  • ice cold

    90% of gamblers give up right before a big win just to s*** on gambling without realizing how close they were to becoming a millionaire. my advice is KEEP GAMBLING

  • WRU fuk em up

    if youre reading this and you have access to money, even if its risky or not yours: do NOT stop gambling under ANY circumstances. ask your wife if she can sell her cooch on the streets, drop a cinder block on your ankle and get that insurance money but do. not. stop. you can sneak into your friends apartment under some excuse like your house burned down and run out with a tv just need to be quick enough. it'll be so worth it bro

  • I was walking around the city the other day and had a radicalizing realization that every single ad was for either weed or gambling lmfao. No wonder we’re a declining society

  • free Porter

  • dam porter