This is why muslims sre persecuted all over the world
bring your daleel bro? why are you coping through nonsensical statements
This is why muslims sre persecuted all over the world
What are you even saying?
bring your daleel bro? why are you coping through nonsensical statements
There’s nothing for me to say, we’ll never come to an agreement
Man said Muslims are being persecuted because they’re following the Qur’an and Sunnah as if this was not already for seen in the Sunnah ðŸ˜
There’s nothing for me to say, we’ll never come to an agreement
Of course, because you’re taking the side of social trends while i’m bringing directly from the Kalam. May Allah guide you back to Islam amīn
Of course, because you’re taking the side of social trends while i’m bringing directly from the Kalam. May Allah guide you back to Islam amīn
What trends, taking life has been taboo all throughout history
What trends, taking life has been taboo all throughout history
you’re wrong again.
@travis_bickle you speak/understand arabic?
you’re wrong again.
Do you condemn the man that killed the french teacher?
Do you condemn the man that killed the french teacher?
yes, because it was an act of vigilantism, and for no other reason.
Do you condemn the man that killed the french teacher?
was gonna ask this
yes, because it was an act of vigilantism, and for no other reason.
i get by, why
Watch this when you can
hence the reason i condemn the act, off the note of it being vigilantism and not a proper punishment via al Shar
Watch this when you can
i agree with him
France has jailed and punished people who denied the holocaust or reviled their nation and flag.
I love the Prophet more than my mother and all rightly guided Muslims do. Such statements made by the kuffar will face instances of retaliation
So many non Muslims coming in this thread like we care what they think LMAO
You can find other self hating Muslims to twerk for you elsewhere
This is why muslims sre persecuted all over the world
ktt user travis bickle talking on a internet thread justifies the genocide of Rohingya peoples and putting Uighur Muslims in concentration camps?