Ye also shat on MBDTF in his Drink Champs appearance. I'm not going to say he's right, but I'm also not going to act like my opinion as a listener holds more weight than the person who actually made the music
Then keep that same energy when Kanye says he’s the best artist of all time
Nigga ur talking about Kanye West lmao
Kanye is a global superstar that is listened to by way more than just suburban white kids. Kendrick is mostly loved by the whites. Nobody else could make it thru that garbage mr morale record
I think there's a difference between influence as emulation and influence as inspiration. Sometimes there's overlap, sometimes there isn't. Like 808s inspired guys like Uzi and Juice but I don't think anyone would say they were trying to emulate it
I don't think this distinction means much. @CloudyDreams was arguing that Monster is better than GKMC, because more people are trying to sound like Future than Kendrick. That's because it's easier to do, whether it's inspiration or emulation
this maybe the silliest argument i seen on this site and that's sayin a ton
Who do you think deserves the Rap Throne?
Not safe at all. Kanye could release nothing but straight ass for the next 20 years and niggas would still be playing catch-up to his discog.
I don't think this distinction means much. @CloudyDreams was arguing that Monster is better than GKMC, because more people are trying to sound like Future than Kendrick. That's because it's easier to do, whether it's inspiration or emulation
It’s not easier to do, his music is just more relatable to the kids tryna become musicians
Kendrick is one of many rappers who tried to sound like Eminem, who is by no means an easy rapper to emulate. Kendrick just isn’t that influential and never will be
Not safe at all. Kanye could release nothing but straight ass for the next 20 years and niggas would still be playing catch-up to his discog.
Donda is one of Kanye’s worst and I’d still take it over any Kendrick album save TPAB
People don’t realize just how clear Ye is ahead of todays Gen
Not safe at all. Kanye could release nothing but straight ass for the next 20 years and niggas would still be playing catch-up to his discog.
Yea most niggas, not Kendrick though
Then keep that same energy when Kanye says he’s the best artist of all time
You're the one sarcastically saying "Rappers have the best music opinions" meaning you shouldn't take their opinions on their own music seriously A "bad opinion" is just one you don't agree with anyway, it's completely subjective
I'm saying the person who should be the biggest Vince Staples fan (Vince himself) wouldn't agree with you saying S06 > GKMC and his subjective opinion holds a lot more weight than your subjective opinion
Not safe at all. Kanye could release nothing but straight ass for the next 20 years and niggas would still be playing catch-up to his discog.
He 11 years in
Yeah the guy that made Mr. Morale is f***ing with the guy that made CD, LR, Graduation, 808’s, MBDTF, YEEZUS, and TLOP back 2 back 😭😭
You're the one sarcastically saying "Rappers have the best music opinions" meaning you shouldn't take their opinions on their own music seriously A "bad opinion" is just one you don't agree with anyway, it's completely subjective
I'm saying the person who should be the biggest Vince Staples fan (Vince himself) wouldn't agree with you saying S06 > GKMC and his subjective opinion holds a lot more weight than your subjective opinion
Ok so the person who should be the biggest Kendrick fan (Kendrick himself) wouldn’t agree with you saying his discog is better than Kanye’s either.
As an Ex Ye stan, I can say maybe.
Ye's first 5 albums are legendary & genre bending.
But he has blemishes in the later half of his discog.
K.Dot has (not only classic albums) but not one bad album in his catalog.
So you can make the argument.
With that said, Kanye may have the worst drop off (as an artist) in music history.
It’s not easier to do, his music is just more relatable to the kids tryna become musicians
Kendrick is one of many rappers who tried to sound like Eminem, who is by no means an easy rapper to emulate. Kendrick just isn’t that influential and never will be
You keep accusing people of defending Kendrick in here of being white suburbans but those "kids tryna become musicians" are exactly who those white suburbans fw because they're the mainstream Uzi, Juice, Yeat, Summrs etc
Searching Sylvan by Quest was heavily inspired by GKMC. Saba, JID. Topaz Jones (who you probably never heard of). That's the type of music where Kendrick's influence is felt
Ok so the person who should be the biggest Kendrick fan (Kendrick himself) wouldn’t agree with you saying his discog is better than Kanye’s either.
I didn't say that at any point ITT because I don't think that
I just disagreed with you saying GKMC is good, not great and OD is unlistenable garbage
As an Ex Ye stan, I can say maybe.
Ye's first 5 albums are legendary & genre bending.
But he has blemishes in the later half of his discog.
K.Dot has (not only classic albums) but not one bad album in his catalog.
So you can make the argument.
With that said, Kanye may have the worst drop off (as an artist) in music history.
He gnna make a comeback i bet. He not done
I don't think this distinction means much. @CloudyDreams was arguing that Monster is better than GKMC, because more people are trying to sound like Future than Kendrick. That's because it's easier to do, whether it's inspiration or emulation
IMO it means something in the sense that influence as inspiration > inspiration as emulation