No. It’s not. In normal context. But I understand there are weird grey areas too.
The only time I can partially say yes is if it’s during an exit of an abusive relationship you’re trying to get away from.
If you get cheated on leave the relationship. Cheating back for a “get back” is childish. Especially if you’re at the grown age of 25+.
If your partner isn’t making you happy. Communicate and compromise on what will make you happy or leave.
Most cases, cheating can be 100% avoided if people would just LEAVE when they are unhappy.
There’s no way to rationalize it.
If you cheat purposefully, whether in retaliation or cause you too weak to fight lust, that’s just not good.
Don’t fight fire with fire and don’t hurt someone you say you love. Idk why this concept so hard for people to get.
Break up and go f*** that other person and leave the one you don’t appreciate alone forever
I get it man,
but no reason in the world justifies suicide..
you love her that much try and get her back
or try and find some joy in something else momentarily
you've met maybe 0.00004% of women in the world and you found your wife.
If the unimaginable happens and she breaks your trust..
imagine the woman you can meet by just taking your time, recognizing what you could do better, more experience and knowledge for the next partner..
idk man
you can never invest so much into another HUMAN BEING
you're legit putting your precious life in the hands of an imperfect human being that can make mistakes..
you can never invest so much into another HUMAN BEING
too late and I dont care what you think <3
its the newfound distrust that comes after whats gon kill the relationship rotting it from inside out. once its found out that you have chosen the side of opposition to the relationship a mf can only knowingly sleep w the enemy for so long afterwards.
Bro She can up and leave you any moment
Go find another woman. Gucci said “girls are like buses next 15 one coming”
I will never stress about women. My focus is on other things anyway.
your focus shouldnt be on what other men do with their lives either
you can never invest so much into another HUMAN BEING
too late and I dont care what you think <3
more power to you brother
hope one day you'll come out all of this a wiser man
you can never invest so much into another HUMAN BEING
too late and I dont care what you think <3
These people don't know what love is, their loss
your focus shouldnt be on what other men do with their lives either
isn’t ur entire gimmick of being vegan annoying everyone else to stop eating meat
more power to you brother
hope one day you'll come out all of this a wiser man
and i hope one day you'll shut the f*** up and stop preaching like you know The Way but we cant always get what we want huh
isn’t ur entire gimmick of being vegan annoying everyone else to stop eating meat
rent free
and i hope one day you'll shut the f*** up and stop preaching like you know The Way but we cant always get what we want huh
dude I'm over here just tryna help theres no need to be a d***
you know what
if thats you in your profile pic I can see why you invested your whole LIFE and happiness into one girl cuz u prolly can't get another
have a good day prick
dude I'm over here just tryna help theres no need to be a d***
you know what
if thats you in your profile pic I can see why you invested your whole LIFE and happiness into one girl cuz u prolly can't get another
have a good day prick
begone male
These people don't know what love is, their loss
so Love is investing so much into someone that if they are gone you literally have to kill yourself?
you can keep that type of love my bro
you can't have actual love without self-love and if you willing to pull the trigger cuz your girl broke ur trust then yikess thats cringe
na just break up even in abusive relationships i don't think cheating would help ive never had one but yh seek help from charities/helplines/companies/refugee etc. getting out of the abusive relationship should be a priority not cheating as that could make the abuse worse even potentially lead to the abuser snapping and killing the victim in a rage (heard this scenario happen before 'if i cant have you no one else can' energy)
you can never invest so much into another HUMAN BEING
too late and I dont care what you think <3
Does she feel the same way?
Does she feel the same way?
Yes, I am completely confident she does. I actually have zero concerns that she will ever cheat.
all i kno is that if i found out my wife was cheating on me i would immediately kill myself in a truly spectacular way
I've seen this movie before
Yes, I am completely confident she does. I actually have zero concerns that she will ever cheat.
Ask her,
“Hey if I cheated on you, would you kill yourself?”
It’s best to know, ya know
Ask her,
“Hey if I cheated on you, would you kill yourself?”
It’s best to know, ya know
lol i'll think about it bro