  • Oct 29, 2020
    1 reply

    North Korea is another atheist state that has multiple human rights abuses. Human nature is the problem, not religion.

  • Oct 29, 2020

    I'd say historically positive because despite the conflicts it has caused it basically created the moral framework for all of mankind. However, in 2020 it's obsolete.

  • Oct 29, 2020

    I mean the passage with Jesus turning water to wine when you look at it from a metaphorical sense is one of the most uplifting things to a nigga that grew up not having s*** my g.

  • Oct 29, 2020
    Piano Mane

    as far as religion. If religion never existed then it would be something else that niggas would hate niggas for my g.

    twitter was trending years ago for light skins versus dark skins. niggas was literally dissing each other over what shade of black you was.

    Niggas fight and kill each other over literal concrete and streets that are literally blocks away from each other.

    It's not religion that's the problem as much as it is the society around it 'nahmean?

    I'd say valuing faith over reason is just one of the dangerous errors of judgment.. of course you also have racism, idol worship, tribalism, list goes on. Just saying "religion" casts a very wide net. I personally would prefer society to be rooted in humanism rather than religion

  • Oct 29, 2020
    Piano Mane



    like for reals, yall gonna namedrop china more times than Drake subs Pusha my g.

    It’s the first atheist state that came to mind

  • Oct 29, 2020
    1 reply

  • Oct 29, 2020

  • RASIE 🦦
    Oct 29, 2020

    Religion is what you make of it. Organized religion is historically trash af tho

  • Oct 29, 2020
    1 reply
    Smacked Voodoo


  • Oct 29, 2020

  • Oct 29, 2020

    I've been trying to decipher what this means but I'm gonna go ahead and say yes

    i mean God got mad at Moses' people cause them niggas was starving and asking why you bring trouble to these people my g

  • Oct 29, 2020

    Negative. True we would probably find something else to hate each other over, but we're talking about what it is in our reality

    Also I'm not sure if people would feel so entitled and justified in their hate, without their taught religion to hide behind.

    I'm at the point where I see faith and religion in two completely different lights. I think faith is good. But shouldnt be restricted and weaponized like it has been

  • Oct 29, 2020
    2 replies

    humans need faith, unless you think the degeneracy of the modern world you see around you is a good thing. we are all in a fallen state and the order of religion (whichever one) is much needed to keep a man virtuous and living a good life. tribal warfare is something that is natural and so is compromise. some people just cant go without violence so those should be separated.

    even today's liberalism is a religion and the priests are "science," corporations and the media dolling out their virtuosities of making women wage slaves so it's harder for them to start families and continuing to import people who can't even understand each other, causing unneeded strife and subjugating it's people, the media telling you who it's pharisees are(you can guess). obviously only 1 religion is right. you will find out at the end of your life

  • Oct 29, 2020

    if you look at it from a metaphorical sense, God's emotions from his kindness to the way he got so pissed off at how niggas was acting he literally killed the whole world (of course noah had the free nigga pass)

    just kinda sums up the spectrum of good and evil in every one of us. Every nigga got the potential to be the nicest mother teresa ass person but we also got the potential to singlehandedly ruin hundred of lives with one gun in a rage.

    religion can be beautiful my g.

  • Tadow 🥀
    Oct 29, 2020

    humans need faith, unless you think the degeneracy of the modern world you see around you is a good thing. we are all in a fallen state and the order of religion (whichever one) is much needed to keep a man virtuous and living a good life. tribal warfare is something that is natural and so is compromise. some people just cant go without violence so those should be separated.

    even today's liberalism is a religion and the priests are "science," corporations and the media dolling out their virtuosities of making women wage slaves so it's harder for them to start families and continuing to import people who can't even understand each other, causing unneeded strife and subjugating it's people, the media telling you who it's pharisees are(you can guess). obviously only 1 religion is right. you will find out at the end of your life

  • Oct 29, 2020
    1 reply

    North Korea is another atheist state that has multiple human rights abuses. Human nature is the problem, not religion.

    But once again atheism is not a foundation or an institution. It doesn't have a broad of a scope as to explain the world and how we function within it like religion does. So no, atheism is nothing but a statement on faith... North Korea's regime isn't defined by its atheism but by its distilled spin on Marxism..

  • Oct 29, 2020



  • Oct 29, 2020
    2 replies
    · edited

    But once again atheism is not a foundation or an institution. It doesn't have a broad of a scope as to explain the world and how we function within it like religion does. So no, atheism is nothing but a statement on faith... North Korea's regime isn't defined by its atheism but by its distilled spin on Marxism..

    Exactly, my point is if there are multiple countries that don’t have the influence of religion whatsoever and still commit human rights abuses, it likely means that oppression and division is simply human nature.

  • CKL TML 🌺
    Oct 29, 2020

    Exactly, my point is if there are multiple countries that don’t have the influence of religion whatsoever and still commit human rights abuses, it likely means that oppression and division is simply human nature.


  • safe 🪩
    Oct 29, 2020
    1 reply

    Religion isn't the problem, its broad systems of power with no accountability and insane sway over their "citizens". Religion is just beliefs, but organized religon is unchecked systems of oppression.

    Damn this is such a strong post

  • Oct 29, 2020

    Exactly, my point is if there are multiple countries that don’t have the influence of religion whatsoever and still commit human rights abuses, it likely means that oppression and division is simply human nature.

    Yea I kinda read your original post in a dumb way.. Sorry...

  • Oct 29, 2020

    Damn this is such a strong post

    he spazzed fr

  • Oct 29, 2020
    1 reply

    humans need faith, unless you think the degeneracy of the modern world you see around you is a good thing. we are all in a fallen state and the order of religion (whichever one) is much needed to keep a man virtuous and living a good life. tribal warfare is something that is natural and so is compromise. some people just cant go without violence so those should be separated.

    even today's liberalism is a religion and the priests are "science," corporations and the media dolling out their virtuosities of making women wage slaves so it's harder for them to start families and continuing to import people who can't even understand each other, causing unneeded strife and subjugating it's people, the media telling you who it's pharisees are(you can guess). obviously only 1 religion is right. you will find out at the end of your life

    weird point to make when objectively society was way more degenerate when religious belief was at its most widespread