  • Aug 15, 2021

    Her song that blew up on tiktok is the worst thing I've heard this year no lie

    what makes you say that

  • Aug 15, 2021

    she's gonna take pop music in a great direction, im excited to see it happen

  • Aug 15, 2021
    1 reply
    fashion killa

    @safe @fiveprestos what if we started a music blog lol

    feel like @sentient_sherm_bag and @user would be good additions as well

    I'm w it, I think coalescing a bunch of great ktt music writers would be a good thing. lets get the ball rolling

  • Aug 15, 2021
    1 reply
    Crack Palm Stepper

    I just get turned off by the hive mind s*** and people pushing artists as the “future” or “the best out” I hate hyperboles

    eh I dont think its that unreasonable a take in this situation
    she's growing extremely fast and her music is really unique in the current pop landscape and she's linking w some big names

    I think she's gonna be really big and to me someone who's likely to become a major mainstream artist and has a unique sound is basically the definition of being "the future"

    I dont think its valid to call her the best out yet though she's clearly still developing musically and only has a little string of short singles to go by

  • Aug 15, 2021

    bring back madonna ray of light downtempo beats

  • Aug 15, 2021
    1 reply

    idk if blogs are even still really a thing tbh

    but I will say theres some features on the roadmap for ktt2 to encourage posts like this and potentially to turn into articles and kinda fostering journalism on the site

    that would b sick asf lol

    ngl i just want a place 2 do music reviews and thinkpieces n s*** lol

    and ktt rn isn't always the best place for complex stuff lmao

  • Aug 15, 2021

    She doesn’t miss

    That’s all I know

  • I also hate gatekeeping like play she had DNB influence but you knew about dnb before her so we call out other people for not listening to dnb first I’m like nigga why should this genre be hidden listening to obscure music doesn’t make you different from anyone else who likes music. That’s why we need to normalize putting people onto s*** instead of making things inaccessible that shaming people for being normies is so lame maybe they wouldn’t be normies if ya pride allowed you to introduce people to a whole new lane of music. There’s people who get off to finding unlisted albums on rym no matter how it sounds and won’t even show people like wtf kinda mentality is that. The Internet/music forum can be toxic af

  • Aug 15, 2021
    3 replies

    idk if blogs are even still really a thing tbh

    but I will say theres some features on the roadmap for ktt2 to encourage posts like this and potentially to turn into articles and kinda fostering journalism on the site

    I'd love to use ktt2 as an outlet to exercise my writing skills in an article format. I think that sort of arm to the platform would bring necessary structure to the site and also enable prominent outsiders to engage with us a bit more. Happy to provide more input/feedback where needed on or off the site

  • Aug 15, 2021
    1 reply

    tbh i'm not sure how she's going to structure her full length though

    all of her songs are under/just over 2 mins. passion and the song she just dropped sound like the only fleshed out songs - everything else just sounds like snippets, especially attracted you.

    i think her full length needs to be at least 40 mins. not sure if she's gonna do a bunch of 2 mins songs or do like 10-12 songs and flesh them out hoping for the latter tbh. also hoping for more progression in the songs too

  • Aug 15, 2021

    I'm w it, I think coalescing a bunch of great ktt music writers would be a good thing. lets get the ball rolling

    discord link lol @safe @sentient_sherm_bag @user join if ur down lol

  • Aug 15, 2021
    fashion killa

    that would b sick asf lol

    ngl i just want a place 2 do music reviews and thinkpieces n s*** lol

    and ktt rn isn't always the best place for complex stuff lmao

    yea I agree 100% lol
    we got some ideas that hopefully will start coming into play soonish but if you do have ideas of features and ways to make things better then post them up in the updates thread in help section

  • Aug 15, 2021

    I'd love to use ktt2 as an outlet to exercise my writing skills in an article format. I think that sort of arm to the platform would bring necessary structure to the site and also enable prominent outsiders to engage with us a bit more. Happy to provide more input/feedback where needed on or off the site

    dude imagine how sick it would be to have a ktt to music journalism pipeline (shoutout @YoungNastyShawty )

  • Aug 15, 2021

    I'd love to use ktt2 as an outlet to exercise my writing skills in an article format. I think that sort of arm to the platform would bring necessary structure to the site and also enable prominent outsiders to engage with us a bit more. Happy to provide more input/feedback where needed on or off the site

    definitely post up ideas in the updates thread in help thats super useful to hear your experiences and what would be the best way to implement stuff like this

  • Aug 15, 2021

    Issa no from me

  • Aug 15, 2021
    2 replies

    eh I dont think its that unreasonable a take in this situation
    she's growing extremely fast and her music is really unique in the current pop landscape and she's linking w some big names

    I think she's gonna be really big and to me someone who's likely to become a major mainstream artist and has a unique sound is basically the definition of being "the future"

    I dont think its valid to call her the best out yet though she's clearly still developing musically and only has a little string of short singles to go by

    I see what ur saying but it’s just the “THE future” thing that throws me off because who’s to say she’s the only one pushing boundaries it could thousands of artist behind her who’s experimental but have mainstream appeal. I just don’t like putting all that on one person you know leads to people having a savior mindset it’s just doing too much

  • Aug 15, 2021

    pink pantheress and vegyn sounds like a match made in heaven

  • Aug 15, 2021
    Crack Palm Stepper

    I see what ur saying but it’s just the “THE future” thing that throws me off because who’s to say she’s the only one pushing boundaries it could thousands of artist behind her who’s experimental but have mainstream appeal. I just don’t like putting all that on one person you know leads to people having a savior mindset it’s just doing too much

    thats fair

  • Aug 15, 2021
    1 reply

    @Killa_K @safe I'm going to join the discord and post some stuff in the help thread respectively either tomorrow or in the coming days

  • Aug 15, 2021

    I think of her more of a songwriter and what she was saying on Just for me was insane

  • Aug 15, 2021
    1 reply

    Yeea I mean there’s no harm in it and maybe because I’m also 19 and used to make music before I got depressed so part of me feels like it’s unfair lol but things like this also gets people attention it’s just annoying.

  • Aug 15, 2021

    @Killa_K @safe I'm going to join the discord and post some stuff in the help thread respectively either tomorrow or in the coming days

    fye lol

    just @ me if the discord link isn't working btw

  • Aug 15, 2021
    1 reply

    I'm just hearing her music for the first time. "Break it off" been on repeat for 15 minutes