it is a conspiracy theory to plenty of people, ie: the elites want to exterminate white people
but if youre not a psycho you can see that it's just just the reality of white not even being a very real thing, and that once "white" blood is mixed with another race that bloodline will never really be "white" again. someone smarter than me can explain how that stems from american racism
at this point anyone getting upset about it is a bonafide racist end of story. people can change of course, but at that moment im not looking at it as anything other than racism
i always go on s***hole websites like kiwifarms/8chan in the wake of terrible s*** like the buffalo shooting to see what they're saying...and i gotta say this one has a lot more people than ive ever seen before wholeheartedly agreeing with the murderer's manifesto. even on twitter i see ppl replying to tweets about it asking "Please, answer his questions. Tell me why diversity is good, I'll be waiting." as if there's no answer possible to it.
Sorry for the jumbled rant but it really is making me much sadder about our future than ever before. I grew up with so many friends who are first gen children of immigrants. Majority india, a few from other parts of asia. Their parents all have thick accents but are fully "americanized." they eat the food of their culture and practice the same religion they did before moving to the US and thats really it. Their kids carry on some traditions but have fully american accents and contribute more to society than me at least.
im just out of any sort of patience for people that can't accept that america isnt a "white" country and it truly means nothing if 100 years from now whites are a minority. who the f*** cares.
i hope this made any sort of sense. sorry for the unhinged rant but i gotta get it off my chest in some dumb way
someone please tell me if any of this was insensitive too. not trying to start s*** but ive just seen way too much insane s*** the last week that i had to let it out
but if youre not a psycho you can see that it's just just the reality of white not even being a very real thing, and that once "white" blood is mixed with another race that bloodline will never really be "white" again. someone smarter than me can explain how that stems from american racism
"race purity" and things like one drop rule makes no sense to me. if you are white, you are white.
As much as i dislike my dad I am thankful everyday he taught me how to think critically and to hold my self in high esteem cuz some of these dudes let the internet eat them alive
“Whiteness” is a cornerstone of American culture
It can found in almost every decision made from the local to federal level so this idea makes total sense in the American context
How to combat it? Idk
White people gotta realize we dont give a f*** about them, that’s why they always turn out to be the losers/school shooters.
People tryna get their bread up and go on with their life, no one cares about you
this is a country that still can't let go of the Confederacy or admit its cause. the US will never choose to really address its racism because its too high off its own myths.
As a white, too many whites believe s*** should have been handed to them. That they are obligated or privileged to it. Instead of taking responsibility for their situations, they look to blame someone or something else.
Fox News is a hell of a d***
I was told by in laws that cops are not even trying to arrest black people anymore because they are afraid of the public outrage if they happen to kill them
Like do you not hear how absolutely moronic that sounds?
This pic took me back to my middle school days gucking around with my friends
The braces, acne, Nike elite socks and doing some stupid s*** like trying to fit in a cage
it's just just the reality of white not even being a very real thing
What’s this mean?
White people gotta realize we dont give a f*** about them, that’s why they always turn out to be the losers/school shooters.
People tryna get their bread up and go on with their life, no one cares about you
The only reason the concept of race and other social hierarchies exist are to create a predicate for economic hierarchies., As long as these hierarchies exist, so does racism
The scientific justification or division of race came after, and even then it shifted regularly as the economic conditions surrounding the “white” class changed
First Jews, Italians, the Irish, and many Latin Americans were never white. Then being white included them. Then it sometimes included middle eastern people. Now you can find article arguing that Russian Slavs aren’t white
it's just just the reality of white not even being a very real thing
What’s this mean?
I think they mean that whiteness is kinda arbitrary and definitely socially decided rather than objective
You are welcome to prove me wrong
I’m specifically only mentioning losers/school attacks
I don't care about suffering their thoughts nor grievances. Their propaganda and conspiracies are fuel for their terrorists and the shedding of innocent blood is the fruits of their labor. I don't even have to look back at the sins in their previous histories to understand there is no coexisting with these people and it's clear that their will is only in maintaining the already established order by way of indifference, ignorance or impunity.
This pic took me back to my middle school days gucking around with my friends
The braces, acne, Nike elite socks and doing some stupid s*** like trying to fit in a cage
Lol, I remember trying to fit in lockers back then
There is a 'conspiracy', but it doesn't have much to do with race. Western whites are not reproducing enough to sustain the infinite growth that capitalism requires, so the plutocrats push to import the country with new blood to stall a shrinking market.
On one hand, I understand the dissonance that white people feel: leagues of out-group demographics that don't respect them are coming in, voting for their own interests, and changing the culture of the country.
On the other hand, that's the inevitable consequence of liberal capitalism. Your people, your culture, your religion, your lifestyle -- it's all only as important as its potential for profit. America was built off of exploitation and selling out to make a dollar: the diminishing white demographic is just the chickens coming home to roost.