  • May 17, 2022
    3 replies

    Can I PAWG in peace?

  • May 17, 2022

    Can I PAWG in peace?

  • May 17, 2022
    3 replies

    There is a 'conspiracy', but it doesn't have much to do with race. Western whites are not reproducing enough to sustain the infinite growth that capitalism requires, so the plutocrats push to import the country with new blood to stall a shrinking market.

    On one hand, I understand the dissonance that white people feel: leagues of out-group demographics that don't respect them are coming in, voting for their own interests, and changing the culture of the country.

    On the other hand, that's the inevitable consequence of liberal capitalism. Your people, your culture, your religion, your lifestyle -- it's all only as important as its potential for profit. America was built off of exploitation and selling out to make a dollar: the diminishing white demographic is just the chickens coming home to roost.

    Then why don't white people just become communist?

  • May 17, 2022

    Can I PAWG in peace?

    I’m looking at ya ahh just like Dr. Umar my boa

  • May 17, 2022
    5 replies

    Then why don't white people just become communist?

    Because communism is cultural Marxism, or something like that.

    I don't know that communism is the solution, but it's definitely not shooting at random people just like shooting at random white Afrikaners doesn't actually help black South Africans.

    IMO, power needs to be divided up to a far greater extent so that fewer people feel disenfranchised. Let communities of white people, black people, native people, etc. govern themselves autonomously. There's zero reason why the black community should have to exist under the thumb of a white authority, or vice versa. I'm not suggesting segregation, either -- I'm suggesting voluntarism, where people can freely create and disband communities of governance. So if people want mixed and diverse communities, they can have them. If blacks, whites, or whoever, want to cluster with people that are like them, then they can.

  • May 18, 2022

    Then why don't white people just become communist?

    why doesn't a king step down from his position in times of political turmoil?

    it is in the interest of the ruling class to preserve power, the way things are organized

  • WhiteSugeKnight

    Because communism is cultural Marxism, or something like that.

    I don't know that communism is the solution, but it's definitely not shooting at random people just like shooting at random white Afrikaners doesn't actually help black South Africans.

    IMO, power needs to be divided up to a far greater extent so that fewer people feel disenfranchised. Let communities of white people, black people, native people, etc. govern themselves autonomously. There's zero reason why the black community should have to exist under the thumb of a white authority, or vice versa. I'm not suggesting segregation, either -- I'm suggesting voluntarism, where people can freely create and disband communities of governance. So if people want mixed and diverse communities, they can have them. If blacks, whites, or whoever, want to cluster with people that are like them, then they can.

    Yeah but what that becomes, historically, is white people burning down the black towns, and then we just whitewash history until the next generations forget about it.

  • May 18, 2022
    1 reply

    There is a 'conspiracy', but it doesn't have much to do with race. Western whites are not reproducing enough to sustain the infinite growth that capitalism requires, so the plutocrats push to import the country with new blood to stall a shrinking market.

    On one hand, I understand the dissonance that white people feel: leagues of out-group demographics that don't respect them are coming in, voting for their own interests, and changing the culture of the country.

    On the other hand, that's the inevitable consequence of liberal capitalism. Your people, your culture, your religion, your lifestyle -- it's all only as important as its potential for profit. America was built off of exploitation and selling out to make a dollar: the diminishing white demographic is just the chickens coming home to roost.

    I really like this take though, quite possibly a method to break through the cognitive dissonance to conspiracy theorists. It isn’t attacking them, just explaining what the f*** is happening and what they should actually be mad at.

  • Delete this now

    I really like this take though, quite possibly a method to break through the cognitive dissonance to conspiracy theorists. It isn’t attacking them, just explaining what the f*** is happening and what they should actually be mad at.

    I think it's funny -- people are quick to dismiss the 'replacement theory' wholesale, and in the same breath cheer on the falling white population and demand white people accept becoming a minority. Like yeah... that's their whole argument, and the statistics appear to be on their side.

    There just isn't any reason to believe that the white people that run congress and the white lobbyists that bribe them are specifically targeting whites for elimination. These people only care about money and how to pad the numbers to keep the public faithful to the system. If that means importing 100 million Central Americans to keep cooking the books, they will do it. If that means importing a bunch of white Swiss people, they will do it -- it just so happens that Europe is on the other side of the planet, and most Europeans have no economic motivation to move to the US.

    This is America. If you ain't making rich people richer, you don't matter. Nothing personal

  • May 18, 2022
    1 reply
    paradise valley

    but if youre not a psycho you can see that it's just just the reality of white not even being a very real thing, and that once "white" blood is mixed with another race that bloodline will never really be "white" again. someone smarter than me can explain how that stems from american racism

    "race purity" and things like one drop rule makes no sense to me. if you are white, you are white.

    You rly have no clue what you're talking about lmao

  • May 18, 2022

    African chattle slavery and the subsequent invention of race and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race

  • May 18, 2022
    2 replies

    There is absolutely nothing real (ie genetic) about race

    If you are gonna classify human populations by genetic similarities, which is dumb anyway, you would have more "races" among people from sub-Saharan Africa than the rest of the world combined, yet we're all just labeled "black"

    Race is not real

  • May 18, 2022
    1 reply
    Scratchin Mamba

    There is absolutely nothing real (ie genetic) about race

    If you are gonna classify human populations by genetic similarities, which is dumb anyway, you would have more "races" among people from sub-Saharan Africa than the rest of the world combined, yet we're all just labeled "black"

    Race is not real


    Agreed, but

    which is dumb anyway


  • May 18, 2022
    2 replies

    Turkish people are often seen as white in the US

    Not at all in europe

    Who was deemed to be "white" changed over time

    Even now people still disagree

    Try to define what the white race is, there is no qualification based on anything real

  • May 18, 2022
    1 reply

    Agreed, but

    which is dumb anyway


    Because the differences between these populations are miniscule compared to the differences between individuals except for some medical conditions like sickle cell or whatever

  • May 18, 2022
    1 reply
    Scratchin Mamba

    Because the differences between these populations are miniscule compared to the differences between individuals except for some medical conditions like sickle cell or whatever

    oh, that was my reasoning for why it would be wise, because medical conditions such as diseases; things like diet, lifestyle etc.

  • May 18, 2022
    1 reply

    oh, that was my reasoning for why it would be wise, because medical conditions such as diseases; things like diet, lifestyle etc.

    For most things it's still very inconsequential

    In medicine it might sometimes be useful tho for sure

    But there's really no reason for it besides that

  • May 18, 2022
    1 reply
    Scratchin Mamba

    For most things it's still very inconsequential

    In medicine it might sometimes be useful tho for sure

    But there's really no reason for it besides that

    What about history such as identifying the identity of ancient cultures?

  • Nessy 🦎
    May 18, 2022

    fun fact replacement theory was invented by a gay leftist

  • May 18, 2022
    1 reply

    What about history such as identifying the identity of ancient cultures?

    Well then you identify those cultures, not the genetic similarities

    It can be done for some academic purposes in anthropology or whatever

    Im not saying it should never be done or anything lol, it's just not nearly as useful or meaningful as people think, and the way race is understood was only conceived of for the purpose of dehumanizing certain "races" to exploit them more than the "white race"

  • Scratchin Mamba

    You rly have no clue what you're talking about lmao

    so you support one drop rule and "race purity"?

  • May 18, 2022
    1 reply
    Scratchin Mamba

    Well then you identify those cultures, not the genetic similarities

    It can be done for some academic purposes in anthropology or whatever

    Im not saying it should never be done or anything lol, it's just not nearly as useful or meaningful as people think, and the way race is understood was only conceived of for the purpose of dehumanizing certain "races" to exploit them more than the "white race"

    the way race is understood was only conceived of for the purpose of dehumanizing certain "races" to exploit them more than the "white race"

    I agree 100%

    Well then you identify those cultures, not the genetic similarities

    Isn't genealogy apart of identifying cultures? And don't you think it's important to know where said culture evolved into and where it currently remains?

    It can be done for some academic purposes in anthropology or whatever

    How about for people's personal/individual curiosity and/or people who feel that it is needed to sustain said culture/s?

  • May 18, 2022
    1 reply

    the way race is understood was only conceived of for the purpose of dehumanizing certain "races" to exploit them more than the "white race"

    I agree 100%

    Well then you identify those cultures, not the genetic similarities

    Isn't genealogy apart of identifying cultures? And don't you think it's important to know where said culture evolved into and where it currently remains?

    It can be done for some academic purposes in anthropology or whatever

    How about for people's personal/individual curiosity and/or people who feel that it is needed to sustain said culture/s?

    I think you're misunderstanding what i'm saying, if you agree w that first statement we're pretty much on the same page

    I'm just saying there's no reason to identify people on genetic similarities besides academic and medical reasons

    Genealogy is an individual/familial thing, not population wide, and cultural similarities are seperate from genetic similarities. It's not like chinese people are culturally more similar to english people just because they have more in common genetically

  • May 18, 2022
    Scratchin Mamba

    I think you're misunderstanding what i'm saying, if you agree w that first statement we're pretty much on the same page

    I'm just saying there's no reason to identify people on genetic similarities besides academic and medical reasons

    Genealogy is an individual/familial thing, not population wide, and cultural similarities are seperate from genetic similarities. It's not like chinese people are culturally more similar to english people just because they have more in common genetically

    oh, I see. My bad

  • RASIE 🦦
    May 18, 2022
    Scratchin Mamba

    Turkish people are often seen as white in the US

    Not at all in europe

    Who was deemed to be "white" changed over time

    Even now people still disagree

    Try to define what the white race is, there is no qualification based on anything real

    Then you got people in the US who will swear people from Spain, Italy, and Greece are non-white

    I guess it's just far too tempting for people to generalize millions of individuals with baseless, monolithic labels. Sad.