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  • Dec 6, 2019

    I'm bout 3 years late, but pokemon go has me walking around a little more..

  • Dec 6, 2019

    Hit the gym, throw on some Fewtch, get on your toxic masculinity s*** and go get these b****es. Your 17 so thats all you can do until life hits you

  • Dec 6, 2019
    2 replies
    aaa aaa

    And I don’t want to be around anyone I know and I don’t feel comfortable being myself around even my own family

    Anyone got any advice

    Thug it out lor homie do 25 situps and 20 pushups everyday . 24/48 hour fasts once every week until you get to the point where you can do it twice a week

    idk how you feel about girls but they mostly just want a guy to spend some money on them so if you smoke or drink invite them, if you don’t do any of that kind of stuff you should strongly consider it . d**** make you cool if you control yourself and just relax and enjoy the high . You could also just invite them to chipotle or something ethnic appropriate and make eye contact and talk about them and whatever the f*** they feel like talking about and dont respond in a direct way if they ask about you . Dont waste your time with females tho they chase you when you chasing a bag

    bro if you have good grades in school and can see yourself going to college and choosing a major you are genuinely interested in, you will be more than good . you dont need advice fool you gonna be ight take risks but dont do anything stupid

  • Dec 6, 2019

    Your whole life starts over tommorow op that's the only advice I can give

  • Dec 6, 2019

    You don’t have to change your diet completely. Sub out the soda every now and then and cut back on the amount of food. Go for a small.
    Go to costco and get the 24 hour fitness pass. Go at night when it’s dead, do 10 mins on the stair master and lift weight a for half an hour. Add 5 minutes every two weeks to the stair master. You’ll loose weight

  • Dec 6, 2019
    loveu Boi

    Thug it out lor homie do 25 situps and 20 pushups everyday . 24/48 hour fasts once every week until you get to the point where you can do it twice a week

    idk how you feel about girls but they mostly just want a guy to spend some money on them so if you smoke or drink invite them, if you don’t do any of that kind of stuff you should strongly consider it . d**** make you cool if you control yourself and just relax and enjoy the high . You could also just invite them to chipotle or something ethnic appropriate and make eye contact and talk about them and whatever the f*** they feel like talking about and dont respond in a direct way if they ask about you . Dont waste your time with females tho they chase you when you chasing a bag

    bro if you have good grades in school and can see yourself going to college and choosing a major you are genuinely interested in, you will be more than good . you dont need advice fool you gonna be ight take risks but dont do anything stupid

    Telling someone to do d**** to be cool for girls is the worst ducking advice

  • Dec 6, 2019

    I think there should be an equal balance of listening to what you genuinely enjoy and listening to things that challenge your worldview

    If not equal, then 80/20 at least

    I meant more in the general sense of stuff that gives you confidence and boosts your motivation to do stuff.

    I know whenever I put on Can't Tell Me Nothing I feel like I'll succeed at literally anything and sometimes you just gotta fake that mindset to get you places

  • Dec 6, 2019
    aaa aaa

    And I don’t want to be around anyone I know and I don’t feel comfortable being myself around even my own family

    Anyone got any advice

    What’s something you like? What’s something you hate? Favorite movie? Favorite tv show? What’s something you’ve done that you enjoyed recently?

  • sense 🍀
    Dec 6, 2019

    are u funny at least

  • Dec 6, 2019

    Well good news you can be very fit and have a lot of friends before you’re 20. So you’re in a better position than most

  • Dec 6, 2019
    loveu Boi

    Thug it out lor homie do 25 situps and 20 pushups everyday . 24/48 hour fasts once every week until you get to the point where you can do it twice a week

    idk how you feel about girls but they mostly just want a guy to spend some money on them so if you smoke or drink invite them, if you don’t do any of that kind of stuff you should strongly consider it . d**** make you cool if you control yourself and just relax and enjoy the high . You could also just invite them to chipotle or something ethnic appropriate and make eye contact and talk about them and whatever the f*** they feel like talking about and dont respond in a direct way if they ask about you . Dont waste your time with females tho they chase you when you chasing a bag

    bro if you have good grades in school and can see yourself going to college and choosing a major you are genuinely interested in, you will be more than good . you dont need advice fool you gonna be ight take risks but dont do anything stupid

    Wtf is this post ☠️☠️☠️

    Do d**** cause they’re cool

    Don’t respond directly to women

  • Dec 6, 2019
    aaa aaa

    Feel like I gotta do something while I’m still ‘at school’ (even though I don’t even go) . Hope it gives me some kind of push. On the other hand if I do f*** it up maybbe I’ll give up and stop caring about this dumb shyt and start being myself unapologeticallyid prefer the first one though. Thanks for the encouragement . That sounds a lil sarcastic I don’t mean it like that

    Take your education seriously. It will have the way for your life.

  • Dec 6, 2019
    aaa aaa

    I haven’t been comfortable around my family or anyone in years it’s weird

    That’s because you’re not comfortable with yourself. Listen to the advice in thread. You’re in desperate need of self improvement.

  • Dec 6, 2019
    aaa aaa

    And I don’t want to be around anyone I know and I don’t feel comfortable being myself around even my own family

    Anyone got any advice

    nice try send a pic

  • Be called someo

  • Dec 7, 2019


  • poor feller

  • Dec 7, 2019

    Probably got a tiny wee wee too huh?

  • Dec 7, 2019

    Explore life
    Read books
    Philosophy, short stories, classics, historical fiction etc
    Become a film nerd
    Try to do at least 10-20 push ups per day and up that as they become easier (which they will)
    Get involved at your school if you’re in HS you will never see 90% of those kids again after you graduate so don’t let other people’s perception hold you back from trying theater or chorus or a sport or a club cuz trust me you’ll regret it
    Do these things for yourself, not with the intention of “becoming social” or “building confidence”, if you make a genuine effort those things will come naturally
    Also realize how young you are and how much can change in just a year or 2
    You got this OP don’t even stress it

  • Dec 7, 2019

    Also remember that no one thing will fix your whole situation
    Somebody could get fit and still be boring or selfish or cruel
    Somebody could start reading books and become an intellectual but lack social skills
    Somebody could be a great student but neglect themselves as a result (no free time poor hygiene etc)
    It’s about balancing all these aspects of your life, nobody is “good” at all of them but it pays to at least make an effort in each area
    Don’t go off the deep end and join a weird cult or let no fap and Jordan Peterson videos on YouTube turn you into an alt right ideologue pseudo intellectual bigoted loser

  • Dec 7, 2019
    1 reply
    aaa aaa

    And I don’t want to be around anyone I know and I don’t feel comfortable being myself around even my own family

    Anyone got any advice

    OP think you got enough good adviced in the thread.
    Thing is go out and do it!
    Embrace feeling uncomfortable!
    One day you'll understand that's the way we progress.

    Like the kid that is standing on a Skateboard for the first time and feels stared at when going to the Park.
    Or the one dude that feels to scared to rap to a crowd.
    If you risk nothing, nothing happens. Life is about solving problems. You're not akward if you try, even if people give you the impression. Most of the time people who think that's awkward are the ones that feel the most insecure.

    Don't worry about girls, they'll come.
    And there's plenty of insecure girls out there that feel inspired by guys like you trying.


  • Dec 7, 2019

    been there g

    best way to think about is to challenge yourself physically and mentally. mentally was harder for me ie. putting myself in social situations when i wouldn’t want to. i struggle with that still.

    i liked working out and playing sports so physical was easier

    could be opposite for you

  • Dec 7, 2019

    Get dead friends. They are cool and quiet.

  • Dec 7, 2019
    1 reply

    OP think you got enough good adviced in the thread.
    Thing is go out and do it!
    Embrace feeling uncomfortable!
    One day you'll understand that's the way we progress.

    Like the kid that is standing on a Skateboard for the first time and feels stared at when going to the Park.
    Or the one dude that feels to scared to rap to a crowd.
    If you risk nothing, nothing happens. Life is about solving problems. You're not akward if you try, even if people give you the impression. Most of the time people who think that's awkward are the ones that feel the most insecure.

    Don't worry about girls, they'll come.
    And there's plenty of insecure girls out there that feel inspired by guys like you trying.


    Yeah man, I think a lot of it is I don't fit in. I've got a lot of friends at school or whatever really but I don't actually want to be around my friends because I Don't relate with them really i guess. Like I can be friends with someone pretty easy I just don't like being around them and if im really being myself they would not really get it

  • Dec 7, 2019
    1 reply

    We all know op isnt just gonna follow through though no matter you say. We need to be realistic here people dont change.

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