  • Jun 4, 2023
    1 reply

    I agree with this but I don't respect you as a person

  • tripsix 🐍
    Jun 4, 2023
  • Jun 4, 2023

    You confuse me with someone else

  • Jun 4, 2023
    1 reply

  • tripsix 🐍
    Jun 4, 2023
    Beautiful Morning

  • Jun 4, 2023
    2 replies
    babylon sherm

    Parents with like 4-5 kids before 40 are weird as f*** to me


  • Jun 4, 2023

    The vast majority of people should not be parents

  • Jun 4, 2023
    2 replies
    Mountain Dude


    Things will never be the same!

    Billions MUST lie!

  • Jun 4, 2023
    Mountain Dude
    · edited

    Things will never be the same!

    Billions MUST lie!

  • Jun 4, 2023

    I get it but it gets f***ing old lol

  • Einfinet

    4-5 kids after 40 is generally not possible or ideal… people don’t want to be sending their kids to college in their 60s lol

    But imo 4-5 kids isn’t ideal in general too

    I was the first in my family to go to college and my parents were late 50s/early 60s at the time, it was a lot easier to avoid getting f***ed by loans because my Dad had years to put a college fund together

    Personally I’d rather be an old parent who had the time to build a sturdy career and fiscal stability than a younger dad whose navigating his 30s with a couple of kids in tow

  • Jun 4, 2023

    exactly...bunch of "nobody told me how hard it is having kids" asses like every movie/tv show these days isn't showing parents stressed the f*** out with their houses a mess unless they rich lol I get why someone would take a more stressful job if it comes with a crazy good raise or something but but it just seems illogical for someone to say "you know how financially and mentally stressful having this one kid is? lets have two more f*** it! we'll figure out later how to manage and pay for it all"

    there is logic behind it. hella people dgaf about the inconvenience of those first couple of years. of course theyre gonna vent because its stressful but I guess they'd rather spend their later years with family and kids all grown up and all

  • Jun 4, 2023

    bro most ppls lives are so miserable and meaningless that having kids is literally all there is to it for them. its a sure shot coping mechanism for folks stuck in their dead end jobs not knowing where their life is going. maybe their seeds will be better off, at least thats the idea and honestly I cant hate. not many people can recognize their material status while also having the luxury of settling in before having kids

    there is baggage associated with the material side of it but we're not at a point where we can dictate whether ppl should be having kids or not because of that; actually you gotta push for better conditions for young parents and all types of privileges associated with it if you cant stand ppl struggling with handling multiple children

  • Jun 4, 2023
    1 reply

    Do y’all think kids “owe” their parents for raising them, or do you feel that attitude is kind of bullshit?

  • CrimsonArk

    Do y’all think kids “owe” their parents for raising them, or do you feel that attitude is kind of bullshit?

    It is bullshit. As my father has told me, the only things his kids "owe" him are not going to jail and living good full lives. Personally, I would be the type to buy my parents a new house or whip when I am able to because that's just who I am. I give back to those who helped me along the way. But realistically, offspring do not owe their parents for raising them. Parents are supposed to raise the kids they brought into this world. It's like applauding a fish for swimming basically.

  • Jun 4, 2023
    1 reply
    babylon sherm

    Parents with like 4-5 kids before 40 are weird as f*** to me

    my gradndmother had 9 kids before hitting 40
    Back in the days people could afford it and had viable sperm

    Our s*** is mostly cooked these days because of modern GMO poison

  • Jun 4, 2023
    1 reply
    Mountain Dude


    I know this is ironic but I liked the Mountain Dew enjoyer gimmick better please consider going back to that

  • Jun 4, 2023
    Don Makaveli

    It’s human

    f*** no it isnt

  • Jun 4, 2023
    1 reply

    my gradndmother had 9 kids before hitting 40
    Back in the days people could afford it and had viable sperm

    Our s*** is mostly cooked these days because of modern GMO poison

    My mother is one of 12, postwar nut was powerful

  • babylon sherm

    My mother is one of 12, postwar nut was powerful

    yeah same over there Condoms were even deemed Haram during war time to promote repopulation

  • Jun 4, 2023

    I’ve been saying for a while they needa have an exam and license to raise children like a drivers license

  • Emu 🇮🇱
    Jun 4, 2023

    I think a lot people got pandemic babies back when companies allowed us to work from home, and we got extra checks, rental assistance, pandemic unemployment benefits, PPP loans. Now that it's all over, people are struggling to adjust to a reality they were not accustomed to.

  • I f***ing hate complainers. Woe is me headass. Like how about just stopping the behavior you’re constantly b****ing about instead of subjecting us to hearing your b**** ass ness

  • Jun 4, 2023
    2 replies

    Y’all so detached from life y’all are in here mad at people for having families