  • Feb 2, 2022

    So it sounds like you're saying that being Jewish isn't exclusive to a single race or ethnicity, so wouldn't that further reinforce the claim the the holocaust wasn't a "race" issue?

    The Nazi perception of Jews entertained race, thus making it a race issue

  • Feb 2, 2022

    She failed to recognize that what we cede as race did factor in the Holocaust because if you were not an Aryan white person, you were the "Other". The Untermensch. This includes black people, Turkic peoples, etc.

    I need to keep saying this in every thread: race is a societal construct that completely changes on the oppressor's whims. The Nazi's did not see the Jews as white. They did not see Slavic people as white. Why? Because they were not true white. They saw the Han Chinese and Japanese as closer to Aryan blood than the Jews (Ehrenarier).

    Aryan races-often absurdly small numerically-subject foreign peoples, and then, stimulated by the special living conditions of the new territory (fertility, climatic conditions, etc.) and assisted by the multitude of lower-type beings standing at their disposal as helpers, develop the intellectual and organizational capacities dormant within them. Often in a few millenniums or even centuries they create cultures which originally bear all the inner characteristics of their nature, adapted to the above-indicated special qualities of the soil and subjected beings. In the end, however, the conquerors transgress against the principle of blood purity, to which they had first adhered; they begin to mix with the subjugated inhabitants and thus end their own existence; for the fall of man in paradise has always been followed by his expulsion.


    After a thousand years and more, the last visible trace of the former master people is often seen in the lighter skin color which its blood left behind in the subjugated race, and in a petrified culture which it had originally created. For, once the actual and spiritual conqueror lost himself in the blood of the subjected people, the fuel for the torch of human progress was lost! Just as, through the blood of the former masters, the color preserved a feeble gleam in their memory, likewise the night of cultural life is gently illumined by the remaining creations of the former light-bringers. They shine through all the returned barbarism and too often inspire the thoughtless observer of the moment with the opinion that he beholds the picture of the present people before him, whereas he is only gazing into the mirror of the past.

    From Mein Kampf itself. Chapter 11.

    Being Jewish is an ethnicity, dated by ancestry as the religion is borne from the ethnicity itself. But also a religion, as people can convert to Judaism (rarely). But also a culture, as ethnicity and religion go hand-in-hand with tradition, values, etc. It's very hard to typify Judaism and what being a Jew is. She got flamed because she tried to oversimplify what the Holocaust's goals were. It was the utter annihilation and Final Solution of the "Other", birthed by a fundamentally racist ideology.

  • Id personally say a religion and not an ethnicity but its a sensitive subject

  • Feb 2, 2022

    Dr. Yakub here, Them niggas is not with us

  • Feb 2, 2022


  • Feb 2, 2022

    So it sounds like you're saying that being Jewish isn't exclusive to a single race or ethnicity, so wouldn't that further reinforce the claim the the holocaust wasn't a "race" issue?

    well that's up to you and how you wanna define race/ethnicity. if you're asking me, the answer is no. all jews come from israel in some way--i know this is a contentious point, but that's just how most of us see it (and i'm not really gonna argue that point). had we not been targeted, persecuted and displaced throughout history it's likely that your average jewish person is much more recognizable. that's why we the division of sephardic and ashkenazi exists for us.

  • Feb 2, 2022
    KOL Meezy Mestizo

    It's really dependent on whether you mean white as in phenotypically European, or white as in part of a cultural majority,

    this is pretty spot on

  • Feb 2, 2022
    1 reply
    Smacked Voodoo

    Don't think she should've been suspended, as I don't think it was anti-Semetic (you'd know that better than me) or trying to offend. But it was very dumb lmao

    "The Holocaust wasn't about race, it was about man's inhumanity towards man!" Okay, ,man's inhumanity towards man based on...what Whoopi?

    it wasn't real anti-semitism, but it's erasure. it makes it seem like we were targeted for no reason other than hitler wanting to hurt people. that's not true. we were targeted for being jewish--because there was an evil perception of jews as a race

  • Feb 2, 2022
    1 reply

    Truly proves how stupid of a concept race is and how we need to immediately remove concepts of it from our society

    Only causes damage

    I wish we could. It's a social construct that people gave biological meaning.

  • Feb 2, 2022
    2 replies

    I wish we could. It's a social construct that people gave biological meaning.

    Eh, if it’s socially constructed, it can be socially deconstructed

  • Feb 2, 2022

    but as history has progressed we've kinda seen that looking at judaism as a race is more harmful to us than it is empowering. it puts a target on our back for majorities to harm us, so we've just learned that if we could integrate it's easier to do that and maintain a community wherever we integrate. so again--this has more to do with how you define race than anything else (which i think is stupid) but the holocaust was certainly about racism and making jews an inferior "race"

  • Feb 2, 2022
    1 reply

    Jewish means many things. The religion, the culture, and the racial identity. Many times they overlap with each other.

    And Jewish as a race can mean many things, there are ashkenazis, Sephardic, and so on

  • Feb 2, 2022
    1 reply

    Jewish means many things. The religion, the culture, and the racial identity. Many times they overlap with each other.

    And Jewish as a race can mean many things, there are ashkenazis, Sephardic, and so on

    correct on this as well. impressed how many people itt understand this

  • Feb 2, 2022
    3 replies

    scientifically speaking anyone without melonin is white (excluding albino and other conditions) what you choose to adopt and call yourself beyond that fact is another thing

  • Feb 2, 2022

    Eh, if it’s socially constructed, it can be socially deconstructed

    But not without the material conditions that maintain its existence still being in place tho

  • Feb 2, 2022
    1 reply

    But the holocaust is about race. Hitler broke them down into superior (german) and inferior ( jews, gypsies, africans, slavics) races.

    You can break down race by more than just color or ethnicity. You can also break down by physical attributes and social identity, which is what he did.

    The holocaust was a specific goal within fascism, an ideology forged in the aftermath of WWI as Allied powers continued to plunder the Germany economy until an ethno-nationalist project backed by heavy industry rose to power in those terrible conditions. They rose to power on the back of this idea of an internal enemy, but Ukraine had been doing pogroms as well and their genocidal nationalists were split on working with under Germany. Italy defined its fascism as corporate power, and Germany blueprinted privatization of the economy.

    So if you're looking for something distinct about Nazis, it's not they hated and killed Jewish people. It's not that they forged a mythology of their nation for reactionaries to cling to which deemed others unworthy) That was happening all over Europe long before. The Holocaust was just their newly scientific and industrial attempt at it.

  • Feb 2, 2022
    1 reply

    scientifically speaking anyone without melonin is white (excluding albino and other conditions) what you choose to adopt and call yourself beyond that fact is another thing

    White people have melanin, just not as much

  • Feb 2, 2022
    1 reply
    Scratchin Mamba

    White people have melanin, just not as much

    not a significant amount

  • Feb 2, 2022
    2 replies

    Eh, if it’s socially constructed, it can be socially deconstructed

    But that's the problem, it has more meaning than just being a social construct now.

  • Feb 2, 2022
    1 reply

    scientifically speaking anyone without melonin is white (excluding albino and other conditions) what you choose to adopt and call yourself beyond that fact is another thing

    does this make some asians white people to you? race isn't really scientific. it's a social construct we made up to categorize people who come from different places and have different characteristics.

  • Feb 2, 2022
    1 reply

    not a significant amount

    What's the treshold? The qualifications of who is considered white has changes over time and is different depending on where you are. It's a social construct.

  • Feb 2, 2022
    3 replies

    what other religion also doubles as a ethnicity/ race

  • Beast Man

    There are two entities you don't mess with in the entertainment industry. Even if you're accurate in what you're saying.

  • Feb 2, 2022

    But that's the problem, it has more meaning than just being a social construct now.

    Yeah the post that the guy below you is responding to just proved that

  • Feb 2, 2022
    1 reply
    barko milicic

    does this make some asians white people to you? race isn't really scientific. it's a social construct we made up to categorize people who come from different places and have different characteristics.

    i’m not talking about race, i’m talking about melanin. asian people have melanin

    learn more here
