then pop me a message.

    Thanks again, go about your days.

    Also I made a twitter, absolutely no idea what to do with it but felt like I should for this one, in case anyone wants to spread the gospel. Followed woods and Sunmundi so far, which seems about right.

    I might make an Instagram but I fear I'll be sidetracked by the Explore page hoes. No, they definitely don't personalise your results to your browsing history. Definitely not.

    Bro happy birthday !! I can’t wait to sit with this one.

  • Mar 16, 2024

    @marcusg @sentient_sherm_bag @Vox @Lit @Nessy @Flaphead @gunkmail @cotton_dockers @Water_Giver @dixxie @WRU @JR @Yolko @beflygelt @OMEGA @WhiteChrisDorner @KundaliniMeanie @Notmyfirst

    It's been a while. Today is my birthday, so I have a gift for myself and you - a new album. I made it in full once again.

    This album was an immense undertaking that swelled in scope and one I feared I would completely lose a handle of. It was lived in, every second. It is a very special album to me, and luckily for you I think it is a very good album, and I've been excited to put it out for a long time now.

    Thanks as always to all who check it out, hope you enjoy, let me know what you think. Preferably listen to it in one sitting if you can. Don't skip around in the tracklist.

    IMPORTANT: also, annoyingly I spent a long time trying to make the album gapless/seamless. Unfortunately, Bandcamp somewhat f***s with that in certain places. If you're purchasing it then download it and play it, if you can't afford it then play it and if you like it and want to hear it in the seamless way then pop me a message.

    Thanks again, go about your days.

    Also I made a twitter, absolutely no idea what to do with it but felt like I should for this one, in case anyone wants to spread the gospel. Followed woods and Sunmundi so far, which seems about right.

    I might make an Instagram but I fear I'll be sidetracked by the Explore page hoes. No, they definitely don't personalise your results to your browsing history. Definitely not.

    hell f***ing yes bro happy birthday, thank you for the gift

    sticky this s*** NOW

  • Mar 16, 2024

    @marcusg @sentient_sherm_bag @Vox @Lit @Nessy @Flaphead @gunkmail @cotton_dockers @Water_Giver @dixxie @WRU @JR @Yolko @beflygelt @OMEGA @WhiteChrisDorner @KundaliniMeanie @Notmyfirst

    It's been a while. Today is my birthday, so I have a gift for myself and you - a new album. I made it in full once again.

    This album was an immense undertaking that swelled in scope and one I feared I would completely lose a handle of. It was lived in, every second. It is a very special album to me, and luckily for you I think it is a very good album, and I've been excited to put it out for a long time now.

    Thanks as always to all who check it out, hope you enjoy, let me know what you think. Preferably listen to it in one sitting if you can. Don't skip around in the tracklist.

    IMPORTANT: also, annoyingly I spent a long time trying to make the album gapless/seamless. Unfortunately, Bandcamp somewhat f***s with that in certain places. If you're purchasing it then download it and play it, if you can't afford it then play it and if you like it and want to hear it in the seamless way then pop me a message.

    Thanks again, go about your days.

    Also I made a twitter, absolutely no idea what to do with it but felt like I should for this one, in case anyone wants to spread the gospel. Followed woods and Sunmundi so far, which seems about right.

    I might make an Instagram but I fear I'll be sidetracked by the Explore page hoes. No, they definitely don't personalise your results to your browsing history. Definitely not.

    Happy birthday fam

    I’ll tap in on this soon and report back

  • Mar 17, 2024

    @marcusg @sentient_sherm_bag @Vox @Lit @Nessy @Flaphead @gunkmail @cotton_dockers @Water_Giver @dixxie @WRU @JR @Yolko @beflygelt @OMEGA @WhiteChrisDorner @KundaliniMeanie @Notmyfirst

    It's been a while. Today is my birthday, so I have a gift for myself and you - a new album. I made it in full once again.

    This album was an immense undertaking that swelled in scope and one I feared I would completely lose a handle of. It was lived in, every second. It is a very special album to me, and luckily for you I think it is a very good album, and I've been excited to put it out for a long time now.

    Thanks as always to all who check it out, hope you enjoy, let me know what you think. Preferably listen to it in one sitting if you can. Don't skip around in the tracklist.

    IMPORTANT: also, annoyingly I spent a long time trying to make the album gapless/seamless. Unfortunately, Bandcamp somewhat f***s with that in certain places. If you're purchasing it then download it and play it, if you can't afford it then play it and if you like it and want to hear it in the seamless way then pop me a message.

    Thanks again, go about your days.

    Also I made a twitter, absolutely no idea what to do with it but felt like I should for this one, in case anyone wants to spread the gospel. Followed woods and Sunmundi so far, which seems about right.

    I might make an Instagram but I fear I'll be sidetracked by the Explore page hoes. No, they definitely don't personalise your results to your browsing history. Definitely not.

    thx for the tag and belated happy bday fam excited to check this out