  • May 19, 2020
    1 reply

    What the f*** happenend in this chapter

  • May 19, 2020
    1 reply

    What the f*** happenend in this chapter

    jobin got clapped

  • May 19, 2020
    1 reply

    jobin got clapped

    do you think he is dead?

  • May 19, 2020

    Did you perhaps… Come here… Intending to ‘Pursue’ me? I see… So you are pursuing me… I understand. So then, the lid of this jar, have you tried opening it? What I’m saying is… Simply looking at that jar from the outside, you wouldn’t know for certain that what’s inside it is a ‘Fruit’, no…? Isn’t that right? Though it certainly seems to be fragments of ‘Something’… But looking from the outside, those may be potato fragments… or perhaps onion fragments… it may not look like an onion… but that definitely looks like it could be a large mushroom! How can you be so definitive in saying that what’s inside that jar is a ‘Fruit’? I’m explaining the fact that you ‘Opened’ the jar. Because you received that package, you opened the lid with your hands, you ‘Smelled’ it. And it’s because it gave off the sweet and sour scent of a ‘Fruit’… that you came into this room thinking it was a ‘Fruit’. You got all excited thinking ‘I’ve got an exclusive scoop here’, didn’t you? And then… you perhaps got some fruit juice from the lid stuck to your finger. Just a little of it. Or perhaps you were careless and licked that finger. If fate were particularly unlucky, there’s a rather good chance that when you were putting the lid back on, some fruit juice seeped into a small cut on your skin or your fingernail.

  • May 19, 2020

    Stone Ocean when

  • May 22, 2020
    1 reply

    do you think he is dead?


    I knew Yasuho's ex was shady

  • May 22, 2020
    1 reply
    Julio Caesar


    I knew Yasuho's ex was shady

    seems like one soul two body's situation

  • May 22, 2020
    1 reply

    seems like one soul two body's situation

    yup and he’s using the music to switch between the two or something? Chapter gave us some answers but created a lot more questions, as per usual with a Jojolion chapter lmao.

  • May 22, 2020

    yup and he’s using the music to switch between the two or something? Chapter gave us some answers but created a lot more questions, as per usual with a Jojolion chapter lmao.

    Didnt consider the music part tbh. Good catch

  • May 22, 2020
    1 reply

    haha yeah but where the F*** is stone ocean ?

  • May 23, 2020
    2 replies
    Luciano Schwartz

    haha yeah but where the F*** is stone ocean ?

    DP f***ed us

  • LOVE

    DP f***ed us

    We got dp'ed by dp

  • May 23, 2020
    Luciano Schwartz

    Just saw this article probably cap


  • Nayuta 🐯
    May 24, 2020
    1 reply

    Finished Part 7 and my final verdict is Part 6 was better

    Was an enjoyable read nonetheless

  • May 24, 2020
    1 reply

    I gotta finish reading the Jojoline arc (stone Ocean I think?)

  • May 24, 2020
    1 reply

    I gotta finish reading the Jojoline arc (stone Ocean I think?)

    Jolyne* , and yeah Stone Ocean is Part 6. Jojolion is the title for Part 8. Enjoy fam

  • May 24, 2020
    1 reply

    oh s***, the first two seasons are on netflix ?

    bought to start watching this show for the first show

  • May 24, 2020

    oh s***, the first two seasons are on netflix ?

    bought to start watching this show for the first show

    The first 3 parts are yeah, you’re about to feast

  • May 24, 2020

    Jolyne* , and yeah Stone Ocean is Part 6. Jojolion is the title for Part 8. Enjoy fam

    Ohh ok I knew it was something like that. I think I’m like halfway through. Haven’t sat down to read more in a couple months but I’m getting back to it today

  • May 24, 2020
    1 reply

    Finished Part 7 and my final verdict is Part 6 was better

    Was an enjoyable read nonetheless

    everybody stays s***ting on Stone Ocean and praising the f*** out of Steel Ball Run, so this is a refreshing opinion

  • Nayuta 🐯
    May 24, 2020
    2 replies

    everybody stays s***ting on Stone Ocean and praising the f*** out of Steel Ball Run, so this is a refreshing opinion

    For me SBR has the better characters overall, but the story and what goes on in 6 just takes the cake for me

    Plus I wasn't really a fan of SBR's villian, was pretty indifferent on him, and the ending felt a bit lackluster to me.

    As for the stands and fights I guess I'd say SBR has the edge there, but the story that's told is what matters the most ultimately for me

    I guess the grand scale of how crazy s\*\*\* got with Part 6 weighs in it's favor more for me personally because I wasn't expecting s\*\*\* to go down and end the way it did. I also felt like Funny going and bringing alt Dio in as like his last hope for his wishes and him being zarudo stand dio was just some ass pull fanservicey s\*\*\*. Just felt all too coincidental to me.

  • May 24, 2020

    For me SBR has the better characters overall, but the story and what goes on in 6 just takes the cake for me

    Plus I wasn't really a fan of SBR's villian, was pretty indifferent on him, and the ending felt a bit lackluster to me.

    As for the stands and fights I guess I'd say SBR has the edge there, but the story that's told is what matters the most ultimately for me

    I guess the grand scale of how crazy s\*\*\* got with Part 6 weighs in it's favor more for me personally because I wasn't expecting s\*\*\* to go down and end the way it did. I also felt like Funny going and bringing alt Dio in as like his last hope for his wishes and him being zarudo stand dio was just some ass pull fanservicey s\*\*\*. Just felt all too coincidental to me.

    haven’t read Steel Ball Run yet but i’ma be thinking about this post when i start it

    the better fights aspect is awesome tho cuz some of the Stone Ocean fights were weak as f*** lmao
