I did smile direct club for almost 2K. So glad I did, I get a lot of compliments on my smile
I’m 22 (I know I’m a grown ass dude) but I have a feeling that I’d need braces due to speech impediment, like I almost talk the same way Michael Phelps does (Got narrow smile too)
But looking at the options here is costs AT LEAST $5,000 and apparently the insurance doesn’t cover these type of stuff for adults
I’m thinking about going to place like Turkey or Iran for this type of treatment as it’s much cheaper there but idk if they’ll transfer the maintenance work over to the doctors here in the states
What y’all think?
Yes. Even though I hated that s***. I had messed up teeth man lol. I had braces from the 8th grade to 12th. But it was worth it.
Yeah my bad I read op wrong
S*** good luck bro, update the thread after your appointment
Just visited my doctor this morning and had him look around for any issues thats affecting my speech. He implied that braces are not necessary as my teeth is practically straight and nothing is off about my bite
He is in the middle of referring me to a speech specialist, which they'll go down to the root causes. He also said that my crooked nose which is affecting my breathing could be causing a nasally voice too, as we use our nose to breathe when talking. So I'll look into getting a surgery for that...
I'll just need to convince my parents though, they think its unnecessary for me to get the nose surgery and my mother seems nervous about it...man I got work to do lol
I’m 22 (I know I’m a grown ass dude) but I have a feeling that I’d need braces due to speech impediment, like I almost talk the same way Michael Phelps does (Got narrow smile too)
But looking at the options here is costs AT LEAST $5,000 and apparently the insurance doesn’t cover these type of stuff for adults
I’m thinking about going to place like Turkey or Iran for this type of treatment as it’s much cheaper there but idk if they’ll transfer the maintenance work over to the doctors here in the states
What y’all think?
what are the speech issues if u dont mind and how'd u connect them to ur teeth? like stuttering or something?
i was considering invisalign too and my logic was my teeth are already decent so it shouldnt cost as much as someone with more serious problems would
plus we're already inside mostly these days so having them on wouldnt be an inconvenience
but im pretty sure the price is somewhat regulated where i am so that logic doesnt work and i got told 5500ish so idk if its worth it just to go from good to great
i was considering invisalign too and my logic was my teeth are already decent so it shouldnt cost as much as someone with more serious problems would
plus we're already inside mostly these days so having them on wouldnt be an inconvenience
but im pretty sure the price is somewhat regulated where i am so that logic doesnt work and i got told 5500ish so idk if its worth it just to go from good to great
I was in a similar situation, my teeth were fine but not great and they quoted me 5.5k. Thankfully I have amazing orthodontics coverage at my job so I just had to fork up ~1.3k myself so at this price it was worth it
it's been ~3-4 months and the feeling you get when you see your teeth alligning perfectly is priceless
I’m 22 (I know I’m a grown ass dude) but I have a feeling that I’d need braces due to speech impediment, like I almost talk the same way Michael Phelps does (Got narrow smile too)
But looking at the options here is costs AT LEAST $5,000 and apparently the insurance doesn’t cover these type of stuff for adults
I’m thinking about going to place like Turkey or Iran for this type of treatment as it’s much cheaper there but idk if they’ll transfer the maintenance work over to the doctors here in the states
What y’all think?
Don't go to Iran the Ayatollah will get ya. Go to China. I got a chinese dentist he is a pro.
Just visited my doctor this morning and had him look around for any issues thats affecting my speech. He implied that braces are not necessary as my teeth is practically straight and nothing is off about my bite
He is in the middle of referring me to a speech specialist, which they'll go down to the root causes. He also said that my crooked nose which is affecting my breathing could be causing a nasally voice too, as we use our nose to breathe when talking. So I'll look into getting a surgery for that...
I'll just need to convince my parents though, they think its unnecessary for me to get the nose surgery and my mother seems nervous about it...man I got work to do lol
For nose jobs risk getting caught by the ayatollah and go to Iran. They are pros.
For nose jobs risk getting caught by the ayatollah and go to Iran. They are pros.
Nah I’ll do Em here, chances are my insurance will cover it
what are the speech issues if u dont mind and how'd u connect them to ur teeth? like stuttering or something?
Slight lisp and nasally voice
I did smile direct club for almost 2K. So glad I did, I get a lot of compliments on my smile
Aye y’all.. don’t do shut w/ smile direct club. I’ve heard a lot of bad things about them
Invisalign Is good tho 👌🏿
Aye y’all.. don’t do shut w/ smile direct club. I’ve heard a lot of bad things about them
Invisalign Is good tho 👌🏿
Worked for me
I'm 22 and just started the process
cost me 4k
got my top row put on yesterday (hurting so bad rn)
might have to get a tooth removed before they put my bottom row on
also saw a lot of talk itt about Smile direct club
i went to them first filled the mold and everything, and they came back to me and said they could only fix the top row which is useless to me cos the bottom row is the one that's the worst
yea man