@voodoo akhi increase the font size of the Qurâan in your book list in OP. Add Sahih Bukhari and Muslim too.
Have you read the story of Prophet Lut alayhi salÄm and the fate of those who practiced homosexuality as well as those who had no problem with it like his wife?
Yes, if they are committing sodomy, the punishment is clear.
Mods ban this man, whatâs wrong with you?
You have issues with forbidding and punishment for acts of homosexuality? Itâs clearly forbidden in the Qurâan and Sunnah as i showed above
answer the question. I didnât âtry to justifyâ anything. The punishments for heretics is clear
al-Tirmidhi (1456), Abu Dawood (4462)and Ibn Maajah (2561) narrated that Ibn âAbbaas (may Allaah be pleased with him) said: The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: âWhoever you find doing the action of the people of Loot, execute the one who does it and the one to whom it is done.â. Classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in Saheeh al-Tirmidhi
answer the question. I didnât âtry to justifyâ anything. The punishments for heretics is clear
SubhanâAllah brother, Allah is the only judge in this life.
Islam is a peaceful religion. Letâs say a fellow KTT member wants to join and sees some of the posts in this thread and turns away. Even if it may be a discussion of time, itâs important we use different terminology in our discussions to help others understand, not fear.
SubhanâAllah brother, Allah is the only judge in this life.
not at all true. This isnât the religion of Tupac where âonly god can judgeâ
Allah azza wajaal is indeed the judge of all things that arenât apparent, but what we as believers are shown is what we judge by.
Letâs look at the Quran and Sunnah
Islam is a peaceful religion. Letâs say a fellow KTT member wants to join and sees some of the posts in this thread and turns away. Even if it may be a discussion of time, itâs important we use different terminology in our discussions to help others understand, not fear.
Islam is the religion of haqq and âadl, not peace.
Have you read the story of Prophet Lut alayhi salÄm and the fate of those who practiced homosexuality as well as those who had no problem with it like his wife?
Yes, if they are committing sodomy, the punishment is clear.
Yes, I'm well aware of that story.
Wallahi if youâre denying the Qurâan and Sunnah youâre a kafir till you make taubah
Crazy how mods let this fascist rhetoric slide, but give out bans for the most stupid reasons.