  • Feb 2, 2022

    Religious Converts with minimal ties to Ethnic Israel.

  • Feb 2, 2022

    Its both, you can be ethnically Jewish and you can follow Judaism. You can do both, one of them, or the other and still be Jewish.


    And regardless, Whoopi is a f***in idiot for saying that s***

  • Feb 2, 2022

    I don't think Whoopi should have been suspended or think it's particularly important to not offend any group's delicate ethnonarcissistic sensibilities, but that logic doesn't track

    just because Nazi racial ideology was incorrect doesn't mean that they were not motivated by race, making it a "race issue"

    it would be like saying "Mr. Jones down the street hit his wife because she burned dinner; he says it's allowed because they're married. but we agree that it's wrong to hit your wife just because she burned dinner, so how can this be a marriage issue?"

  • Feb 2, 2022
    1 reply

    And honestly in 2022 I can’t tell you if race or ethnicity or religion is the right word to describe it. A lot has happened since the holocaust. Most 21st century Jews have European heritage which I guess makes them white depending on how you wanna define race.

  • Feb 2, 2022
    1 reply

    They ain’t Jews if they don’t follow Judaism

    "You are not Indian if you don't follow Hinduism"

    Judaism is just the religion. You can be ethnically Jewish and not believe/practice Judaism.

  • Feb 2, 2022
    4 replies
    barko milicic

    A lot of us are—but again that’s due to the historic displacement of Jews. Up until the after holocaust there was just about no place Jews were able to stick long term. Like for thousands of years. We have certainly been white washed into being considered an “ethnicity” or whatever, but again it’s mostly due to displacement

    So it sounds like you're saying that being Jewish isn't exclusive to a single race or ethnicity, so wouldn't that further reinforce the claim the the holocaust wasn't a "race" issue?

  • Feb 2, 2022

    I gotta do a group project right now but I’ll explain more in depth once I’m done

  • Feb 2, 2022
    1 reply
    barko milicic

    And honestly in 2022 I can’t tell you if race or ethnicity or religion is the right word to describe it. A lot has happened since the holocaust. Most 21st century Jews have European heritage which I guess makes them white depending on how you wanna define race.

    It's really dependent on whether you mean white as in phenotypically European, or white as in part of a cultural majority,

  • Feb 2, 2022
    1 reply

    Interesting thread, I was thinking about asking this too but I did not expect so many different answers.

    Now I'm even more confused.

  • Feb 2, 2022
    1 reply

    So it sounds like you're saying that being Jewish isn't exclusive to a single race or ethnicity, so wouldn't that further reinforce the claim the the holocaust wasn't a "race" issue?

    Well the Nazis saw it as a race issue so I think it’s fair to say it was a race issue

  • Feb 2, 2022

    Is Drake half white, or is he half Jewish?

    He’s probably something like 25% middle eastern, 35% European, the remainder west African

    That’s if u want to break down his mother’s ashknazi jewish ancestry plus the european ancestry (and possible Native American) his african American dad would have

  • Feb 2, 2022
    1 reply

    All those Ethiopians denied entry to Israel.

    Like +90% of them live in Israel

  • Feb 2, 2022
    1 reply

    Well the Nazis saw it as a race issue so I think it’s fair to say it was a race issue

    But the Nazis were incorrect.

  • Feb 2, 2022
    1 reply

    But the Nazis were incorrect.

    I mean by this logic isn’t all racism not a race issue because racism is built on false premises, namely the very idea of “race”? What matters is what people believe and think, even if it’s not true

  • Feb 2, 2022

    Jews are a race
    They split into Sephardic(arabs who have identified themselves as Jews) and Ashkenazi(always have been Jewish)
    Hundreds and thousands of years ago you could say they were closely related with people of Arab descent(considering they lived in the Middle East)but in recent history they have been scattered all around the globe and only married their kind so as a race they have probably distanced themselves from others more(genetically speaking)
    Also because Jewish people are more related to Arabs and have not really europeanized themselves so to say, they are not white
    I think

  • Feb 2, 2022

    But honestly the nazis weren’t even consistent with their hatred

    Like yea european jews have partial west asian descent but so do greeks, southern italians, Spanish, portueguese etc

    Ever seen a sicilian

  • Feb 2, 2022
    1 reply
    paradise valley

    Like +90% of them live in Israel

    They stopped blocking them as much in 2020. It was a decades long process. Hard to segregate two times over I guess lol

  • Feb 2, 2022
    1 reply
    barko milicic

    Jew here! What Whoopi said isn’t as bad as people are making out to be, but it’s still misinformed. Jews were and had been viewed as a race until the Holocaust mostly as a result of their displacement throughout history up until that point. To say the Holocaust was about “man’s evil” instead of the complete extermination of Jews (and other races/ethnicities) is just factually incorrect and complete erasure to the atrocities committed unto our people.

    Don't think she should've been suspended, as I don't think it was anti-Semetic (you'd know that better than me) or trying to offend. But it was very dumb lmao

    "The Holocaust wasn't about race, it was about man's inhumanity towards man!" Okay, ,man's inhumanity towards man based on...what Whoopi?

  • Mango

    They stopped blocking them as much in 2020. It was a decades long process. Hard to segregate two times over I guess lol

  • Feb 2, 2022
    1 reply

    I mean by this logic isn’t all racism not a race issue because racism is built on false premises, namely the very idea of “race”? What matters is what people believe and think, even if it’s not true

    Yeah, but in this specific instance, the types of Jewish people that were being oppressed and killed included white people.

    They didn't kill those white people because they were white, they killed them because they're Jewish, and Jewish people are white.

  • Feb 2, 2022
    2 replies

  • Feb 2, 2022
    1 reply

    I feel stupid now.

  • Feb 2, 2022

    what about stephen miller, a jewish white supremacist?

  • Feb 2, 2022

    But are you guys white?

    a 100% don’t let em tell u otherwise 😂

  • Feb 2, 2022

    I’d like to know the answer to this as well I never understood how it worked