I personally think he is and the only obstacle I could see in his way of being widely regarded as one is volume
he has countless songs that are pretty much flawless from a songwriting perspective, his s*** sounds absolutely timeless and he has plenty of s*** that pushes the envelope in terms of songwriting
im not saying hes like Stevie level but at this point I think he has a very strong argument for being the best songwriter of the 2000s to date and that has to make him one of the best ever
Ngl love you op but this tired ass topic could have been discussed in his official thread
Easily one of my favorite songwriters with the cerebral and tangential/metaphoric language he uses
It’s like skipping a rock effortlessly over a raging ocean
he's a good songwriter but he excels more in being unique sonically and how he conceptualizes bodies of work. frank is def a great singer with a lot of unique music and he's one of my fav modern r&b artists but i wouldnt rank him among the great songwriters just because lyrically he really isnt that great of a writer imo. he's good at conveying emotion more sonically than lyrically
i think a better question is
is he as good a rapper as people say he is
bc he can blend rap and singing like very few can
but idk sometimes his rapping feels a bit undercooked/forced
though his xmas freestyle from 2021 features his best rapping to date imo
Personally, I think he’s an all-time great but I know conversations get divisive when discussing the merit of his lyrics.
i think a better question is
is he as good a rapper as people say he is
bc he can blend rap and singing like very few can
but idk sometimes his rapping feels a bit undercooked/forced
though his xmas freestyle from 2021 features his best rapping to date imo
He raps worse than the worst rapper
he's a good songwriter but he excels more in being unique sonically and how he conceptualizes bodies of work. frank is def a great singer with a lot of unique music and he's one of my fav modern r&b artists but i wouldnt rank him among the great songwriters just because lyrically he really isnt that great of a writer imo. he's good at conveying emotion more sonically than lyrically
This might be a tough question but I’m curious what “good writing” is to you.
I never really think about best songwriters but he one of my fav I guess that’s all I can really say
he's a good songwriter but he excels more in being unique sonically and how he conceptualizes bodies of work. frank is def a great singer with a lot of unique music and he's one of my fav modern r&b artists but i wouldnt rank him among the great songwriters just because lyrically he really isnt that great of a writer imo. he's good at conveying emotion more sonically than lyrically
I really really disagree
Of all the things he’s good at, I think songwriting is his biggest strength
His best songs are covers, the rest is just random word association over evocative production.
its so so subjective. i dont know how to begin to build a case for how well a song is written, or how good someone is at doing it.
its weird to act like he's bad at it tho
it’s a unanimous yes.
when ye, jay, beyoncé, justin timberlake, 3 stacks, kevin parker, james blake hell i can go on all say you’re one of the best, you’re up there with the greats.
don’t let these pretentious nerds talk down frank cuz he isn’t 80yrs old yet
it’s a unanimous yes.
when ye, jay, beyoncé, justin timberlake, 3 stacks, kevin parker, james blake hell i can go on all say you’re one of the best, you’re up there with the greats.
don’t let these pretentious nerds talk down frank cuz he isn’t 80yrs old yet
Half of those people you named don't write they own s***
seems like you only get mentioned amongst the best if you’re writing hits after hits though
jay electricity, a poet with the pen (and discord mod) says he’s inspired by frank that’s all u need to know
This might be a tough question but I’m curious what “good writing” is to you.
OG sun kil moon / red house painters
jason molina
nick cave
leonard cohen
sufjan stevens
marvin gaye
off the top of my head
jay electricity, a poet with the pen (and discord mod) says he’s inspired by frank that’s all u need to know
Another "random word association and hope it sticks" specialist.
Half of those people you named don't write they own s***
is jay and andre not enough?
I really really disagree
Of all the things he’s good at, I think songwriting is his biggest strength
it's just my personal opinion. i think frank is extremely talented but i think he's more talented musically than he is as a writer