  • Thoughts?

    I'm happy for all my friends/family who have children but like...why CHOOSE to have 2-4 kids back to back only when the result is you always complaining on social media and to whoever will listen about how stressful and difficult it is financially, mentally, emotionally and how you never have time for anything anymore because you're either taking care of them or working your ass off to afford to take care of them..."it's worth the sacrifice when I look at their faces" then stop b****ing about it lol ppl thinking those tax write offs worth all the extra stress and bullshit I guess when nobody told y'all you had to build a whole army

    not everyone I know is like that of course but it's like why choose to give yourself extra stress and annoyances only to turn around and complain about it this time I know that's not something I want so I simply do not have kids am I the a****** or is this a reasonable take?

  • plants 🌻
    Jun 4, 2023
    4 replies

    nah rt if i wanted to hear a b**** moan i'd load up xnxx

  • Jun 4, 2023
    4 replies

    The older I get the more I realize that a good majority of people on this earth were/are not fit or ready to be good parents, my own included to an extent

  • Jun 4, 2023
    5 replies

    Parents with like 4-5 kids before 40 are weird as f*** to me

  • Jun 4, 2023

    nah rt if i wanted to hear a b**** moan i'd load up xnxx

    absolute plants moment

  • Jun 4, 2023
    1 reply

    Low key you should only be able to have more than 2 kids if you have a certain amount of money that’s adequate to support them

  • Jun 4, 2023
    2 replies
    · edited

    The older I get the more I realize that a good majority of people on this earth were/are not fit or ready to be good parents, my own included to an extent

    exactly...bunch of "nobody told me how hard it is having kids" asses like every movie/tv show these days isn't showing parents stressed the f*** out with their houses a mess unless they rich lol I get why someone would take a more stressful job if it comes with a crazy good raise or something but but it just seems illogical for someone to say "you know how financially and mentally stressful having this one kid is? lets have two more f*** it! we'll figure out later how to manage and pay for it all"

  • Jun 4, 2023

    Low key you should only be able to have more than 2 kids if you have a certain amount of money that’s adequate to support them

    and if you don't have to work having 3-4 kids they never even able to see because they gotta spend every waking hour of the day working just to barely support em...talkin bout a strong support system aka people they can constantly dump their kids on...if I had a few mil to fall back on I'd be perfectly willing to have a kid but at this point in my life my job barely supports the apartment I rent and I don't drive bc if I had to afford a car I wouldn't be able to afford a place to live unless I move in with someone...throwing another PERSON to support financially in as well as taking the time to help them develop and all that just wouldn't be logical

  • Jun 4, 2023
    babylon sherm

    Parents with like 4-5 kids before 40 are weird as f*** to me

    hm idk my mom had 4 by her early 30s and it makes sense to me like she wouldn’t have to be in her 50s raising elementary schoolers type s***

    but im not interested in having children at all at this stage in my life so i guess i see your point too

  • Jun 4, 2023
    2 replies
    babylon sherm

    Parents with like 4-5 kids before 40 are weird as f*** to me

    4-5 kids after 40 is generally not possible or ideal… people don’t want to be sending their kids to college in their 60s lol

    But imo 4-5 kids isn’t ideal in general too

  • Jun 4, 2023
    1 reply

    some people just hate their kids and for no real reason

  • Jun 4, 2023

    4-5 kids after 40 is generally not possible or ideal… people don’t want to be sending their kids to college in their 60s lol

    But imo 4-5 kids isn’t ideal in general too

    I feel like people should just ideally space them out more...having 3-4 kids all pretty much back to back can't be fun when it comes to schooling, college if you're wanting that, cars, etc. when they all needing that s*** at the same time lol like I said if you're financially well off all the power to ya but otherwise it's gonna be a stressful struggle

  • Jun 4, 2023
    1 reply

    It’s human

  • Jun 4, 2023
    1 reply
    emo genghis khan

    some people just hate their kids and for no real reason

    gave up their dreams for them and come to regret it a lot of the mom's a single parent and there have been some intense arguments we've gotten in when I was younger where she slipped out a line about all she could be doing right now if she hadn't had she's got a lot of debt and other issues from trying to just raise me on her own...and that was during the 90's when s*** wasn't nearly as expensive as it is now and with my biological father paying her child support except for a time or two where he lost his job and f***ed up for a good while...maybe it's because I've seen the financial/mental burden it puts on people first hand like that which has made me so jaded towards it all idk

    other times their dream IS to have a great, full, happy family because they didn't have that growing up but still wind up overworked and stressed the f*** out all the time with no personal space or moments to themselves but they convince themselves it's worth it for "the smiles on their faces" and all that s*** lol

  • Jun 4, 2023
    1 reply

    exactly...bunch of "nobody told me how hard it is having kids" asses like every movie/tv show these days isn't showing parents stressed the f*** out with their houses a mess unless they rich lol I get why someone would take a more stressful job if it comes with a crazy good raise or something but but it just seems illogical for someone to say "you know how financially and mentally stressful having this one kid is? lets have two more f*** it! we'll figure out later how to manage and pay for it all"

    It’s absurd man…possibly the most important/consequential decision the average person will make in their lifetime and the majority of them seem to give it little to no thought at all

  • Emu 🇮🇱
    Jun 4, 2023
    · edited

    The older I get the more I realize that a good majority of people on this earth were/are not fit or ready to be good parents, my own included to an extent

  • Jun 4, 2023
    1 reply

    my sis aint gotta worry bout dat cus she dont be raisin hers

  • Jun 4, 2023

  • Jun 4, 2023
    1 reply

    my sis aint gotta worry bout dat cus she dont be raisin hers

    Oatmeal raisin

  • Jun 4, 2023

    It’s absurd man…possibly the most important/consequential decision the average person will make in their lifetime and the majority of them seem to give it little to no thought at all

    my aunt and uncle for example...had two kids when they were in a smaller house but then waited about 5-6 years before having a 3rd and were able to move into a bigger house to accommodate the addition...not to say they still weren't stressed and if you actually taking care of your kids you're gonna be stressed either way it goes it just comes with the territory my main point is the complaining constantly about it part like you didn't CHOOSE this life...not a requirement to have a kid but people are taught to believe it is

  • Jun 4, 2023

    If that’s the reason then yeah.

  • Jun 4, 2023

    I’m learning more and more that some industries demand children for promotions

  • Jun 4, 2023


    I'm happy for all my friends/family who have children but like...why CHOOSE to have 2-4 kids back to back only when the result is you always complaining on social media and to whoever will listen about how stressful and difficult it is financially, mentally, emotionally and how you never have time for anything anymore because you're either taking care of them or working your ass off to afford to take care of them..."it's worth the sacrifice when I look at their faces" then stop b****ing about it lol ppl thinking those tax write offs worth all the extra stress and bullshit I guess when nobody told y'all you had to build a whole army

    not everyone I know is like that of course but it's like why choose to give yourself extra stress and annoyances only to turn around and complain about it this time I know that's not something I want so I simply do not have kids am I the a****** or is this a reasonable take?

    I agree. Most of these folks shouldn’t be having children and the world would be better off if they didn’t. Bro, when you think about it. A good 80% of problems is caused by people having kids they shouldn’t have had.

  • Jun 4, 2023

    Oatmeal raisin
