I'm just hearing her music for the first time. "Break it off" been on repeat for 15 minutes
amazing song
I was gonna make thread about it, it’s been weighing on my mind a lot I lost so many opportunities when my life spiraled I just didn’t think I was talented enough or I happened to get lucky one time also being surrounded by a bunch friends who were making great music Intimidated me I felt like there was no purpose making music felt like a chore because I was trying to keep up with my peers and apart of that broke me and at one point I just stopped listening to music all together
I'd love to use ktt2 as an outlet to exercise my writing skills in an article format. I think that sort of arm to the platform would bring necessary structure to the site and also enable prominent outsiders to engage with us a bit more. Happy to provide more input/feedback where needed on or off the site
that sounds great but you should also consider getting an avy my man
that sounds great but you should also consider getting an avy my man
thought about it, thought against it
thought about it, thought against it
Yea because I just wanted to make people feel joy to an extent and music was an outlet for it but at the same time I wasn’t feeling it and now I’m scared at even returning to making it because I fear I’ve regressed and having being alongside art that’s so much better maan it’s tough lol. I do love seeing everyone else come up tho especially here just bittersweet for me
I like that she hops on garage too
!https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=sv2Uu7NOPngThey deserve more flowers man what a group
@safe @fiveprestos what if we started a music blog lol
feel like @sentient_sherm_bag and @user would be good additions as well
bro let me design a 3D mascot or throw me a podcast bone or something or I’ll od on fomo
bro let me design a 3D mascot or throw me a podcast bone or something or I’ll od on fomo
join tha discord b ;)
id love 2 have u onboard
its insecure to let a corny fanbase affect your enjoyment of music you think is good
@fiveprestos been spitting recently
you've got 24 year olds on this very website praising any 16 year old that knows how to pitch shift vocals
I've only heard some of her stuff a few times so i can't really comment on it but.
I hate when artists release only 2 minute songs,usually means they cant carry an album at all so im not inclined to listen