  • May 19, 2022
    1 reply

    tbh saying that categories don't make sense or aren't useful because there are no hard boundaries is a really childish way of looking at the problem of classification. There are many examples of very useful classification systems which require nuanced treatment of edge cases.

    Also, I have not ever heard of a "yellow" race. Nobody is saying that human races correspond to the color spectrum, so you can stop throwing a tantrum. It is absolutely possible to determine if someone is of African/European/Asian/Middle Eastern/Aboriginal Australian decent or even a mix of these etc. by studying their genome. On archeological sites they can even fairly accurately estimate the ethnic origins of remains based on bone measurements. This is what I mean when I say that biological race is 'real'. I'm not trying to assign colors to people.

    If you don't like the white/black labels that's understandable. But it absolutely does not mean that race is a "social construct."

    Childish? Race is a biological concept from the animal kingdom that has been applied to humans, despite not being applicable to humans as I have just shown. Race only exists insofar as society lets it exist. The race category has only been used since the transatlantic slave trade appeared.

    You really have no idea what you are talking about. Even the geographical boundaries of Europe and MIddle East aren't defined. People still argue to this day whether Russia and Turkey belong to Europe, or Azerbaijan, Armenia, Cyprus and so on. And this is mere geography, something much simpler than human genetics.

    If races exist, then name me all human races. Go ahead and f***ing try it. I dare you, f***ing moron.

  • Nessy 🦎
    May 19, 2022
    1 reply

    It's not even a theory:

    The question is whether this demographic change is coordinated — i.e., a conspiracy. Doubt it.

    your conclusion implies that minorities will keep having kids at the same rate as they do now which is most definitely not happening

  • Nessy 🦎
    May 19, 2022
    1 reply

    tbh saying that categories don't make sense or aren't useful because there are no hard boundaries is a really childish way of looking at the problem of classification. There are many examples of very useful classification systems which require nuanced treatment of edge cases.

    Also, I have not ever heard of a "yellow" race. Nobody is saying that human races correspond to the color spectrum, so you can stop throwing a tantrum. It is absolutely possible to determine if someone is of African/European/Asian/Middle Eastern/Aboriginal Australian decent or even a mix of these etc. by studying their genome. On archeological sites they can even fairly accurately estimate the ethnic origins of remains based on bone measurements. This is what I mean when I say that biological race is 'real'. I'm not trying to assign colors to people.

    If you don't like the white/black labels that's understandable. But it absolutely does not mean that race is a "social construct."

    and some tribes in south africa are more genetically related to europeans than they are to other africans

    race is a social construct because since skin color is determined by a gene that's not more important than the others in the genome you realize no classification system could ever make sense

  • May 19, 2022
    1 reply

    White people gotta realize we dont give a f*** about them, that’s why they always turn out to be the losers/school shooters.

    People tryna get their bread up and go on with their life, no one cares about you

    Those whites grew up their entire life being told (consciously and subconsciously) that being white was enough. They see more qualified black and brown people doing well and think "that's unfair, I was told being white was enough. Now I have to be smart or have skills" and instead of being mad at the establishment that has failed them, they're pocket watching and mad at the minorities doing well.

  • May 19, 2022

    Aren’t most elites are white though? So why would they want to exterminate their own?

    I’m confused

    Cognitive dissonance like a mf. Iirc, the shooter goes from whites being superior to fearing jewish power in the same sentence in the manifesto

  • May 19, 2022

    Childish? Race is a biological concept from the animal kingdom that has been applied to humans, despite not being applicable to humans as I have just shown. Race only exists insofar as society lets it exist. The race category has only been used since the transatlantic slave trade appeared.

    You really have no idea what you are talking about. Even the geographical boundaries of Europe and MIddle East aren't defined. People still argue to this day whether Russia and Turkey belong to Europe, or Azerbaijan, Armenia, Cyprus and so on. And this is mere geography, something much simpler than human genetics.

    If races exist, then name me all human races. Go ahead and f***ing try it. I dare you, f***ing moron.

    Look at you, emotional. You're like a 4 yr old who can't get what he wants at the grocery store lmao.

    I don't know why you keep bringing up that racial classifications aren't always cut and dried, since I already explained why that doesn't mean that 'race isn't real'.

    "The race category only appeared after the transatlantic slave trade" bro where are you getting this s***? Writers in antiquity frequently wrote about different races and some of them were also racist. I don't know why you think that all evil started when Columbus reached America

    I'm really sorry that your favourite youtuber has misled you with this postmodernist bullshit. I mean seriously


  • May 19, 2022

    and some tribes in south africa are more genetically related to europeans than they are to other africans

    race is a social construct because since skin color is determined by a gene that's not more important than the others in the genome you realize no classification system could ever make sense

    I said in the post already that I'm not talking about assigning people colours, why do you insist on races being assigned colours? I'm a Middle Eastern dude who could be mistaken for European due to paleness, but that doesn't make me European. Of course you could also say that I'm Iranian, and which classification makes more sense (Middle Eastern/Iranian) does depend on the context.

    Skin color is determined by a gene that's not more important than the others.


    No classification system could ever make sense

    One does not follow from the other.

  • May 19, 2022
    1 reply
    Zach LaBeam

    Those whites grew up their entire life being told (consciously and subconsciously) that being white was enough. They see more qualified black and brown people doing well and think "that's unfair, I was told being white was enough. Now I have to be smart or have skills" and instead of being mad at the establishment that has failed them, they're pocket watching and mad at the minorities doing well.

    Whites are essentially being replaced because whites dont wanna work.

  • May 19, 2022
    1 reply

    Russell Peters said this years ago

  • May 19, 2022

    Russell Peters said this years ago


    What did he get "canceled" for again? I remember crying laughing at his ~2013 special

  • May 19, 2022

    Because communism is cultural Marxism, or something like that.

    I don't know that communism is the solution, but it's definitely not shooting at random people just like shooting at random white Afrikaners doesn't actually help black South Africans.

    IMO, power needs to be divided up to a far greater extent so that fewer people feel disenfranchised. Let communities of white people, black people, native people, etc. govern themselves autonomously. There's zero reason why the black community should have to exist under the thumb of a white authority, or vice versa. I'm not suggesting segregation, either -- I'm suggesting voluntarism, where people can freely create and disband communities of governance. So if people want mixed and diverse communities, they can have them. If blacks, whites, or whoever, want to cluster with people that are like them, then they can.

    Segregation only leads to more segregation

    If it aint your race its something else

  • May 19, 2022

    Whites are essentially being replaced because whites dont wanna work.

    and when capitalism caused the west to seek out global south on countries for cheap labor to replace American workers (mainly white probably) or the low paying jobs that do remain in America (field work/farmers, etc) get taken by people seeking a better life that further causes talking points about “they’re stealing our jobs!”

    When most probably aren’t willing to do anyways considering the nature of work + pay (or lackthereof)


    Fox News is a hell of a d***

    I was told by in laws that cops are not even trying to arrest black people anymore because they are afraid of the public outrage if they happen to kill them

    Like do you not hear how absolutely moronic that sounds?

    what’s wrong with them bro

  • May 20, 2022
    1 reply

    White people gotta realize we dont give a f*** about them, that’s why they always turn out to be the losers/school shooters.

    People tryna get their bread up and go on with their life, no one cares about you

    yeah thats gotta be it

  • May 20, 2022
    oat milk

    yeah thats gotta be it

  • May 20, 2022

    your conclusion implies that minorities will keep having kids at the same rate as they do now which is most definitely not happening

    Fertility rate has declined across all races in US, but:

  • May 20, 2022

    I fully support the replacement of white americans