  • bejewelry šŸ©ø
    Jul 9, 2022

    Eid Mubarak fam

  • Jul 9, 2022

    Eid Mubarak

  • Jul 9, 2022

    Eid Mubarak

  • Jul 18, 2022
    4 replies

    Sorry if this is a dumb question but is music considered haram?

  • bejewelry šŸ©ø
    Jul 18, 2022

    Sorry if this is a dumb question but is music considered haram?

    It is

  • Jul 18, 2022

    Sorry if this is a dumb question but is music considered haram?

    Ikhtilaf fam. Thereā€™s debate over it. Some say halal as long the content not promoting haram, some say donā€™t matter what the content is - if thereā€™s musical instruments itā€™s haram no matter what. It might be more of a sin for the person that makes music than the person that listens to it.

    I think as long as you donā€™t indulge in it and donā€™t let it get in the way of your prayers or fasting youā€™re good but Iā€™m not 100% sure. Better to be safe than sorry at the end of the day. Definitely continue doing research, speak to the sheikhs at your local mosques etc;

  • commonwrongdoer

    Sorry if this is a dumb question but is music considered haram?

    depends on the subject and the instruments used

    but u can pretty much say most if not all of western music is haram

    the only thing definitely allowed are voices and the daff (like a tambourine) as long as the subject matter isnt haram

  • CKL TML šŸŒŗ
    Jul 18, 2022

    Sorry if this is a dumb question but is music considered haram?

    Yeah because it can control our emotions from what I know. Someone correct me if Im wrong pls

  • Oct 8, 2022
    1 reply

    Salam y'all.

    Recently I've gotten a reminder about intoxicants (in my case weed), which I kinda justified as something that helps with my depression and anxiety, which I does, but I also recognize that it's not the end all to be all/I often struggle to do salat, yet I can easily smoke weed all day if I wanted to, so I know that's something I need to give up.

    I just wanted to post in here because I wanted to just check in/put myself out there to have some of my KTT brothers who are Muslim to reach out to. I am doing this to try to get closer to Allah and while I'm certain I can do it, I'm also kinda scared to actually face my emotions not stoned 24/7.

  • Oct 8, 2022
    1 reply
    kenni nixon

    Salam y'all.

    Recently I've gotten a reminder about intoxicants (in my case weed), which I kinda justified as something that helps with my depression and anxiety, which I does, but I also recognize that it's not the end all to be all/I often struggle to do salat, yet I can easily smoke weed all day if I wanted to, so I know that's something I need to give up.

    I just wanted to post in here because I wanted to just check in/put myself out there to have some of my KTT brothers who are Muslim to reach out to. I am doing this to try to get closer to Allah and while I'm certain I can do it, I'm also kinda scared to actually face my emotions not stoned 24/7.

    walaikomsalaam brother

    i also used to smoke alot. stopping can be very hard, but all i can tell you to is to try. choose your deen over your dunya and Allah will bless you.

    and also repent. and after repenting (actually meaning the repentance and stopping it) you can be assured Allah will forgive you since he is the most merciful and forgiving :)

    remember this hadith:

    By Him in Whose Hand is my life, if you were not to commit sin, Allah would sweep you out of existence and He would replace (you by) those people who would commit sin and seek forgiveness from Allah, and He would have pardoned them.

    sinning is part of being a human, repentance is where we (can) differ.

  • Oct 13, 2022

    Switched to the Haleem translation recently. It's much better than the Sahih International translation, at least for reading. It flows way better.

    To those who can read arabic - does the actual Quran flow well? It sounds like it does

  • Oct 13, 2022
    1 reply

    Not gonna lie, I am been getting pushed spiritually in this direction lately and Iā€™m not sure how to feel being raised a Christian.

    Any converts from Christianity in here?

  • Oct 14, 2022
    1 reply

    Not gonna lie, I am been getting pushed spiritually in this direction lately and Iā€™m not sure how to feel being raised a Christian.

    Any converts from Christianity in here?

    Assalamalaikum my brother, I was raised Christian but converted last year, if you got any questions just let me know big dog! :)

  • Oct 14, 2022
    1 reply

    walaikomsalaam brother

    i also used to smoke alot. stopping can be very hard, but all i can tell you to is to try. choose your deen over your dunya and Allah will bless you.

    and also repent. and after repenting (actually meaning the repentance and stopping it) you can be assured Allah will forgive you since he is the most merciful and forgiving :)

    remember this hadith:

    By Him in Whose Hand is my life, if you were not to commit sin, Allah would sweep you out of existence and He would replace (you by) those people who would commit sin and seek forgiveness from Allah, and He would have pardoned them.

    sinning is part of being a human, repentance is where we (can) differ.

    Inshallah, my stash is gonna run out today, so I think imma start.

    I've been getting up early to actually do Fajr lately which has been nice though still a long ways to go.

  • kenni nixon

    Inshallah, my stash is gonna run out today, so I think imma start.

    I've been getting up early to actually do Fajr lately which has been nice though still a long ways to go.

    Masha Allah

    If you keep it Deen Over Dunya 100% all the time Allah will reward you never ending stash in Jannah plus more

    I recommend daily reciting of Surah An-Naba with Tajweed after Fajr to remind yourself of what awaits you in Jannah if you keep it Deen over Dunya 100% all the time

    Indeed, the righteous will have salvation,
    Gardens, vineyards,
    and full-breasted maidens of equal age,
    and full cups of pure wine,

  • Oct 26, 2022
    1 reply
    kenni nixon

    Assalamalaikum my brother, I was raised Christian but converted last year, if you got any questions just let me know big dog! :)

    Gonna visit the local mosque this weekend and speak to someone. God is def dealing with me in a way Iā€™ve never experienced and it just feels right.

  • Oct 26, 2022
    1 reply

    Gonna visit the local mosque this weekend and speak to someone. God is def dealing with me in a way Iā€™ve never experienced and it just feels right.

    Salam bro hope everythingā€™s good with you Let us know how your visit to the mosque goes! Like the bro Laissez if you have any questions Iā€™d be glad to help too

  • Oct 26, 2022
    2 replies

    Salam bro hope everythingā€™s good with you Let us know how your visit to the mosque goes! Like the bro Laissez if you have any questions Iā€™d be glad to help too

    Which Quran app can I download to start reading?

  • Oct 26, 2022
    1 reply

    Which Quran app can I download to start reading?

    I use this one! Great interface and has a variety of translations (default is good enough tho) you can use

    If you want a physical book tho def cop the Oxford/Haleem translation. The whole book is structured in paragraphs making it much more accessible for newcomers with an easy to read translation. I bought it earlier this year to help me get back into the religion and I canā€™t recommend it enough!

  • Himothee

    I use this one! Great interface and has a variety of translations (default is good enough tho) you can use

    If you want a physical book tho def cop the Oxford/Haleem translation. The whole book is structured in paragraphs making it much more accessible for newcomers with an easy to read translation. I bought it earlier this year to help me get back into the religion and I canā€™t recommend it enough!

    Thanks bro.

  • NeonNigga23 ā™»ļø
    Oct 26, 2022

    Which Quran app can I download to start reading?

    QuranMajeed is the one I use it has translations, prayer times, and dua

  • Oct 28, 2022
    4 replies

    My first time going to a mosque on Saturday and im a little nervous, canā€™t lie. Do I just walk in and tell them I want to learn more bout Islam or what?

    Is there specific person I need to talk to? Do I need to wear something specific?

  • ruckus āŒ€
    Oct 28, 2022
    Ā· edited

    My first time going to a mosque on Saturday and im a little nervous, canā€™t lie. Do I just walk in and tell them I want to learn more bout Islam or what?

    Is there specific person I need to talk to? Do I need to wear something specific?

    I dont follow islam but I can tell you, you'll be welcomed with open arms

    chill fam

  • Oct 28, 2022
    Ā· edited

    My first time going to a mosque on Saturday and im a little nervous, canā€™t lie. Do I just walk in and tell them I want to learn more bout Islam or what?

    Is there specific person I need to talk to? Do I need to wear something specific?

    not muslim either LOL

    but my experiences going to mosques is generally wearing modest clothing--eg no short skirts/shorts
    certain mosques dont allow non muslims but a lot do, so id look up the mosque for their policies on everything
