i agree, most Shia are stuck in jahiliyah. Nonetheless, the Ismailis and Rafidah are flat out kufr if practicing. The rest of the sects have basically gone extinct or are running on political differences rather than theological ones.
But as soon as they revile the Sahabi and Wives of the Prophet peace be upon him, they fall into a different story...
Lmao the ayatollahs banned it in Iran 😭 as if those state organized mutah parties give them the time to enforce such things
in shaa allah the fall of Qom is coming soon.
Thread used to be goat
Just people sharing stories, struggles and stuff
Since this travis bickle guy signed up idk wtf he's on
Wanna just start a new one?
Lmao the ayatollahs banned it in Iran 😭 as if those state organized mutah parties give them the time to enforce such things
in shaa allah the fall of Qom is coming soon.
you ashari/maturidi or neither?
you ashari/maturidi or neither?
He's probably athari considering he's salafi. You?
Wanna just start a new one?
You want to create a whole new thread because you can't see eye to eye on certain matters?
You want to create a whole new thread because you can't see eye to eye on certain matters?
These are some serious matters though
He's probably athari considering he's salafi. You?
yeah probs. ashari myself, you?
it’s the choice of aql vs naql, w the latter schools of aqeedah (Ashariyyah/Maturidiyyah) placing aql before the Kalām.
yeah probs. ashari myself, you?
Ashari. Makes more sense to me in the 21st century. Also some of my fav scholars are ashari so i decided to ascribe to that methodology.
Salam brothers I didn’t know this was a thread
walaikum assalam wa rahmatullah