Here he said there is evidence for differences in intelligence for different groups
@sab do ur thing
Reality is reality
These race realist mfs all have the same talking points and they're all from the same psychologists who are only taken seriously by right wing media outlets and none in academia
These race realist mfs all have the same talking points and they're all from the same psychologists who are only taken seriously by right wing media outlets and none in academia
you're triggered right now
you've been spamming the same race realist sentence over the past 3 pages ever since I linked you that study
What other ethnicities are religions?
Yazidis, Druze, Mandaeans, and a lot more.
but there is
and even if there wasn't, a lack of evidence is not a proof that something ISN'T true
He unironically used the "absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence" argument
NFT nerd of course
digging up dirt on me huh
you won't get away with this
What other ethnicities are religions?
Wikipedia, I know, but it does contain a list of examples of various ethnoreligious groups.
He unironically used the "absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence" argument
We gotta firewall the search terms "logical fallacies" from teenage white bois who only post on anonymous online boards
I’m smarter than all of you combined and I say y’all all wrong.
Because we all from Mars.
He unironically used the "absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence" argument
it's true
this is why Agnostics make more sense than Atheists
Yazidis, Druze, Mandaeans, and a lot more.
Never heard of any of those. Good to know, I’ll do some research and follow that link you sent🤝