Try big 4 firm life where leaving at 2am is normal after coming at 8am
Try big 4 firm life where leaving at 2am is normal after coming at 8am
I think its time to admit pay period are idiotic. If you make money it should be yours that day
and would y’all work longer hours...say (10-11 hour days) for a 3-4 day workweek
I think its time to admit pay period are idiotic. If you make money it should be yours that day
There would be no incentive to stay employed, which isn't a bad thing in my opinion but I don't see how things could be stable like that
and would y’all work longer hours...say (10-11 hour days) for a 3-4 day workweek
I say we just barge into the rich peoples houses and tie them to a wooden steak
and would y’all work longer hours...say (10-11 hour days) for a 3-4 day workweek
no that is f***ing stupid. i am not a horse
I say we just barge into the rich peoples houses and tie them to a wooden steak
Whatcha gonna do when rich people dont exist? Or when money devalues because people aint working for it?
idk what that's is
Were talking accounting firms rite
I did intern with EY before in risk advisory though
what are people going to do on a daily basis when automation takes over this whole s***
what are people going to do on a daily basis when automation takes over this whole s***
what are people going to do on a daily basis when automation takes over this whole s***